Manage orders with voice commands - page 6

Nikolay Gaylis:

Don't go to any more of these threads... Now you're a child too...

The funny thing is that such people don't have a single real technical post, just mundane

Nikolay Gaylis:

If you don't see a use for yourself, it doesn't mean there isn't one...

Really, I won't tell you the price. I'll try to do it myself...

That's right. That's what I'm trying to prove.

I'm not saying it's "impossible to think of a use". Anything is possible. I'm not saying it's impossible to make a working prototype.

What I'm saying is that it's not worth the effort - there are no trading tasks which REALLY require voice control. So this very prototype will be "just for fun". And it will take a lot of effort to create it. And what's the point?

George Merts:

Yep. That's what I needed to prove.

I'm not saying it's "impossible to think of a use for it". Anything is possible. And you can put voice control on it, and even make a working prototype.

What I'm saying is that "it's not worth the effort" - there are no trading tasks that REALLY require voice control. So this very prototype will be "just for fun". And it will take a lot of effort to create it. And what's the point?

You could sit outside on a bench, drink a beer and shout orders to the terminal. We will have to implement the gesture control, like in the kinest. Let's combine trading with physical training! And shouting!

Alexey Volchanskiy:

You can sit outside on a bench, drink a beer and shout orders to the terminal. We should also make sure to have gesture control, like in kinesta. Let's combine trading with physical training! And shout!

Or better to teach the terminal to order a beer for the rest of the deposit at once.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

You can sit outside on a bench, drink a beer and shout orders to the terminal. We should also make sure to have gesture control, like in kinesta. Let's combine trading with physical training! And shouting!

They will, Alexey... The old ladies sitting next to me will be the first to twist.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Better yet, teach the terminal to order beer for the rest of the deposit at once.

You can order alcohol over the Internet now, it's easy!

it's not clear yet with the girls, but there is no limit to perfection )

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Why, you can order alcohol online nowadays, it's easy!

it's not clear yet with the girls, but there's no limit to perfection )


And the cut:

How do you women walk there?

In knickers or not?"


We need to make it so that there is a reaction just to the sounds and interjections, so that even in drunken smoke one can peddle in peace.

George Merts:

What I'm saying is that "it's not worth the effort" - there are no tasks in trading that REALLY require voice control.

What is "realistically required"?

Is automatic activation of car wipers when it rains "really required"? No, but it's more comfortable. And you don't think developing the first working prototype was easy and cheap, do you?

Any innovation runs the risk of falling into oblivion without being used at all, but it can also become mega-popular. So it makes sense to try it, imho.

George Merts:

What I'm saying is that "it's not worth the effort" - there are no tasks in trading that REALLY require voice control.

There are all kinds of situations in life. It may come in handy not only for your own convenience, but also for those who find it easier to use voice commands than ordinary tools available to a normal person.