I am disappointed in the FOREX market :.( - page 15

Alexey Volchanskiy:

and where's the blog?

I'm just kidding. I thought everyone knew Kondakov.

he's a high-profile trader. "head trader at mmcis" who later turned out to be a teammate of the founder, and the company closed down with the clients' money.
I'm just kidding. I thought everyone knew kondakov.

I didn't.
but everyone does know herczyk. )))))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Never heard of him.
but herczyk really is known to everyone )))))

By the way, what do you think of Gerchik? Your opinion of him and his system?

Sergey Savinkin:

By the way, what do you think of Gerchik? What is your opinion of him and his system?

Here's one about Herczyk.

And here.


You can make money from teaching. You could be an investor. Or you can just use your ego to show how cool I am. It's the latter category I'm interested in. Such a category exists in poker, in sports betting, in trading on the real exchange. Then it must exist in Forex market as well, unless, of course, they earn 0.0000000001% from participants on a permanent basis.

here's the stock exchange

on forex, I don't know.

There are many forex bloggers. but they are hardly successful.

I don't know on forex.

dickfix earned like a million, what's next I don't know, it's been a couple of years for me

Igor Makanu:

dickfix has made like a million, what's next I don't know, I've had a couple of years out of it

so on the balance sheet. his equities chart was closed.

You can make a million on your balance sheet, and the amount of open trades you have at that point will be minus a million.
So on the balance sheet. His equity chart was closed.

You can make a million on your balance sheet, but the amount of open trades you have at that moment is minus a million.

He was profitable, I do not know what to do next.

SZS: I remember writing it somewhere here and I'll repeat it again: I've seen a phrase from one of the great teachers: you can't take money from the market, you can only borrow money from it for a while - maybe it's true ;)

Igor Makanu:
I saw a great teacher say: you can't take money from the market, you can only borrow money from it for a while - maybe that's true ;)

probably herczyk)))


probably herczyk ))))

i doubt it, Gerchik has been a showman all his life, i never studied him, once i started watching his video lectures about 7-8 years ago, but when i saw that his training is the same as the trading strategies freely available (finger trading on history, which fits the beautiful trading - here we open and here we profit...) - i forgot about this character