Bitcoin miner - page 116

it has now occurred to me that blockchain technology will not last long because there is no way to lie and roll back.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
now it occurs to me that blockchain technology will not last long because there is no way to lie and roll back.

as well as the openness of finance )


as well as the openness of finances )

This is a total disaster).

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

In our place.

You take the groceries and ask: "write it down on your word of honour".

It seems they have managed to build communism in some places after all, no need for money.

Alexandr Murzin:

It looks like communism has been built in some places, money is not needed.

It wasn't built, it was just forgotten about )

the money is not needed at the time of purchase, but afterwards the entry in the debt book must be cleared

The moment when the debt has to be paid is determined by the seller's words: "You have a debt here".

It is possible to postpone this: "Oh, I do not have it with me now, let's do it later".

but that's only for a week.)

And the more often you postpone, the lower the trust limit )


as well as the openness of finances )

It seems that openness is not so open.

Good day Gentlemen Traders!


Looks like openness is not so open.

Good day Gentlemen Traders!

just a bad crypto
Renat Akhtyamov:
just an unfortunate crypto
Blockchain technology is still blockchain!
Blockchain technology is still Blockchain!

Spekul, different cryptocurrencies at least differ in some ways, and not just in name.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Spekul, different cryptocurrencies are at least different in some ways and not just in name.

Of course, the networks are different. Talking to the pros... So these pros think that crypto grows because it's mined. Specifically, the more it's mined, the more expensive it gets.