Help for developers. - page 6

Реter Konow:

Personal request - don't call me by my name (I don't think you do it on purpose). Just call me Peter.

And don't try to think for me what I wanted to create in this thread. The first post is very clear.

Petros, it is not you. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear.

No offence
Vladimir Pastushak:

I had to delete a lot, no more than 64,000 characters are allowed.

Especially for you, I decided to present my variant of object handling in a more expanded and clear form. Without OOP-wrapper. In my opinion, it is useless here.

#define  NAME      0
#define _X         1
#define _Y         2
#define  X_SIZE    3
#define _TEXT     3
#define  Y_SIZE    4
#define  ANGLE     4
#define  COLOR     5
#define  COLOR_IF_POINTED  6
#define  BUTTON    0
#define  EDIT      1
#define  TEXT      2
string Texts[3] = {"Text 1","Text 2","Text 3"};
int GUI[3][7] = {
//ВUTTON    NAME      _X        _Y        X_SIZE          Y_SIZE         COLOR       COLOR_IF_POINTED   
{         1001000,    100,      100,        75,             25,         clrRed,          clrWhite,     },
//EDIT      NAME      _X        _Y        X_SIZE          Y_SIZE         COLOR       COLOR_IF_POINTED     
{         1002000,    130,      200,        155,            25,         clrWhite,        clrRed,       },
//TEXT      NAME      _X         _Y         _TEXT          ANGLE         COLOR       COLOR_IF_POINTED  
{         1003000,    300,       200,         1,            0,          clrYellow,       clrOrange,    },

int Event;
int Сontroller_in_focus;
#define  Pointer_on_button    1

void Reaction_on_events()
   case Pointer_on: ObjectSetInteger(0,GUI[Сontroller_in_focus][NAME],OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,GUI[Сontroller_in_focus][COLOR_IF_POINTED]); break;
//Вызываем на событии MOUSE_MOVE.
//(Глобальные координаты X и Y устанавливаются на событии MOUSE_MOVE)
void Get_object_under_the_pointer()
 for(int a1 = 0; a1 < 3; a1++)
    int His_X = GUI[a1][_X];
    int His_Y = GUI[a1][_Y];
    int His_Widht  = GUI[a1][X_SIZE];
    int His_Height = GUI[a1][Y_SIZE];
    if((X >= His_X && X <= His_X + His_Widht) && (Y >= His_Y && Y <= His_Y + His_Height))
       Сontroller_in_focus = a1;
       Event = Pointer_on;

Использование аналитических объектов - Графики котировок, технический и фундаментальный анализ - Справка по MetaTrader 5
Использование аналитических объектов - Графики котировок, технический и фундаментальный анализ - Справка по MetaTrader 5
Определение трендов, построение каналов, выявление циклов и уровней поддержки/сопротивления — все эти и многие другие задачи решаются при помощи аналитических объектов. Всего в торговой платформе доступно 46 таких инструментов. Среди них имеются геометрические фигуры, различные каналы, инструменты Ганна, Фибоначчи, Эллиотта и многое другое. В...
Renat Akhtyamov:

Petros, that's not you. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.

No offense.
Sorry, didn't get it. )
Реter Konow:
Sorry, didn't get it. )

I don't think there's any point in discussing programming style here. Otherwise we will end up with the most confusing code-generating functions. like if you press compile and you'll get ex5 there for 100 meg, with not much source code))

So, what shall we discuss? Or shall we switch to code-generating code?

Alexandr Andreev:

I don't think there's any point in discussing programming style here. Otherwise we will end up with the most confusing code-generating functions. like if you press compile and you'll get ex5 there for 100 meg, with not much source code))

So, what shall we discuss? Or shall we switch to the codec-generating code?

Sorry, I don't understand).

I'm helping in this thread to solve confusing and complex problems. That's the goal.


there was also a thought to connect news with reaction patterns (neuronics) - but without the theme of filters by other signals - it looks like scientists discussing the universe) insofar as all is not as it should be according to theory, most likely there are 99.9% of unknown forces and dark matter in space that make everything flounder like this.... so these patterns in their pure form should give us nothing by theory

Alexandr Andreev:

there was also a thought to connect news with reaction patterns (neuronics) - but without the theme of filters by other signals - it looks like scientists discussing the universe) insofar as all is not as it should be according to theory, most likely there are 99.9% of unknown forces and dark matter in space that make everything flounder like this.... so these patterns in their pure form should give us nothing by theory

I don't quite follow your point. What is your task?
Gentlemen, excuse me, what are you smoking? - It's so much fun...
Dennis Kirichenko:
Gentlemen, pardon moi, what are you smoking? - It's so much fun...

There are several signs of the zodiac. One of them is inherently messy....

It can't be helped.

What one man thinks is normal, another man doesn't.

And as you can see - the process is on and there's a demand for it.
Dennis Kirichenko:
Gentlemen, excuse me, what are you smoking? - It's so much fun...
Trolls turn every good cause into a branch of humour.