What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 11

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I'm putting it out there as a sporting interest:

You' re very interested in this, on an obsessive level. The tester is more important to you than anything else. You put the tester first. The tester is your goal. You don't even notice the falsity of that "goal."

I don't need it at all. And don't push this obsession of yours on everyone.


The very formulation of this question - "What needs to be done to get everyone to finally move to MT5? (gathering opinions)" - implies that you, Petya, want to destroy MT4.

It's interesting to know, what is it about MT4 that bothers you, Petya?

Well, the way the question is posed implies the answer: "shoot them all!"

You, Petya, are a radical extremist, and you're not asking these questions to gather opinions, but to clear the field, to possibly and desirably provide a living space for your "core-engine" thing, which needs MT5, while you dislike MT4 prevalence and want to get rid of it by any means, including dirty ones, like this "opinion gathering".

Олег avtomat:

The very formulation of this question - "What needs to be done to get everyone to finally move to MT5? (gathering opinions)" - implies that you, Petya, want to destroy MT4.

It's interesting to know, what is it about MT4 that bothers you, Petya?

Well, the way the question is posed implies the answer: "shoot them all!"

You, Petya, are a radical extremist, and you're not asking these questions to gather opinions, but to clear the field, to possibly provide you with a living space for your "core-engine" concoction, which needs MT5, while you dislike MT4 so much that you want to get rid of it by all means, including dirty ones, like this "opinions gathering".

Automatic, don't worry. It's all an empty shake of the air, like - Sunday evening. As long as there is demand, there will be supply. Profits from MT4 sales MK will not lose). And Peter, yes, a maniac.))

Yuriy Asaulenko:

The machine, don't worry. It's all an empty shake of the air, like a Sunday afternoon. As long as there is demand, there will be supply. Profits from MT4 sales will not be lost by MK). And Peter, yes, a maniac)).

Of course he is. But Petya is not just a maniac, but a maniac armed with dirty technology. And that makes him many times more dangerous to society.

Олег avtomat:

Of course, a maniac. But Petya is not just a maniac, he is a maniac armed with dirty technology. And that makes him many times more dangerous to society.

Where did you see technology there?

Artyom Trishkin:

Where did you see technology there?

Not in the 'core-engine', but in this 'opinion poll'.

Artyom Trishkin:

Where did you see technology there?

Ask yourself these questions: What difference does it make to him as an MT5 user if MT4 exists or not? Why does he, as an MT5 user, care if MT4 exists? Why did he start this "opinion gathering"?

Олег avtomat:

Ask yourself these questions: What difference does it make to him as an MT5 user if MT4 exists or not? Why does he, as an MT5 user, care if MT4 exists? Why is he starting this "opinion gathering"?

He is just a MT4 user.

Artyom Trishkin:

He is just an MT4 user.

In that case, why and why does he want MT4 destroyed?

Олег avtomat:

In that case, why and why does he wish to destroy MT4?

Good question, right on target)

Artyom will now call Pyotr and ask him and then answer you =)