Working together - page 3


Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The point of the team is precisely to accelerate the research work, not to divide the responsibility and the profits.

That's a very good point. The only thing is that this requires a team of like-minded people. Where to find such people?)


Good afternoon!!!

I propose to gather a group of interested people to work together on EAs in Moscow. The group invites everyone who wants to work in a team. Particular requirements for the time being there is no. If you have a desire to write.

Join the League Trading Systems.

In a week or two I'll finish upgrading my computer equipment and deal with urgent matters - and then I'll start posting experts for reoptimization again.

If you are not only a "commander", but also have something to suggest about the selection of TS (out of already created, debugged, and working on the demo) for deployment in live trading - then I'm ready to listen to you carefully, and probably follow your instructions.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Has anyone here, apart from me, worked in programming teams at all, even if not in trading? Very few, I think.

Yes, I worked in one company that wrote software for the USA. But I can't say that it was as gloomy as you described.

Tasks were set, an approximate programme of stages was written, and there wasn't that much coordination.

The problem, indeed, is that most people want a clear frontline with a clear result in the form of payment. And all such "team-building activities" tend to be set up with very vague work plans and even more vague payment perspectives.

My TC league, for example, has only been seriously supported by Alexei and one other member of another forum. Although, many have been interested. But - all want nothing less than the Grail, and otherwise - no one wants anything. That participant, as I have already said - having received three SLs - said that he would not continue. So notice, the front of the TC League work is perfectly clear. And the "bonus" - also perfectly clear. And yet - I have such a "weak" response.

And such "commanders" - are dreamers who believe that they just "combine" "professional traders who can not program" with "professional programmers who do not know how to trade", and on it - get a lot of profits, and if something fails - no problem, it will not invest the "commander", but the "participants" ...

Georgiy Merts:

Yes, I used to work for a company that wrote software for the USA. But I would not say that it was as gloomy as you described.

Tasks were set, an approximate programme of stages was written, and there was not that much coordination.

The problem, indeed, is that most people want a clear frontline with a clear result in the form of payment. And all such "team-building activities" tend to be set up with very vague work plans and even more vague payment perspectives.

My TC league, for example, has only been seriously supported by Alexei and one other member of another forum. Although, many have been interested. But - all want nothing less than the Grail, and otherwise - no one wants anything. That participant, as I have already said - having received three SLs - said that he would not continue. So notice the frontline of the TC League work - perfectly clear. And the "bonus" - also perfectly clear. And yet - I have such a "weak" response.

And such "commanders" - are dreamers, who believe that they just "bring together" "professional traders who do not know how to program" with "professional programmers who do not know how to trade", and on that - make a lot of profit, and if something fails - no problem, it will not be invested in the "commander", but the "participants" ...

The main idea is that any project must have a project manager, otherwise there will be chaos. And if you work in a firm for a salary, his opinion is decisive.

And here you get a kind of Soldiers' Committee, like in the First World War, when officers were removed from command. An unruly crowd will never decide anything.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

How do you upload to the server? What if I mess up someone else's stuff, and moments like this happen all the time.

It must have been so long ago that there were no version control systems yet...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The main idea is that any project must have a project manager, otherwise there will be chaos.

Well, the author of the thread is putting himself forward as a " project manager".

However, people are not in a great hurry to join his team.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And here you get some sort of Soldiers' Committee, like in WWI, when officers were removed from command. An unruly crowd will never decide anything.

Come on, you're just being creepy... There have always been voluntary interest groups or extracurricular activities... Sometimes interesting decisions have been made...

Keep it simple...

Serqey Nikitin:

Come on, you're being creepy... There have always been voluntary interest groups or extracurricular activities... Sometimes interesting solutions have emerged...

Keep it simple...

Ok, let's keep it simple )) If you like the idea so much, organize such a club or project or something and run it. I even promise to sign up ))

Georgiy Merts:

Well, there you go - the author of the thread is targeting himself as a "project manager".

True, something people are in no hurry to join his team.

So he has long since left, there was only 1 message. Now perhaps Nikitin will take over )).

Alexey Volchanskiy:

OK, let's keep it simple )) If you like the idea so much, start such a circle or project or something and run it. I even promise to sign up.)

I'm not interested in "circle" babblers ... But from the sane 2-3 traders, I would not mind ...

A proposal for a joint venture