From theory to practice - page 1118

Uladzimir Izerski:

After 70, you have to hurry or you might not make it in time. Let's wish him success. What can you do? Too late for that.)

You're wrong. It's never too late.
Uladzimir Izerski:

Instead of fitting their consciousness to the market, they fit the market to their consciousness. Looking at the market through the rear-view mirror

I completely agree with you there:)

Not just in the rear-view mirror, but through a crooked rear-view mirror.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

After 70, you have to hurry or you might not make it in time. Let's wish him success. What can you do? Too late for that.)

I wish him only one thing - that he didn't have time to merge before, so to speak, "that" moment.

Uladzimir Izerski:

(Late to the job).

At least I've lived a little...

Uladzimir Izerski:

After 70, you have to hurry or you might not make it in time. Let's wish him success. What can you do? Too late for that.)


The only thing I wish for him is that he doesn't have time to merge before "that" moment, so to speak.

Are you guys sure you'll outlive Yusuf?

Uladzimir Izerski:

After 70, you have to hurry or you might not make it in time. Let's wish him success. What can you do? Too late for that.)

How forex ruined Denis Borisov's father's life.

Watch till the 3rd minute. then - dilettante speculations about forex from Denis himself.


At least I've lived a little...

Petyka measures Vasily Ivanovich. Petya, are you going to bury me? No, Vasil Ivanovich, we'll still go fishing with you))))


Petyka measures Vasily Ivanovich. Petya, are you going to bury me? No, Vasil Ivanovich, we'll go fishing with you later))))

I've lived a normal life.)
How forex broke Denis Borisov's father's life.

Watch until the 3rd minute. next - amateurish arguments about forex from Denis himself.

He's broken a lot of people.

And they still come.

By the way, the most rose-coloured glasses are those who cannot write software and do not want to learn.

Because they cannot test their idea and have no choice but to blindly believe in it.

Renat Akhtyamov:

By the way, the most rose-coloured glasses are those who do not know how to write software and do not want to learn it.

Because they cannot test their idea, they have no choice but to blindly believe in it.

I too have come to that conclusion. Sooner or later, you start to realise this.