From theory to practice - page 1007

Vladimir Baskakov:
Don't you see what you have yourself?

It also needs to be seen by an expert. Bare price is sometimes not enough, you need to process it in order to use the processing results in entry and exit conditions. Sometimes instead of this processing, depending on the peculiarities of a particular TS, it is easier to use information that can be taken from ready-made indicators.


It also needs to be seen by an expert. Bare price is sometimes not enough, you need to process it in order to use the processing results in entry and exit conditions. Sometimes instead of this processing, depending on the peculiarities of a particular TS, it is easier to use information that can be taken from ready-made indicators.

Not enough OHLC?
Vladimir Baskakov:
Is the ONLC not enough?
Quite enough, but in dynamics (in time) - previous, current, next value as a rule closing price
Quite enough, but in dynamics (over time)
What in dynamics?
Vladimir Baskakov:
Isn't the ONLC enough?

Some strategies are enough, some are not enough. Strategies should be many and varied and this reduces risk.


I'm fed up, I don't want any more, I'd rather have a computer (mine or someone else's) do the work for me

And it will save you a lot of money. :)


Aleksey Ivanov:

And it will save you a lot of money. :)


Haven't found the benefits of manual trading yet.
Vladimir Baskakov:
I have not yet found the advantages of manual trading.

For manual and auto-trading, you need experience and some tools adapted to the horn as well. And I have had them for some time now (although not to the fullest extent).


For manual and auto-trading, you need experience and some tools adapted to the horn as well. And I have had them for some time now (albeit somewhat incompletely).

Good for you. Many of us give lip service to everything, but not everyone can prove it.

For manual and auto-trading, you need experience and some tools adapted to the horn as well. And I have had them for some time now (albeit somewhat incompletely).


i was just testing a doughnut based on an indicator.

there is no way to increase the risk, or rather negligible,

i got used to this a long time ago

As for me - the higher the risk, the higher the profit, with all that implies.

i used to buy my own forex brokerage

You don't need tools there, it's pure mathematics.


As I see it, the market may be divided into two categories: the first one is based on the trade's profit and the second one is based on the trade's profit.)


Chegevar is right, the best tool is logic and mathematics!