Pouring the object - page 12

Renat Akhtyamov:

Everything is normal.

I'll create 10 humour threads )

Well honestly, look - who created them.

I.e. a clone of the most popular thread creates a moderator, and it happens that with a red dot, and he who invented it goes away

Understand what I mean?

So who does pump their rating, is that what you meant when you said it's not bad?

Yes, that's exactly what I was implying. But!!! Artem's thread was created BEFORE all the threads were moved here from mql4 forum and BEFORE he was appointed a moderator. Artem is actively answering questions in his thread. Conclusion: the hint was NOT at him.

As for the second "humour" thread, it's not just this thread, there are others. Look carefully and you'll see who you're rating.

Alexey Viktorov:

Yes, that's exactly what I was implying. But!!! Artem's thread was created BEFORE all threads were moved here from mql4 forum and BEFORE he was appointed a moderator. Artem is actively answering questions in his thread. Conclusion: the reference was NOT to him.

As for the second thread "humor", it's not just that thread, there are others. Look closely and you'll see who you're rating.

They were comparing "... with the finger". Artem has been active in the "newcomers" thread for a long time - it is his thread - he is the one to "coupon". There is a similar thread in the MT4 section. The person who created it, does not want to suggest anything regarding MT4. It is clear that the purpose of this thread is rating without effort. The same is with "humour". Now I've got so many photos that are so superfunny that I can't even enter that thread without crying with laughter.

Alexey Viktorov:

Yes, that's exactly what I was implying. But!!! Artem's thread was created BEFORE all threads were moved here from mql4 forum and BEFORE he was appointed a moderator. Artem is actively answering questions in his thread. Conclusion: the hint was NOT at him.

As for the second "humour" thread, it's not just that thread, there are others. Look carefully and you'll see who you're rating.

You do.

At that time 4 help threads were created, 2 on 5pc and 2 on 4pc.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if there was another humor thread

Unclear yes - what is the question?

The question is - why create one if there was one, it has an author and the actual creator of the topic?

It's just very brazen, to say the least, as the idea is being stolen.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Comparing "... with a finger." Artem has been active in the newbies branch for a long time - this is his branch - he is the one to do the "coupons". There is a similar thread in the MT4 section. The person who created it, does not want to suggest anything regarding MT4. It is clear that the purpose of this thread is rating without effort. The same is with "humour". I don't even want to go to that thread without crying with laughter.

You make it sound like you were at school with him.
Renat Akhtyamov:
You make it sound like you were at school with him.

It's like you're from the moon -- and your arrival on Earth was by meteorite -- understandably with an explosion, flying away from the crater in an uncertain direction and not a simple sense of "where am I?"

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

It feels like you're from the Moon -- and your arrival on Earth was by meteorite -- understandably with an explosion, flying away from the crater in an uncertain direction and no simple understanding of "where am I?"

I don't talk to aliens.

Everybody don't text me.

Renat Akhtyamov:

I don't talk to aliens.

Don't write to me.

That's a funny answer, brother in spirit.

But I didn't write to you, that was your answer -- it's just that understanding doesn't always come the first time -- it's an earthly trait: slow down.

Renat Akhtyamov:

You do.

At that time 4 help branches were created at once, with 2 on 5pc and 2 on 4pc

I would not be surprised if there is another branch of humor.

Not clear yes - what is the question?

The question is why did you create such a thread if it had an author and a creator of the topic?

This is just very brazen, to say the least, because the idea is stolen.

What's the justification for what I'm pouring in and what am I not telling the truth about?

In the fact that Artem was appointed moderator after he created a thread answering rookie questions?

Or is it that the entire mql4 forum was moved after this thread was created?

Or that you gain rating of somebody who in principle does not answer mql4 questions in topic, which created itself?

Here that the idea is stolen, I agree with you. Only it has nothing to do with Artem.

Renat Akhtyamov:

The question is, why create a thread if there was one and it has an author and a thread creator?

It's just very brazen, to say the least, because the idea is being stolen.

The topic "help for newcomers on 4" is the topic on which Trishkin has been the most active for many years.

He's the one who created it because the first 4-H assistance thread was created by someone who doesn't give 4-H assistance at all.

Why be active in someone else's thread? And give the rating to someone else?

It's understandable that the rating is taken into account. It is paid for. It is normal to give oneself a rating.


The question is a philosophical one.

To be honest, I am not fighting for my rating.

I can only express my enormous gratitude to everyone for their support of the discussion.

If I was harsh in my statements, please forgive me sincerely

Good luck in trading, I start to prepare for the opening of the auction!

Good luck and thanks again for everything!