I am disappointed in the FOREX market :.( - page 10

Alexandr Saprykin:

Is there one? That is the question.

There is. What's more, there are still instincts living in us from distant ancestors, when there were no human beings yet. They live in the depths of the brain, deep beneath the subcortex that we think.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes, we do. What's more, there are still instincts living in us from distant ancestors, when there were no human beings yet. They live in the depths of the brain, deep below the subcortex that we think.

Subconscious, subconscious, conscious...

I was afraid of the dark sometimes in my very, very distant childhood - it was my distant, distant ancestors' fault...

Alexandr Saprykin:

Subconsciousness, subconsciousness, awareness...

I was afraid of the dark sometimes in my very, very distant childhood - it was my distant, distant ancestors' fault...

That's right, we let the women go ahead just because of the ancestors' memory. Let her enter the cave first, in case there is a tiger there

Konstantin Nikitin:

That's right, and we only let women through because of ancestral memory. Let her go into the cave first, in case there's a tiger

Ahahahaha...I thought we let them in because we open the door for them, but it turns out that's what))

Alexandr Saprykin:

Ahahahahaha...I thought we let them in because we open the door, but there you go...)

And to top it off...

-Afondi. Why do you chase your wife ahead of you? It's written in the Koran that the woman has to walk behind.

-Eh... When they wrote the Koran, they didn't put mines...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

There is an opinion that our behaviour is 90% subconsciously determined.

There is an opinion that we do not decide anything at all, but only observe what happens
Maxim Romanov:
There is an opinion that we do not decide anything at all, but only watch what happens

Yes, but not everyone is like that, only those who just watch the price on the chart going back and forth and think nothing of it :)

Maxim Romanov:
There is an opinion that we do not decide anything at all, but only observe what happens

A speculator, in Latin, is an observer.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Yes, but not everyone is like that, only those who just watch the price on the chart going back and forth and don't think anything through :)

I usually watch, why not do something, there's a robot doing everything)

Aleksandr Petrunin:
What should I do :.
You may use grids without increasing the lot, with a minimum lot on the daily and hourly flat and you'll be happy) no indicators, just watch the price, so that it fluctuates in place.
Remember everyone has to lose - use that as a guide.
Also, watch the weekly candlestick if it's down - trade only Sell nets. And vice versa.
Do not listen to this message and do not believe anyone else.
Always withdraw Profit until it is +200% of Depa on the bank account.
The rest - 99% - bullshit, 0.5% - bullshit sivovogo horse)