The programmer gave me an order and then put it up for sale - page 7

Maxim Kuznetsov:

....There are adjustments to the assignment, with changes in prices and conditions... :-) Although this does not apply to the tasks of the freelance framework simply in terms of scale.

And of course the programmer has no right to make tabs restricting the customer. On completion the code is handed over without any bullshit, in between demos/betas can contain time constraints, but that too should be warned about, just decently.

The bookmarks in general are behind any facets.

PS/ Only the one who paid the money has the right to sell, the one who hired. That's the basis of the market.
Even being a programmer and being on the other side of the barricades :-)

If the code is transferred, the question disappears.

It's like with the bolt in France. And as with the guy who bought the future MICROSOFT for 50k.

The message above.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

If the code is transmitted, the question goes away.

It's like the bolt in France. And like the guy who bought the future of MICROSOFT for 50k.

The message above.

The future of MICROSOFT was not about a specific code which was paid for by a specific guy (I hope :) )

I had to 1) figure out WHAT to order 2) WHEN to order it 3) WHERE to put it afterwards. And somewhere in between all that, there was a guy with a paid job.

PS/ The story with Melkosoft and Digital Research is not very clear, but the guy who provided the code was not involved. All the links were sorted out as far as I understand :)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

The future of MICROSOFT was not about a specific code that a specific guy got paid (hopefully :) )

The future of MICROSOFT was not about a specific code which a certain guy was paid for (I hope :) ). And somewhere in between all that, there was a guy with a paid job.

PS/ The story with Melkosoft and Digital Research is not very clear, but the guy who provided the code was not involved. All the links were sorted out as far as I understand :)

Well, clearly, it's a figure of speech. Not literally.

BILL simply didn't have time to write from scratch.

He really paid for it.

The first thing to look at here is the value of the product that the programmer has put on the market.

If the profit from selling the product is $10 a year. What is there to discuss?

Otherwise, when the product is promoted, you can ask for a share or write to the service desk.

I have a more interesting question. Sometimes it happens that the customer changes his mind to pay while you are doing the job.

For example, I have been doing one owl for over a week that uses a large set of candlestick patterns, about 30 of them.

The customer was supposed to pay me $200 for this job. During the process, he changed the ToR several times.

The code turned out to be big because all these types of patterns were enumerated + additional complicated logic for opening and closing,

loops, arrays, etc. As a result, the Expert Advisor was of course not very fast tested in the strategy tester.

The client demanded to increase the testing speed, so I did. He did not like it again.

He demands to add or change something for free again. The work turns out to be endless - new changes, additions, then testing, then again additions .....

Then one word after another, he refuses to do it. Most likely he just felt sorry for the money, because he thought that by investing $200 he would immediately get a million.

After all, agree that initially no one knows whether the owl will be profitable or not, but you have to pay for the work of the programmer.

Here are some clients change their minds, and open arbitrage in the hope of getting their money back.

What do they care? They lose, they only lose money they would have had to pay for the work anyway. They can still get a bad review.

Well, they will delete their account in this case and open a new one. A programmer works all the time, their reputation is very important, otherwise you won't get the job.

In short, as a result, I'm left with an owl, which I did more than a week, I get no payment for my work.

It was agreed that we will close the job after completion so as not to get involved with arbitrage, it is optimal.To the developer, the less arbitrage, the better.

The idea to write the owl belongs to the client, but he didn't pay for the work. Can I put this owl on the market? Who thinks so?

P.S. I do not put the work of my clients on the market, although there are a lot of interesting work.


You yourself (ALL) have fed your customers "sweet" dumping prices of $30.

Now every customer thinks that for $30 they will get a grail and talk to them on Skype for a week to clarify their position in life.

In the pursuit of the number of completed orders - they have lost their price and created a hope for each client that he or she can write any Expert Advisor for USD 30.

+ We have given him or her an open source code and the copyright on this code for 30 dollars.

The Customer has created the idea and the Developer has created the code.

Now each Client "swings" his rights on the code and any Expert Advisor in the Market is causing him Aggravation. That it is his idea. Although 90% of the ideas were created 10-20 years ago.

It is clear that ideas and code cannot be displayed in the Market or for sale elsewhere without the customer's consent.

And copyright is assigned from the moment the idea appears on paper and in the public domain or on the internet.

Using unique search engine text as an example. You've written an article - and all the text is assigned to your site. If someone copies this text, the search engine indexes you, not the plagiarized text.

But changing the article is already indexed in a new way - a rewrite!

@Fedor Arkhipov у Вас более 500++ заказов. Неужели Вы доверяете всем заказчикам вслепую? Закрывать работу без арбитража? Арбитраж на то и арбитраж! 

Trusting someone else is not loving yourself.

Even if you have known the customer for 10 years.

I've noticed that the customer gets on you..... if you don't do what he wants.

As soon as you get in trouble or get sick YOU become the enemy and threatening letters come in the mail. Even though you haven't promised anything.

But when a customer disappears for six months with no explanation, and then later requires you to write another order - you have to obey him (this is the customer's opinion)

Verbal or written agreement - you have done what was required of you.

Freelancing is a great way to make a contract between a client and a doer.

Without a freelance platform, it's 100 times harder to work on the side.


The dumping comes from the fact that there are few customers. The law of supply and demand is working. At the same time, as you probably know, there are no freelance programmers here from the USA or Germany.

They are not interested in $30 or $50 or $100 as remuneration. And there are programmers from Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Egypt. The standard of living in these countries is different.

That is why there is dumping. I did not do freelancing five years ago, what was the point, if I was getting a good salary at work? And now the rouble has depreciated, it has become profitable to work here.

And arbitrage, it's not that simple. When you search for a new order, it sees how many arbitrations the performer has. Would you yourself like a performer with 100 arbitrations?

This is why you have to adjust to the reality. It is easier to lose time and money and work with normal people.
Fedor Arkhipov:

Dumping is because there aren't enough customers. The law of supply and demand works. At the same time, as you probably know, there are no programmers from the U.S. and Germany on the freelance market.

They are not interested in $30 or $50 or $100 as remuneration. And there are programmers from Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Egypt. The standard of living in these countries is different.

That is why there is dumping here, too. I did not do freelancing five years ago, what was the point if I was getting a normal salary at work? And now the rouble has depreciated, it has become profitable to work here.

And arbitrage, it's not all that simple.

For them $100 is also money.

Why do our cars cost the same +- ? Let them pay 10 times more. They have higher wages, don't they?

Dumping exists because there are many sellers who lost their weighted prices in the pursuit of ranking and quantity.

A-let me write you for 30, let others write for 200, and I'm for 30.

Have you fed the customers? Be happy...

Those customers who appreciate your work, will not say "cheaper" even if you tell them "1000" minimum.


Well, we don't have a cartel of performers here. Whoever wants to work for as much as they want.

Many foreigners, by the way, will choke on $5 (from my experience).

In the past the minimum price for a job was $10. And there were programmers who wrote EAs for $10.

Although, the others usually asked $20 for the simplest EA.

Despite the fact that they live in the USA, Germany and England, where the average salary is $3000-5000, and the average programmer's salary is $10000-20000.

Fedor Arkhipov:

Well, we don't have a cartel of performers here. Whoever wants as much as he wants works for as much as he wants.

Many foreigners, by the way, would choke for $5 (from my experience). Despite the fact that they live in the USA, Germany and England, where the average salary is $3,000-5,000.


"Us" has a generous soul.

If there's $20, we'll give you $20. If we have 100, we'll give them 100.

and "they" have 20, they'll give 1, they have 100, they'll give 1.


Have you ever wondered why everyone in Europe drives a small car, while "ours" drive an LC and a Tahoe?

I don't care if it costs 25 litres! I want to drive bigger and look BIGGER! X6 on credit? No problem. And it's OK that they do not have enough money for maintenance.

They don't care. They do not show their money and they do not have a habit of "showing" who is cooler.

And for some reason, "our" IT companies sign contracts with "foreign" customers.


Well, not everyone drives. They go to freelance, look at the average price of a job, and then put theirs up for $30.

And in other fields, on other freelance sites as well. I am also engaged in the automation of productions.

How do you like the offer of one foreigner to write a program for automating a factory for $200? A shop!? It's not like writing an owl in a week.

There are people working there, there could be fatal accidents. I deleted myself from that site after that offer.

that only dickheads would offer such serious work for pennies on the freelance market. And there such work was a dime a dozen.

I mean ACS, SCADA-systems and industrial controllers programming.

What do you think?

The idea to write the owl belongs to the client, but he did not pay for the work. Can I put this owl on the market?