Bitcoin in WM . Experiment. 15.12.2017 bought 0.98 USD, 0.00005 VTS . Getting rich live. - page 12

Alexandr Murzin:

I'm afraid that if I give up the password, the drawdown will increase dramatically.

The price of an instrument should not depend on the password in any way.

The drawdown depends only on the price.

Where is the root of the fear?

Alexandr Murzin:

I'm afraid if I give up the password, the drawdown will increase dramatically.

100 %
Uladzimir Izerski:

The price of an instrument should in no way depend on the password.

And the drawdown only depends on the price.

Where is the root of the fear?

The password can be used to enter a margin call, regardless of the price of the instrument.


interesting idea


Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov believes that bitcoin does not pose a threat to the national currency, as it is a monetary surrogate, and of dubious quality.

"Bitcoins are not the currency of the Russian Federation, not rubles. There is no trust in them. This is a common surrogate, a money surrogate," Siluanov was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

He also mentioned that bitcoin is often compared to financial pyramids, in particular to MMM. In addition, according to the minister, it is better not to allow non-professionals to participate in cryptocurrency trading, as they are unable to understand "in which direction the index of such cryptocurrency will rise or fall".

"Therefore, of course, the basis for calculations was, and still is, the ruble. No cryptocurrency will walk with us, this is unambiguous," Siluanov said.

Recall that this week it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to introduce amendments to legislation that would define the status of cryptocurrencies and other related concepts, create a legal basis for ICOs, as well as tax miners.

Alexandr Murzin:

Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov believes that bitcoin does not pose a threat to the national currency, as it is a monetary surrogate, and of dubious quality.

"Bitcoins are not the currency of the Russian Federation, not rubles. There is no trust in them. This is a common surrogate, a money surrogate," Siluanov was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

He also mentioned that bitcoin is often compared to financial pyramids, in particular to MMM. In addition, according to the minister, it is better not to allow non-professionals to participate in cryptocurrency trading, as they are unable to understand "in which direction the index of such a cryptocurrency will rise or fall".

"So, of course, the basis for calculations was, and still is, the ruble. No cryptocurrency will walk with us, this is unambiguous," Siluanov said.

Recall that this week it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to introduce amendments to the legislation that would define the status of cryptocurrencies and other related concepts, create a legal framework for ICOs, as well as impose a tax on miners.

I don't know, it could be fake, but it doesn't look like it

БелАЗ будет продавать самосвалы за криптовалюту —
БелАЗ будет продавать самосвалы за криптовалюту —
На сайте ОАО «БЕЛАЗ» появилось необычное объявление: всем желающим предлагают оплачивать карьерные самосвалы БЕЛАЗ криптовалютой. Чтобы обменять криптовалюту на новенький самосвал, погрузчик или другую технику, для начала нужно отправить электронное письмо по адресу, который указан на официальном сайте автопроизводителя. При этом белазовцы не...

"the president ... instructed to tax miners".

I wonder how they will find them? Well, 2 or 3 have already been caught here, but what about the rest?

Alexandr Murzin:

"the president ... instructed to tax miners".

I wonder how they will find them? Well, 2-3 have already been found here, and the rest?

- Are there any bitcoin farms?

- No

- What if we find them?

Alexandr Murzin:

"the president ... instructed to tax miners".

I wonder how they will find them? Well, 2 or 3 have already been identified here, but the rest?

The rest will be easily identified by electricity consumption.


It's done, today the exchange rate dropped to 9300 as I thought it would. I bought on WM, but... On WM the purchase price was 11000!!! Konya spreads. Waiting for 15000, discount there, then possible hike to 7000.

Here's the old markup I did in 2017, working out for now, then further adjustments.