Bitcoin miner - page 109

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It is doubtful that PCI-E cards can draw more than the specification, precisely because of the excessive need to make additional power - so I'll chalk this statement up to myth.

Some AMD cards can draw up to 60W "from below" the raiser, and SATA connectors are not designed for that kind of power.

If in doubt, look up SATA connectors melted down (when mining) on the internet

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Here, for example:


or here

Сгорел SATA разъем на блоке питания фермы. Гарантия?
  • leejuu
Здравствуйте. К сожалению, ваши шансы на успех в гарантийном сервисе — очень малы. Отказ потому, что разъем SATA физически не должен тянуть такую нагрузку, которую с него берет только райзер. Поэтому коннекторы и провода плавятся. Вы когда-нибудь видели, чтобы HDD или любой накопитель мог выжечь разъем? Думаю, нет. Конечно же, попробуйте сдать...

And he's not answering! And he asked me for some sort of password from Naisheesh, so it's all on topic! That's why I asked in this particular thread, as it has something to do with mining.

Quote:"How did you come up with this? Give me the password from NiceHAsh, you won't get a penny anyway..."

And sent a screenshot of the IP, weird - what does that mean?



Some AMD cards can draw up to 60W "from below" the ricer, and SATA connectors are not designed for that power.

If in doubt, look up SATA connectors melted (when mining) on the internet

Added by

Here, for example:


or here

I don't doubt that there can be meltdowns and even PSU burnout from the load, I doubt that there is a significant difference in the card manufacturer.

As for meltouts, of course a standard 4 pin molex is better than a SATA connector, but there are many factors to consider, including wire quality and whatnot - but, everyone relies on the luck of the draw...

Here's an example immediately
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I don't doubt there can be meltdowns and even PSU burnout from the load, I doubt there is a significant difference in the card manufacturer.

As for melting, of course a standard 4 pin molex is better than a SATA connector, but there are many factors to consider, including wire quality and the like - but, everyone relies on the odds...

Here's an example at once

It's hard for me to say who relies on what...

Sergei asked a question, I answered it, and who's going to buy what kind of power supply and cables, everyone makes his own choice.

For example my power supply EVGA G3 1000W has 10 years warranty, but it costs too.

What about cloud mining? Renting capacity.
Sergey Shashkov:
And what about cloud mining? Renting power.

I haven't tried it myself, but on numerous profile forums they say it's nonsense (cloud mining).

You can buy capacity on NiceHash or rent rings (I forget the name of the service),

But you need to know well the performance of pools and rings.

I tried to buy on NiceHash 3 times was stable +.

I think that now, buying on NiceHash is very profitable,

because I see in mining that the rates (not the complexity but the rates)

have dropped a lot, so for a little money, you can buy

more power.


It's hard for me to say who relies on what...

Sergei asked a question, I answered it, and it's up to everyone to choose what kind of power supply and wires to buy.

E.g. my power supply EVGA G3 1000W has 10 years warranty, but it costs too.

I wonder if the power supply fails within 10 years, will they repair it or give you a new equivalent...

Well, if we go back to the specification, the SATA connector is designed for 2 amps, while the PCI-E bus consumption can be up to 6.25 amps. It means that the bottleneck is not only the PSU, but the connector itself which overheats and melts due to thin wires of the connector.

I'm just confused by the fact that raiser is plugged on the power line, which means that, theoretically, current through it comes from the mother, but what really goes on the wires there (maybe only on the 3.3 line goes to the raiser?) I don't know yet. My point is that the current supply is obviously not just going through the riser's auxiliary supply.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I wonder if the PSU goes down in 10 years, will it be repaired or given a new equivalent...

Well, if we go back to the specification, the SATA connector is designed for 2 amps, while the PCI-E bus can consume up to 6.25 amps. It means that the bottleneck is not only the PSU, but the connector itself which overheats and melts due to thin wires of the connector.

I'm just confused by the fact that raiser is plugged on the power line, which means that, theoretically, current through it comes from the mother, but what really goes on the wires there (maybe only on the 3.3 line goes to the raiser?) I don't know yet. My point is that the current supply obviously goes through more than just the riser's auxiliary power.

You're spending too much time on connectors and wires :)

You are free to do what you want...

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I wonder if the PSU goes down in 10 years, will it be repaired or given a new equivalent...

Well, if we go back to the specification, the SATA connector is designed for 2 amps, while the PCI-E bus can consume up to 6.25 amps. It means that the bottleneck is not only the PSU, but the connector itself which overheats and melts due to thin wires of the connector.

I'm just confused by the fact that raiser is plugged on the power line, which means that, theoretically, current through it comes from the mother, but what really goes on the wires there (maybe only on the 3.3 line goes to the raiser?) I don't know yet. My point is that the current supply obviously goes not only through the riser's auxiliary power.

Can't you check the voltage with a flash?


You're spending too much time on connectors and wires :)

You are free to do what you want...

It's just that these are the maximum risks from mining - the risks of fire.