what happened to the forum? - page 2

Nikolay Gaylis:

Everyone has their "best"

Of course we do. It's all very subjective.
But objectively, it's that the forum is getting boring and sluggish.
That's what Alexei pointed out.

Nikolai Semko:

Of course. It's all very subjective.
But objectively, it's that the forum is becoming boring and sluggish.
That's what Alexei pointed out.

So Alexei doesn't rock. "Replicoids" don't call. That's why it's boring)
Dmitriy Skub:
So Alexei doesn't rock."Replicoids" doesn't call them. That's boring)

He called them something else.)

Nikolai Semko:

Of course. It's all very subjective.
But objectively it's that the forum is getting boring and sluggish.
That's what Alexei pointed out.

what we fought for, we got what we got!

You wanted order and stability - you got it.

Perfect stability is only in the cemetery, in real life

Passions rage, arguments, shouting, insults are the order of the day,

That's how truth is born, in agony.

That's what I wrote, and I would not even be surprised if I got banned, though, is that what for?

Yeah, and "chicks used to be younger"

It has become so uninteresting to hang out here.

The messages are glitchy. The block with favourite topics is displayed incorrectly. On my phone on android the site through my favorite browser has stopped working at all. I have to use another one or not to open the site at all through the phone. I can't find anything in the Market and CodeBase - the search is inconvenient, everything is piled into one pile. Today I came across a thread where they advertise the local calendar, but I use a site where it's much better. And no matter how I tried to configure news selection here I haven't seen all the necessary information. VPS (of this site) has left only negative impressions.

So far, I have only used it: I have monitored my accounts in my personal signals, which is convenient and displays correctly. If they don't "improve" it.

And here's the unnecessary IMPOSSIBLE advertising at the bottom of these lines. Did I come here to promote a mobile app?

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Oksana Berenko:

VPS has left only negative impressions - used for half a year.

Google is a help. Very good VPS, and live Windows - put and run whatever you want.

And not only Google - plenty of VPNs, and inexpensive.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Google it. A very good VPS, and live Windows - put and run whatever you want.

It's not just Google, there's plenty of VPS for cheap.

What does Google have to do with it? I have described the resources of this site, what I like and what I do not like.

I even made a note: "VPS of the site" - for those who do not understand

Oksana Berenko:

What does Google have to do with it? I described the resources of this site - what I like and what I don't like.

I even made a note: "VPS of this site" - for those who don't understand

Oh, sorry. I-I didn't know you didn't need VPS.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you didn't need the UPU.

Once again, my message was about this site, about its resources. If you are wondering whether I have found a UPU I am happy with, I have found one, I have been using it for a long time.

I was even curious - out of all my long comments about messages, favorite themes, site on your phone, market and kodobase, news calendar, UPU, monitoring, obtrusive advertising in comments - you were fascinated by the UPU. It was the UPU that got your attention....