My approach. The core is the engine. - page 111

And wouldn't you believe it, everyone who came into this thread and encouraged you to continue this work was only doing so to keep you further in this hole and not give them any real competition.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Peter, what is the point of your defensive stance? As if anyone is stopping you from continuing to suffer from phishing. Some people here are trying to open your eyes a little bit to reality. You've been playing around for three years, you've lost touch with it (reality). What you are doing is of no use to anyone.

Do you speak for the whole planet?)) Do you realise how narrow your horizons are? Probably not.

Unless you show an intelligence that impresses me, I won't listen to you. Sorry...))

Dmitry Fedoseev:
And would you believe it, everyone who came into this thread and encouraged you to keep this up was only doing so that you would continue to be in this hole and not give them any real competition.

I'm going to cry.... From laughter)))))

Реter Konow:

Are you speaking for the whole planet?)) Do you realise how narrow your horizons are? Probably not.

Unless you show an intelligence that impresses me, I won't listen to you. Sorry...))

О! Here's another one... horizons. Get out of the trolling style of 10 years ago.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

О! Here's more - horizons. Come on out of the trolling style from 10 years ago.

You're really entertaining me.))

Реter Konow:

You really amuse me)))

Let's talk more about your flexibility of thought and high learning ability, which you have no equal in. And more about your phenomenal memory - three years of fiddling with one job and thinking you're a megamemory carrier. It's not a megamemory, it's a megamazole in your brain.

I advise you to stop, after all, it's the anniversary page: 111

Petros Shatakhtsyan:
I advise you to stop, after all, the anniversary page: 111

There's a man here with an unstable mood. Must be the weather. One minute he's sane and reasonable, the next he's a ridiculous troll. I don't even know how to react. Probably better not.))


Isn't there a conspiracy of "losers" going on here? )) Maybe they want me to join their ranks.)

But like they say, "better to die trying to make it than to be a loser and drink.))

Just kidding. :)

Winter. Frost. The sparrow, having wasted its strength,
The sparrow, stiffened, fell down.
A cow walked by and dropped a pancake.
A warm pancake fell on the sparrow.

"And the sparrow, a little warmed up and dazed with happiness...
(Even though he's covered in shit, he's still alive!)
And once more feeling that life is beautiful,
A young sparrow chirped.

But somewhere nearby a kitty didn't doze off
And with a soft paw and sharp claws
He took the sparrow out of the shit
And ate it right away. With all its guts.

Where's the moral? - There are three morals:
Not everyone is an enemy who shits on you;
Not everyone is a friend who's not afraid of feces,
Who will pull you out of it;
And the third is a tribute to the wilderness:
If you're in the shit, sit back and don't chirp.