what happened to the forum? - page 4


OK, I think I'm going to reopen a learning thread of sorts today. Although I'm guessing it's gonna get all hysterical and shit like last time.

Well, I'll pass, then, the way the hobbit dies.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

OK, I think I'm going to reopen a learning thread of sorts today. Although I'm guessing it's gonna get all hysterical and shit like last time.

Well, I'll pass, then, the way the hobbit dies.

If no one's gonna pay for it, don't open it. It won't work.)

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

If no one will pay for it, there's no need to open it. It won't work. :)

Of course no one will here ))) It's like a social experiment - how much the number of Mr on the forum has increased in half a year)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

OK, I think I'm going to reopen a learning thread of sorts today. Although I'm guessing it's gonna get all hysterical and shit like last time.

Well, I'll pass, then, the way the beanpole dies.

There's plenty of training threads here on the forum and online.

If you want a lively thread, you either have to write what people are interested in or know-how.

people are interested now, as always in order nets.... - if you have strength, make an object-oriented grid as an option.

Well, about Know-How - alas, as many examples in history, no one has ever understood or supported the innovators, imho, but the thread will be lively ;)

Igor Makanu:

There are plenty of tutorials here on the forum and on the web, whoever needs them will find them.

if you want a lively thread, you may either write something people are interested in or the Know-How

people are interested now, as always in order nets.... - if you have strength, make an object-oriented grid as an option.

Well, about the Know-How - alas, as many examples in history, no one has ever understood or supported the innovators, imho, but the thread will be lively ;)

I'm currently leading a thread on PLO grid, but in another place, people are sane there )). It's a pity, you cannot copy and paste here as the content must be unique.

Can write an article though...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I'm currently running a thread on OOP grids, but elsewhere, people are sane there )) Too bad, you can't copy-paste here, the content must be unique.

Can write an article though...

I'm interested in OOP - I restored my forgotten knowledge with MT4, started MT5 and stumbled - I cannot initialize structure array with constructor in class... I need some practice

Igor Makanu:

let me see, another place, I have an interest in OOP - MT4 restored forgotten knowledge, started MT5, stumbled at once - could not initialize structure array with constructor in class... I need some practice

I advise to see OOP in C++, it is very close, in mql5 everything is much easier.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

OK, I think I'm going to reopen a learning thread of sorts today. Although I'm guessing it's gonna get all hysterical and shit like last time.

Well, I'll pass, then, the way the beanpole dies.

Alexei, you're wrong.

Although, even there, as I see it, a complete lull as compared to what it was five years ago.

For a tutorial thread, you need people who are willing to learn. There aren't many of them at the moment.

But, I do not see a problem here - you open this thread simply to combine business with pleasure - to teach someone something new, and at the same time to amuse your self-esteem. That's fine. And a lot of opponents of OOP - well, how do you expect? Wherever there's a lot to understand, there will be opponents who will say "we've never been to Tahiti, we're well fed here".

Georgiy Merts:

Alexei, you're wrong.

People everywhere are about the same, it's just that this forum is much less popular than the institute one. Although, even there, as I see it, there is a complete lull compared to what it was five years ago.

For a tutorial thread, you need people who are willing to learn. And there's not a lot of them right now.

But, I do not see a problem here - you open this thread simply to combine business with pleasure - to teach someone something new, and at the same time amuse your self-esteem. That's fine. And a lot of opponents of OOP - well, how do you expect? Wherever there's a lot to understand, there will be opponents who will say "we've never been to Tahiti, we're well fed here".

I have already been dissuaded by the authorities here )) and the point - will go on holiday, a branch to suck

I'd rather make some money, got a little tipsy yesterday under the drink ))).


again, to do anything serious here, we need to technically change the forum

where's that winter thread? ah ***himself knows, you could certainly take the time and dig in the sump, but why?