Has anyone created a successful automated trading system? What is your advice? - page 19

Олег avtomat #:

I didn't ask about whether it was a stock exchange or a non-stock exchange.

Once again:

By your criteria, is the NASDAQ a kitchen or a non-cookie? (Given the information above, which you weren't familiar with, apparently)

It's just a huge kitchen, just a Cuisinart)))) Pity the dude, death of a child survived.... Didn't live much of a rich life....


I suspect that there has not yet been created a TS which expectation is always less than 0. of course this means a TS which does not take into account swaps and spreads and other costs...

I'm talking about an automatic TS

it would seem to be easy to create such a machine... but no...)
Georgiy Merts #:

Very funny.

Vadim, do you really think that BCS, Finam, Otkritie, MICEX, Binance will proxy your penny trades into the real market"?

That is the very point of any brokerage company, to offset trades between small traders without bringing them to the real market, but only providing quotes! And the real market - to output only consolidated supply or demand, if it appears, ideally, without outputting anything there at all!

It's pretty funny to read that the MICEX will be fiddling with your penny deals... Only the kitchens allow earning anything with deposits under a million dollars... I doubt that anybody on this forum has such deposits. True, there is one forum owner who claims that his daughter earns hundreds of thousands of dollars (which means that she has exactly such a deposit)... The MICEX will still "withdraw" something for her... And with those measly thousands of dollars that the average trader here works with... Don't make me laugh...

All, ABSOLUTELY ALL the DCs from any office working with individual traders are "kitchens". And all of them have a dilemma - either to earn regularly, but a little, or to make a good profit once and disappear with the deposits of their clients.

All deals are placed on the market. It is easy enough to check it using the Full Order Log. You can easily find your trades there.

Вадим Калашнков #:

A few thousand lines can be used to write a matrix, database operation, gateways to other exchanges, calculation of additional parameters of statistics...

The matrix is interesting. What do you calculate with it? Differences in size of trend waves or time of their movement? Or what?

The only question that gives meaning to everything else: up or down? All other things are interesting once that question is resolved. With the OOP, with fukts, or mentally.

What's up with the mate apparatus?

Dmi3 #:

All trades are posted to the market. This can be easily checked with the Full Order Log. You can easily find your trades there.

Yes, yes... I can see your penny orders being executed along with million-dollar bank transactions...

Full Order Log is a summary list of all your bids. It is obvious that your order will be there. But try to find your order at the bank, to which you have "sold" lets say $1000 ! If an order 0.01 EURUSD Sell is executed on the exchange - this means that you have sold $1K to someone. Obviously, this deal will be registered in the exchange logs. But, since you "sold", it means that somebody "bought" it! This means that there has to be a bank or another market participant, that "bought" these dollars, and in their logs there has to be this exact transaction. Do you think you will find it?

But in reality - in the same exchange log will be your transaction, and transaction 0.01 EURUSD Buy from another trader of the same kind. And these two transactions will be offset, without any "going to market" ! Your transactions will NOT go to the real market - there is no need for that. But, of course, they will be reflected in the general transaction log of the exchange where you make the trades.

Georgiy Merts #:

Yes, yes... I can just imagine your penny orders being executed along with millions of bank transactions...

Full Order Log is a general list of orders of an exchange. It is obvious that your order will be there. But try to find your order at the bank, to which you have "sold" lets say $1000 ! If at the exchange 0.01 EURUSD Sell order is executed - this means that you have sold $1K to someone. Obviously, this deal will be registered in the exchange logs. But, since you "sold", it means that somebody "bought" it! This means that there has to be a bank or another market participant, that "bought" these dollars, and in their logs there has to be this exact transaction. Do you think you will find it?

But in reality - in the same exchange log will be your transaction, and transaction 0.01 EURUSD Buy from another trader of the same kind. And these two transactions will be offset, without any "going to market" ! Your transactions will NOT go to the real market - there is no need for that. But, of course, they will be reflected in the general transaction log of the exchange where you make transactions.

On the exchange, unlike forex, the orders of specific participants are summed up. The log contains both my order number and the counterparty's order number. Moreover, the log contains information not only about the transaction, but also about the moment of placing the order.

You need to participate in real exchange trading and understand the process, otherwise you will continue to live in a world of illusions and misconceptions.

Georgiy Merts #:

Very funny.

Vadim, do you really think that BKS, Finam, Otkrytie, MMVB, Binance will proxy your penny trades into the real market"?

That is the very point of any brokerage company, to offset trades between small traders without bringing them to the real market, but only providing quotes! And the real market - to output only consolidated supply or demand, if it appears, ideally, without outputting anything there at all!

It's pretty funny to read that the MICEX will be fiddling with your penny deals... Only the kitchens allow earning anything with deposits under a million dollars... I doubt that anyone on this forum even has such deposits. True, there is one forum owner who claims that his daughter earns hundreds of thousands of dollars (which means that she has exactly such a deposit)... The MICEX will still "withdraw" something for her... And with those measly thousands of dollars that the average trader here works with... Don't make me laugh...

All, ABSOLUTELY ALL the DCs from any office working with individual traders are "kitchens". And all of them have a dilemma - either to earn regularly, but a little, or once earn good money and disappear with deposits of clients.

Yes, they withdraw at least one lot at a time. You are obviously not a very smart person since you are writing such things. You have to understand it first. They cannot not proxy deals, because any shares that you buy are deposited to you and you can easily transfer them to any other broker. Also, this is easily checked (and has been checked more than once): if you make a buy/sell transaction at one broker - you will see its execution at all other brokers and at MICEX itself. Even for 500 rubles. And MICEX doesn't "mess around" with my "penny transactions". MICEX has a powerful server for which any operation costs almost nothing. Besides don't forget that a broker pays a commission to MICEX for each transaction and if the broker will engage in netting or not proxy all transactions - MICEX will cut him off. So don't write your sick conclusions and get to the bottom of the matter.


The main difference between a kitchen and an exchange/broker is that in an exchange/broker, the counterparty is a trader just like you. If you have earned - some other trader has lost (except for the dividend). The exchange has a notion of a bid book, the price is formed solely by real supply and demand. The exchange and the broker have ONLY a commission.
In a kitchen - your counterparty is the kitchen. If you bought USD - you bought nothing. The exchange draws you a USD figure. If you lost your $1000 at 1k50 leverage - all $1000 went to the kitchen. If you have earned $1000 - the kitchen waits until you sell your $2000. If you earn a lot and regularly - you may:
- throw studs, knocking down stops;

- limit the number/volume of positions;

- throw network errors/increase pings;

- simply block the account (e.g. under Article 159) and demand documents on the origin of the funds, which you will probably never get.

- Other sticks in the mud.

If none of this helps - they may start proxying transactions partially to the interbank market at a knowingly more favourable rate. But in 99% of cases, under huge shoulders you will lose everything. )

Dmi3 #:

At the exchange, unlike forex, the orders of specific participants are consolidated. The log contains both my order number and the counterparty's order number. Moreover, the log contains information not only about the transaction, but also about the time the order was placed.

You have to go to a real stock trading and to understand the process, otherwise you will continue to live in a world of delusions and misconceptions.

But I am not against it! Just this transaction, with a number and a counterparty, does not reach the interbank market at all! Why? The exchange will not mess with the interbank for the sake of penny transactions, when the counterparty is near!

Georgiy Merts #:

It's not that I mind! It's just that this transaction, with the number and the counterparty, doesn't reach the interbank at all! Why? The exchange will not mess with the interbank market for the sake of penny transactions, when the counterparty is near!

Are you kidding? Seriously? What does this have to do with the interbank and the stock exchange? The exchange has nothing to do with the interbank. You don't seem to understand how it works at all....