Pouring the object - page 11

Renat Akhtyamov:

Come on, it was right in front of me.

Good night.

So? You were a mediocre programmer before my eyes, and you haven't become more experienced - and neither have I.

Pride, you'll figure it out later. Not now. Later. I hope so.

Renat Akhtyamov:

well, let it be like this

take it easy

Calm always - like a granny boa constrictor ;)

Just thought I'd unwind today - lots of work ahead - you'll see.

Artyom Trishkin:

So? You were a mediocre programmer before my eyes, and you haven't become more proficient - and neither have I.

Pride - you'll realize it later. Not now. Later. I hope so.

Well, here's another example.

What's the point, huh?

You feel better, don't I?

What are you trying to do with what you said?

Renat Akhtyamov:

well, here's another example.

what's that for, huh?

Well, you're trolling me, so I'm having fun in return.

All without malice - as I think.

Artyom Trishkin:

Well, you're trolling me, so I'm having fun in return.

All without malice - as I think.

I am not mediocre, but an experienced programmer and I know what is necessary and what is not, because my codes have been tested over time and work in trading systems on real accounts, every command and line is polished

stop humiliating me, you are a moderator!

It is not your job to humiliate forum participants
Renat Akhtyamov:

well, here's another example.

What's that for, huh?

makes you feel better, doesn't it for me?

What are you trying to achieve by what you said?

I used to like what you wrote (not codes - thoughts). Didn't always see what you wrote, but liked it.

When I saw your delusions, hopefully sincere and just from inexperience, I tried to correct them a bit with my advice - I thought you would listen and rise higher.

But for some reason you have chosen to be offended and hold a grudge against me. I repent - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Now I'm listed as your enemy.

Although I thought that I could help you, and thought that you would not mind considering my sincere help.

Alas, you prefer not to learn, but to be offended. Pity.

Fair enough - man to man ;)

Good luck.

Renat Akhtyamov:

I am not mediocre, but an experienced programmer and I know what is needed and what is not, because my codes have been tested over time and work in trading systems on real accounts, every command and line is polished.

Stop humiliating me, you are a moderator!

It is not your responsibility to humiliate the forum participants

I'm not disparaging you. I'm just being honest and always telling you what I see. Forgive me, but I wish you were higher in your knowledge. Especially when you're helping the newbies - they're soaking it up like a sponge. And yet they don't know the ins and outs.

That's it. I'm off to bed.


Artyom Trishkin:

I'm not disparaging you. I'm just being honest and always telling you what I see. Forgive me, but I wish you were higher in your knowledge. Especially when you're helping the newbies - they're soaking it up like a sponge. And yet they don't know the ins and outs.

That's it. Right, off to bed.


Okay. .


Renat Akhtyamov:

There's a competition of interests on this forum, it's getting in the way.

A few threads of help, humor and the like might serve as an example.

I have no such interests, and people at each other's throats for higher ratings, prestige, for money, for a lost potential client, self-promotion, etc. ...

It's not a bad thing, but it's beginning to humiliate, self-praise.

It is a shame.

Renat, what's wrong with boosting ratings and credibility? Nothing, in general... On this resource, the rating depends on the activity in the created topic. When a person creates a topic for help on mql4, and categorically refuses to help, the rating is screwed up by those who answer questions in this thread. Is it fair? That is the reason for creating this thread and to raise the rating of the person who created the topic for the sake of someone to bump his rating, it is not for me.

Notice, I do not create the theme, and if there is a question which while has remained without attention or is not completely covered, I do not count a rating Artem, simply I answer or supplement the answer. If you read this thread carefully, it is easy to find me and Artem dialogues about the correctness of the approaches to solving any problem. There were even statements that we "clashed" with him. And pay attention, neither of us even thought that one of us humiliates the other by pointing out his shortcomings.

Любые вопросы новичков по MQL4, помощь и обсуждение по алгоритмам и кодам
Любые вопросы новичков по MQL4, помощь и обсуждение по алгоритмам и кодам
  • 2017.11.17
  • www.mql5.com
В этой ветке я хочу начать свою помощь тем, кто действительно хочет разобраться и научиться программированию на новом MQL4 и желает легко перейти н...

It's okay.

I'll create 10 humour threads )

Well honestly, look - who created them.

Ie a clone of the most popular thread creates a moderator, and it happens that with a red dot, and he who invented it goes away.

See what I mean?

So who does pump his rating, is that what you meant when you said it's not bad?