Manage orders with voice commands - page 5

Sergey Vradiy:
There are a lot of paralyzed scientists and programmers in the world, controlling computers with voice. Particularly interesting would be the opinion of Stephen Hawking, who obviously has no time for anything as he is constantly busy working.

There are all kinds of exceptions. But are there many?

It is one thing when you work personally with Hawking, even free work is possible - just "for interest, for fame and authority".

And it is quite another when someone from a forum, and obviously not paralyzed, is interested in "voice control".

A friend of mine has been interested in voice input for some time, he has even had an active correspondence with a company which writes voice input applications for medical professionals. The only reason voice input is needed there is because people can't type blindly fast enough. There was no other use for voice control.

I don't think anyone REALLY needs it for trading. There's not much to type.

A simple check: how much do you thinkNikolay Gaylis wouldpay for an Expert Advisor (ex-module + DLL) which allows him to trade by voice? I'm sure the amount will be ridiculous, if it is announced at all.

George Merts:

There are all kinds of exceptions. But are there many?

It is one thing when you work personally with Hawking, even free work is possible - just "for interest, for fame and authority".

And it is quite another when someone from a forum, and obviously not paralyzed, is interested in "voice control".

A friend of mine has been interested in voice input for some time, he has even had an active correspondence with a company which writes voice input applications for medical professionals. The only reason voice input is needed there is because people can't type blindly fast enough. There was no other use for voice control.

I don't think anyone REALLY needs it for trading. There's not much to type.

A simple check: how much do you thinkNikolay Gaylis wouldpay for an Expert Advisor (ex-module + DLL) which allows him to trade by voice? I am sure that the amount will be ridiculous, if it will be announced at all.

I completely agree.

On this thread - a gathering of children, whose screaming only pester their unhappy parents, who are already soon to be penniless.


I sometimes run like this in my sleep

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I sometimes run like this in my sleep

And I'm a beer runner:)))
Yuriy Zaytsev:

In practical work, we first tried it in the late 1980s, though not as a control, but as a voice announcement.
In domestic use it was in the noughties, when the first telephones with voice dialing appeared, but as a rule few people used it. I get a bit tired of home elevator with a voice message telling me which floor you're on, the usefulness of this unless you're blind. Now, the same Yandex Navigator is hard to imagine without voice dialing.
Once I implemented a custom indicator with voice announcement, and the customer was able to say the necessary messages depending on the event, the name of the file was generated from the name of the pair and the event itself.

I used to suffer from that too.

void Sound_DD()
      str_sound!=str_sound_mem && 
      ((StrToInteger(str_sound)<=StrToInteger(str_sound_mem)-inter_DD_sound) || 
      for(int i=-55;i<=55;i=i+inter_DD_sound)
            if(StrToInteger(str_sound)>=55) {str_m="m";str_sound="50";}else{str_m="";}
            Print("***TAASA***   Equity  "+str_sound+"%");
And I'm in for a beer :)))


George Merts:

There are all kinds of exceptions. But are there many?

It is one thing when you work personally with Hawking, even free work is possible - just "for interest, for fame and authority".

And it is quite another when someone from a forum, and obviously not paralyzed, is interested in "voice control".

A friend of mine has been interested in voice input for some time, he has even had an active correspondence with a company which writes voice input applications for medical professionals. The only reason voice input is needed there is because people can't type fast enough when they're blind. There was no other use for voice control.

I don't think anyone REALLY needs it for trading. There's not much to type.

A simple check: how much do you thinkNikolay Gaylis wouldpay for an Expert Advisor (ex-module + DLL) which allows him to trade by voice? I'm sure the amount will be ridiculous, if it's announced at all.

If you do not see the application for yourself, it does not mean there is none ...

Really, I won't tell you the price - I'll try to do it myself...


I completely agree.

This thread is a gathering of children who will only piss off their unhappy parents who are about to be left penniless.

Don't go on any more of these threads... Now you're a child too...



I completely agree.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yeah, and you used to be able to copy that link directly, I think.

I don't remember anymore, maybe.