From theory to practice - page 115

Vitali Kadel:
It's practice time now!

Yeah. Now - jokes aside. While the data collection is going on.

This week I am working with only 4 pairs:

AUDCAD - sample volume 16384 ticks

AUDCHF - 13000 ticks

AUDJPY - 12500 ticks

AUDUSD - 12000 ticks

I think the necessary data will be collected today and trading will start. Transactions will be rare. I expect not more than 1 deal per day.


Yeah. Now - jokes aside. While the data collection is going on.

This week I am working with only 4 pairs:

AUDCAD - sample volume 16384 ticks

AUDCHF - 12000 ticks

AUDJPY - 12500 ticks

AUDUSD - 12000 ticks

I think the necessary data will be collected today and trading will start. Transactions will be rare. I expect not more than 1 deal per day.

For example, if we take, the pairs for AUD: AUDGBP, AUDUSD

On these pairs, the trends of the Australian economy will be more evident. As the US and UK have already thought well and simply these currencies are bigger. Muslims (not working and not going to work refugee ballast) have arrived in Europe, breeding conditions are good -> beef and chicken consumption growth.

For example, if the basis isИндекс_доллара , then the pair: EURUSD

For example, based on, the pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD

The authors of indices have already thought of their structure.

The other pairs (how many of them are there from your 36) do not make statistical sense.

Роль иностранных инвестиций в экономике Австралии
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So far nothing much is going on in the market - I have read the English forum for a while (I thought maybe I would go there). I have not been able to find any giants of thought there, nor have there ever been any. There are no giants of thought there and never was. Amazing!


I have not yet had anything special happen on the market - I read the English-language forum for a while (I thought maybe I would go there). I have not been able to find any giants of thought there, nor have there ever been any. There are no giants of thought there and never was. It is amazing!

If you do not praise yourself, who will? )

Enough dabbling, will there be practice in this thread or not?

You're a theorist ))
Sergey Chalyshev:

If you don't praise yourself, who will? )

Enough dabbling, is there going to be practice in this thread or not?

That's it - I'm shutting up. I will only broadcast with the deals made and comments on them.
That's it - I'm shutting up. I will only air with trades made and comments on them.

No one fucking needs that either.

Only a signal with a real score, and the results - statistics, analysis and adjustments to the model.

Sergey Chalyshev:

No one fucking needs that either.

Only a signal with a real score, and based on the results, statistics, analysis and model adjustments.

What a bad habit of speaking for everybody. I need it, so it is not "nobody".Alexander_K, just no trades yet, or have you scored on the branch?


What a bad habit of speaking for everybody. I need it, so it's no longer 'nobody'.Alexander_K, just no deals yet, or have you given up on the branch?

There are no deals yet. Even the publication of FOMC minutes yesterday did not cause any amplitude movements... That's why I want to connect as many currency pairs as possible. I am a bit bored - trading according to the theory described in this thread, alas, involves few trades and does not fit my temperament. But I need to see the topic through to the end, so I will not give up.

Those interested can read up on non-Markovian processes in the meantime. See attached file.

Files:  2749 kb

Those interested can read up on non-Markovian processes in the meantime. See attached file.

Well, in the end, it all comes down to fractals and self-similarity, where this non-marking is manifested, right? since fibonacci series is already a manifestation of non-marking, etc. or there are some other far-reaching conclusions there.

For example, in relation to the market and relatively correctly described:

There is also a quantum analysis, but I haven't read much about it.

That is, in the trader's environment all these processes have been described and studied, but poorly (or not at all) algorithmized :)

А. Алмазов "Фрактальная теория. Как поменять взгляд на рынки"
А. Алмазов "Фрактальная теория. Как поменять взгляд на рынки"
Из нового курса А. Алмазова под названием "Фрактальная теория. Как поменять взгляд на рынки" читатели узнают новейший метод для анализа финансового рынка, который поможет легко понять сложную структуру поведения цен. Задачей этого обучения является описание стратегии, которая изменяет восприятие цены финансовых активов. Обучение будет полезным...