Talking about the PLO in the lounge - page 4

Dennis Kirichenko:

Good point. It would be nice if the arguments were backed up by code rather than just blah, blah, blah.

Backing it up.

Here is my CMyObject class:

#include <Object.mqh>

// Перечисление, в котором должны указываться все объекты, которые могут быть пронаследованны от моего объекта
enum EMyObjectTypes
   MOT_BASE_OBJECT                              =  0001,          // Просто CObject - фактически, никогда не должен использоваться.
   MOT_STRUCT_WRAPPER                           =  0002,          // Неинициализированный CStructWrapper
   MOT_PRICE_POINT                              =  0003,          // Класс CPricePoint   
   MOT_PRICEIDX_POINT                           =  0004,          // Класс CPriceIdxPoint  
   MOT_WPRICEIDX_POINT                          =  0005,          // Класс CWPriceIdxPoint  
   MOT_WAVE_TRIANGLE_DATA                       =  0006,          // Класс CWaveTriangleData
   MOT_WAVE_TRIANGLE                            =  0007,          // Класс CWaveTriangle
   MOT_TRADERESULT_I                            =  0008,          // Класс CTradeResultI
   MOT_TRADERESULT                              =  0009,          // Класс CTradeResult

   // Тут еще куча типов объектов - для каждого класса, свой ID
   MOT_UNKNOWN                                  = -0001           // Неинициализированный объект.


Класс СMyObject - потомок от СObject, несет функциональность именования.


class CMyObject: public CObject
   EMyObjectTypes m_motType;
   int            m_iUDCreationValue;  // Значение, определяемое пользователем при создании объекта. Предназначено для идентификации отдельных экземпляров объекта.  
   void SetMyObjectType(EMyObjectTypes motType) { m_motType = motType; };  

   // Функции вывода на печать параметров. 
   void _PrintStringParameter(string strParameterName,string strParameterValue) { Print("Object ID: " + IntegerToString(GetType()) + "; " + strParameterName + " = " + strParameterValue + "; String."); };
   void _PrintDoubleParameter(string strParameterName,double dParameterValue,int iDigits = 8) { Print("Object ID: " + IntegerToString(GetType()) + "; " + strParameterName + " = " + DoubleToString(dParameterValue,iDigits) + "; Double"); };
   void _PrintIntegerParameter(string strParameterName,long lParameterValue) {  Print("Object ID: " + IntegerToString(GetType()) + "; " + strParameterName + " = " + IntegerToString(lParameterValue) + "; Integer"); };
   void _PrintBoolParameter(string strParameterName,bool bParameterValue) { if(bParameterValue) Print("Object ID: " + IntegerToString(GetType()) + "; " + strParameterName + " = True; Bool"); else Print("Object ID: " + IntegerToString(GetType()) + "; " + strParameterName + " = False; Bool"); };
   CMyObject(int iUDCreationValue = WRONG_VALUE) { m_iUDCreationValue = iUDCreationValue;  m_motType = MOT_UNKNOWN;  };
   EMyObjectTypes GetType() const { return(m_motType);    };
   bool CheckType(EMyObjectTypes motType) { return(m_motType == motType); }; 
   int GetUDCreationValue() { return(m_iUDCreationValue); };
   void SetUDCreationValue(int iValue) { m_iUDCreationValue = iValue; };


CMyObject* _PerformObjectConvertWithCheck(CMyObject* pmoObject,EMyObjectTypes motType)
   ASSERT_MYPOINTER(pmoObject);                    // проверим указатель
   ASSERT(pmoObject.CheckType(motType) == true);   // проверим внутренний ID типа объекта

#define  CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK(objFrom,typeTo,checkType) ((typeTo*)_PerformObjectConvertWithCheck(objFrom,checkType))


#define  CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK(objFrom,typeTo,checkType) ((typeTo*)objFrom)


The CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK macro is also defined at the end, which for the DEBUG version performs an additional pointer conversion check based on object type

George Merts:

Backing it up.

Here is my CMyObject class:

The CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK macro is also defined at the end, which, for the DEBUG version, performs an additional pointer conversion check based on object type

It's beautiful. Of course, it's a matter of taste. But, based on MQL syntax, I would write it like this:

   OBJECT_TYPES_BASE_OBJECT                              =  0001,          // Просто CObject - фактически, никогда не должен использоваться.
   OBJECT_TYPES_STRUCT_WRAPPER                           =  0002,          // Неинициализированный CStructWrapper
   OBJECT_TYPES_PRICE_POINT                              =  0003,          // Класс CPricePoint   
   OBJECT_TYPES_PRICEIDX_POINT                           =  0004,          // Класс CPriceIdxPoint  
   OBJECT_TYPES_WPRICEIDX_POINT                          =  0005,          // Класс CWPriceIdxPoint  
   OBJECT_TYPES_WAVE_TRIANGLE_DATA                       =  0006,          // Класс CWaveTriangleData
   OBJECT_TYPES_WAVE_TRIANGLE                            =  0007,          // Класс CWaveTriangle
   OBJECT_TYPES_TRADERESULT_I                            =  0008,          // Класс CTradeResultI
   OBJECT_TYPES_TRADERESULT                              =  0009,          // Класс CTradeResult

   // Тут еще куча типов объектов - для каждого класса, свой ID
   OBJECT_TYPES_UNKNOWN                                  = -0001           // Неинициализированный объект.
Dennis Kirichenko:

It's beautiful. Of course, it's a matter of taste. But, based on MQL syntax, I would write it this way:

Yes, that's right.

But, this is my senile "programming style" (hello, Volchansky with his recent thread).

I have all enumerations - begin with E, and then with "hump" notation - name. And the types themselves in enumeration begin with an abbreviation (up to four letters) of enumeration type.

Accordingly, since the enumeration is EMyObjectType, all values begin with MOT_


Are you an idiot? )) I haven't said one bad word about F#. Learn to read and understand what you're told before posting your stupid comments.

If you compare OOP with FP, it's more sensible to compare it with a pure FP language, i.e. Haskel. F# is already so-so, while python and R are not at all. That's what I mean. Otherwise we may come to a point where C++ is also an FP language.

You are an illiterate troll. For the record, all the languages listed are functional in one way or another. Go and learn the subject area. The question was asked to understand what frame of referenceAndrei may be practicing one of the FP languages, so the listing was very general.

George Merts:

What's that supposed to mean?

What should be in the "base object" according to you?

Personally I have almost ALL objects in all my projects - inherited from CMyObject: public CObject, (in my object two more fields are added - class name and instance ID), and repeatedly found that I need CObject::Compare() functionality very much. A couple of times list pointers also came in handy.

CObject has one goal - to provide type control. And it manages it shakily. Methods like Next(), Prev(), etc. are for very specialized collections. They do not belong to CObject. The same relates to the Save and Load methods. It would be nice not to have Comparer in it either, but this is the only solution without interfaces.

As for the Type() method, it doesn't provide strict typing, because it returns the usual number. You may see on the example of your own code. You define a new GetType() method that returns the type as an enumeration. There really is no other way, I do it myself. That's why the standard CObject has to be appended to it, and it is incorrect.


Let's continue on CObject::Compare().

I have such object CFactoryBalanceResultSeries - it is a series with balance results with reference to the Expert Advisor's factory object. Actually it is a balance curve on history with reference to the Expert Advisor that has traded it.

So, I have a script where I compare these very balance series.

As long as there are only two series it's easy to compare them. But when there are dozens of them - you cannot compare by eye, you need a more formal comparison.

And just for automation of this process - I had to write a function that sorts these very series. And here it was useful, because CFactoryBalanceResultSeries class is an heir of CObject with its comparison function. If we override this function, we have a ready possibility of sorting series.

This is how this function looks like in my case:

int CFactoryBalanceResultSeries::Compare(const CObject *poNode,const int iMode) const
   CFactoryBalanceResultSeries* pfdsAnother = CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK(poNode,CFactoryBalanceResultSeries,MOT_FACTORYBALANCERES_SERIES);
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_A:    return(_CompareByPartOfMaxDDWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_D:    return(_CompareByPartOfMaxDDWith(pfdsAnother,false));

      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_A: return(_CompareByPartOfMaxSLQueueWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_D: return(_CompareByPartOfMaxSLQueueWith(pfdsAnother,false));

      case FSM_BY_LAST_PRCDATA_A:      return(_CompareByLastPrcdataWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_LAST_PRCDATA_D:      return(_CompareByLastPrcdataWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_LAST_MNYDATA_A:      return(_CompareByLastMnydataWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_LAST_MNYDATA_D:      return(_CompareByLastMnydataWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_LAST_MNYLOTDATA_A:   return(_CompareByLastMnylotdataWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_LAST_MNYLOTDATA_D:   return(_CompareByLastMnylotdataWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_PRCYEARRECOVERY_A:   return(_CompareByYearPrcrecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PRCYEARRECOVERY_D:   return(_CompareByYearPrcrecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_MNYYEARRECOVERY_A:   return(_CompareByMnyYearRecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_MNYYEARRECOVERY_D:   return(_CompareByMnyYearRecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_MNYLOTYEARRECOVERY_A:return(_CompareByMnylotYearRecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_MNYLOTYEARRECOVERY_D:return(_CompareByMnylotYearRecoveryWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_PRCVAR_A:            return(_CompareByPrcVarWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PRCVAR_D:            return(_CompareByPrcVarWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_MNYVAR_A:            return(_CompareByMnyVarWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_MNYVAR_D:            return(_CompareByMnyVarWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_MNYLOTVAR_A:         return(_CompareByMnylotVarWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_MNYLOTVAR_D:         return(_CompareByMnylotVarWith(pfdsAnother,false));
      case FSM_BY_PRC_GRAILRATIO_A:    return(_CompareByPrcGrailratioWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PRC_GRAILRATIO_D:    return(_CompareByPrcGrailratioWith(pfdsAnother,false));

      case FSM_BY_MAGIC_A:             return(_CompareByMagicWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_MAIGC_D:             return(_CompareByMagicWith(pfdsAnother,false));

That is, depending on type of sorting - we select required comparison function, which is used in common sorting function.

For example, if we want to sort the balance series by the part of the last drawdown from the maximum, the following functions will be used:

int CFactoryBalanceResultSeries::_CompareDblData(double dDataFirst,double dDataSecond,bool bAccending) const
   if(dDataFirst > dDataSecond)
   if(dDataFirst < dDataSecond)

int CFactoryBalanceResultSeries::_CompareByPartOfMaxDDWith(CFactoryBalanceResultSeries* pfdsAnother,bool bAccending) const
   if(Total()==0 || pfdsAnother.Total() == 0 || m_pepfFactory.GetControlParams().m_dMaxPriceDrawdown == 0)
   double dLocalPart = GetCurPriceDD() / m_pepfFactory.GetControlParams().m_dMaxPriceDrawdown;
   double dRemotePart = pfdsAnother.GetCurPriceDD() / pfdsAnother.GetFactory().GetControlParams().m_dMaxPriceDrawdown;
George Merts:

I'll continue with CObject::Compare().

From the recent

CDouble & CDoubleVector
CDouble & CDoubleVector
  • votes: 4
  • 2018.01.09
  • nicholishen
A library for common rounding methods used in MQL development, primitive wrapper class for type (double), and vector for CDouble objects. MQL5 and MQL4 compatible! CDouble The CDouble class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object. Additionally, this class provides several methods and static methods for rounding doubles and...
George Merts:

It's not very pretty, imho.

int CFactoryBalanceResultSeries::Compare(const CObject *poNode,const int iMode) const
   CFactoryBalanceResultSeries* pfdsAnother = CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK(poNode,CFactoryBalanceResultSeries,MOT_FACTORYBALANCERES_SERIES);
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_A:    return(_CompareByPartOfMaxDDWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_D:    return(_CompareByPartOfMaxDDWith(pfdsAnother,false));

      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_A: return(_CompareByPartOfMaxSLQueueWith(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_D: return(_CompareByPartOfMaxSLQueueWith(pfdsAnother,false));

You could use a pointer to a function.

typedef int (*TCompare1)(int,bool); 
// ---
int CFactoryBalanceResultSeries::Compare(const CObject *poNode,const int iMode) const
   CFactoryBalanceResultSeries* pfdsAnother = CONVERT_OBJECT_WITH_CHECK(poNode,CFactoryBalanceResultSeries,MOT_FACTORYBALANCERES_SERIES);
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_A:    return(TCompare1(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_DD_D:    return(TCompare1(pfdsAnother,false));

      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_A: return(TCompare1(pfdsAnother,true));
      case FSM_BY_PART_OF_MAX_SLQUEUE_D: return(TCompare1(pfdsAnother,false));

George Merts:

Yes, that's right.

But, that's my senile 'programming style' (hello, Wolchansky with his recent thread).

I have all enumerations - start with E, and then "hump" notation - the name. And the types themselves in enumeration begin with an abbreviation (up to four letters) of enumeration type.

Correspondingly, since EMyObjectType enumeration - all values begin with MOT_

Yes, I have the same enumeration.

ZS: Just got to the computer now. As expected, this thread quickly descended into rubbish.) I'll try to finish the story about virtual functions later. We should call this forum Blah Blah Blah Blah.)


I've read everyone's different interests...I'm in the process of redesigning a class to set up and manage a virtual grid, I need it.