From theory to practice - page 1407

Renat Akhtyamov:
No, no, it's not an accident!
You forgot a little nuance - you are doomed to be an observer. Or have you learned to read the forex information field?) As we all are all for you the market is a fluke whether you want it or notXD
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
"adaptability, the one the market has against any trader's grail" - can you explain then?

you opened a buy and hit the volume of bai, the price played against you.

wait for it, martingale is not martingale,

just forget about your deposit

what is there to explain?

Renat Akhtyamov:

you opened a buy and hit the volume of bai, the price played against you.

wait for it, martingale is not martingale,

Just forget about your deposit.

What's there to explain?

You're wrong, there is a way.
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
You're forgetting a little nuance. You're doomed to be an observer. Or have you learned to read the forex information field?) As we all are for you the market is a fluke whether you want it or notXD

I gave you examples, and I didn't think I'd hit a wall... cause you answered correctly, but you didn't seem to get the point.

Maybe you haven't figured it out yet.

it is a matter of time
Renat Akhtyamov:
I gave you examples, and I didn't think you'd hit a wall... cause you answered correctly, but you didn't seem to get the point.
Yeah, I got it. But the point is that you're looking for returns to the mean, which does not exist or rather it does and does not exist at the same time. Which is proven by your manual trading in the rescue of the first signal;) maybe a little truth in my eyes ... well, okay ... Who really needs that dirty sneaky and cold Truth))))
Well, back to the swamp, eh?)
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
Yeah, I get that. But the point is that you're looking for returns to the average, which does not exist or rather it does and does not exist at the same time. What's proved by your manual trading in the rescue of the first signal ;) maybe a little truth in my eyes ... but okay ... Who really needs that dirty sneaky and cold Truth)))
(She's in the swamp, isn't she?))

are you looking at the signal? ;)

it's not about him, or even near him, it's a toy

ahhh, back to the average? ...

if the cotire was random, it would come back.................

price moves away from the average as both buy and sell and volumes are not constant

price runs, adapts, reacts.

i'll forgive you your wrong thinking, just as long as you correctly show the distribution of volumes, graphically

my answer would be yes if true and no if not.

Renat Akhtyamov:

the price moves away from the average, because people buy and sell, and volumes are not constant

I can simulate the same for you with random numbers and in fact I've already simulated and shown you. In general the essence of leptokurtosis probability distribution is the outliers of abnormally large bursts and that's all.
randomly wandering-surge-randomly wandering-surge is more understandable:)
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
I can simulate the same for you with random numbers and in fact I have already simulated and shown you. In general, the essence of leptokurtosis probability distribution is the emission of abnormally large bursts and that's all.

close by, but not that

You see, your TS is not making money, it's only defending itself.

Renat Akhtyamov:

close, but not that.

You see, your TC is not earning, only defending.

No, my TS does nothing at all until something happens ;) something can be anything ;) not just a "move" or a "pullback"

I read somewhere that one of the most reliable strategies is martingale. I don't know much about it, but it's like opening a trade and then opening another one with double the lot, etc. at certain intervals. In my opinion, Che uses this strategy and it really allows to beat SB, which the market seems to be for many people.

Is it possible to beat SB in any other way? Of course! Wizard2018 and Vizard_ (I think it's the same person, just in different guises - light and dark) are directly talking about it.

Well, or you have to look for and find some kind of periodicity in BP.

In general, there are many ways to the Grail, you just have to stubbornly go for it.