How much money can you make? - page 4

Олег avtomat:

Let the starting balance be $10. If you regularly make 5% every working day, then

in 1 month (20 days), the balance will be $27

in 6 months (120 p.days) balance will be $3,489.

in 12 months (240 p.days) balance will be $1217396

But"this is very little...)")


Oleg, you are arguing with believers again. Believers do not count, they just BELIEVE ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Oleg, you are arguing with believers again. Believers don't count, they just BELIEVE ))

I'm not arguing, Lyosha. I am strengthening them in their faith! ;)))

May be of use to anyone
Сложный процент
Сложный процент
Сложные проценты – начисление процентов в банковском депозите, при котором по окончании каждого периода начисленные проценты становятся основной суммой. Таким образом, в следующем периоде проценты...
Олег avtomat:

Let the starting balance be $10. If you regularly make 5% every working day, then

in 1 month (20 days), the balance will be $27

in 6 months (120 p.days) balance will be $3,489.

in 12 months (240 p.days) balance will be $1217396

But"this is very little...)"


Of course it's not enough, for 1217396$ you can hardly buy anything these days))))


Since when? It's always been the other way round.

It's never been the other way round, how do you know that? Have you ever opened a stock? Russian or American stocks, for example. For paper, 30% is nothing, or even 50%. Currencies do not move that much, currencies of normal countries. Crypto is the most volatile right now, Alexei wrote it correctly, but it is not a currency.

Олег avtomat:

I'm not arguing, Lyosha. I'm strengthening their faith! ;)))

By fire and sword? In the Middle Ages Europeans burned a lot of beautiful women, now there are few beautiful women on the streets, not like here or in Ukraine)). Just do not fight with girls.


Of course it's not much, for $1217396 you can hardly buy anything these days))))

Come on, you can have a good drink!


Of course not much, for $1217396 you can hardly buy anything these days)))

Enough for a helicopter.
Maxim Romanov:

I've never done that, how do you know that? Have you ever opened a stock? Russian or American stocks, for example. For paper, a 30% move is a no-brainer, or even 50%. Currencies do not move that much, currencies of normal countries. Crypto is the most volatile now, Alexei wrote it correctly, but it is not a currency.

I was once specifically interested in the returns and conditions on the commodity, stock and currency markets. I gave preference to the currency one. I don't want to get into crypto at all!