Bitcoin miner - page 94

Renat Akhtyamov:

By the way, they say the bitcoin source code is open.

I rummaged through them and didn't find in any file the definition of GetHash() function, which is used in the code repeatedly...

Maybe someone can tell us where it is buried or the bitcoin is just a soap bubble?

Like all bubbles.

The same money - isn't it a bubble? So, after 5 years of saving for a car, bang, inflation in the morning, and you have enough for two car wheels instead of the car. Isn't that a bubble for Apple stock?

Renat Akhtyamov:
I suspect that soon they will start to sell cool vids for pennies...

That's not going to happen, for pennies let it heat your flat instead of a heater...

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There may not be any dividends, as the council decides.

The council only recommends and justifies...

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Like all bubbles.

The same money - isn't that a bubble? Well, a person saves for 5 years for a car, then bang, and in the morning inflation, and he has enough not for a car, but for two car wheels. Isn't that a bubble for Apple stock?

Buffett is very clear about the role of cryptocurrencies. It is nothing more than a means of transferring payments, more secure than many others. But it's not the only one. Let's say one can opt out of any of the cryptocurrencies without consequences for the economy. It is possible to abandon all of them at once without consequences: no budget is coagulated in cryptocurrencies, no country uses them as a unit of currency. How can a cheque or bill of exchange, for example, have its own value? How can it be made an independent unit of currency or commodity? This is absurd. The role of cryptocurrencies is initially overestimated, and financial illiteracy of the population is to blame. Well, enterprising businessmen couldn't help but take advantage of it, as soon as the opportunity to make money presented itself. Now we see cryptocurrency regulations being tightened everywhere, and the creation of ETFs and other derivatives being delayed. This is just the beginning. Eventually, the bubble will deflate and the blockchain's role will be what it is supposed to be - an interbank payment protocol.


Well, that seems to be the end of mining in Russia.

The dollar is 56.5, Bitcoin costs 11990, and

1 good card costs:

When I was building 3 rig, I bought it for 59,980 rubles and thought it was VERY expensive!

Seems there are good samaritans willing to sell top cards from abroad for next to nothing. It's true that the "money in the morning, money in the evening" scheme is alarming, but there seems to be no other way now.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

It seems there are good Samaritans ready to sell top cards from abroad for next to nothing. It is true that the "money in the morning, money in the evening" scheme is alarming, but there seems to be no other way around it now.

There are always people in Russia who believe there is a "free cheese".

This card costs that much in Germany...

Vasiliy Sokolov:

It seems there are good Samaritans ready to sell top cards from abroad for next to nothing. It is true that the scheme "money in the morning, money in the evening" is alarming, but it seems that there is no other way now.

Look at the reviews of this shop, the delivery of 3 months, there is a delivery of goods not that ordered, and there are cases and not deliver... I just wanted to order here myself, but I looked around for information.

Sergey Vradiy:

I joined the Pampers' Telegram Channel. Just to see how the system works. I did not buy a subscription to signals: I'm not going to participate myself. But in brief, the system works as follows. The participants agree to attack a certain exchange and pamp for a certain currency. In the mailing lists everything is written, what and how. They indicate the start time. At the moment X, the pumping starts, according to the principle of high-frequency scalping. The rate can take off several times in just a few minutes, but then it is slightly reset. During this time, it is necessary to create a rush and find as many "investors" as possible or simply suckers. When they are newly pumped up, they stock up on the whole cutlet, and then the pumping "suddenly" stops. The suckers begin to rush around and often dump the "coins" cheaper than they bought them. If there is a lot of live money in the system, sometimes the exchange gets hit by a DDOS attack and the entire cache is taken away. And then the "analysts" scratch their heads with the question: "I wonder why this currency attracted investors? Let's find out! Oh, it really is a great currency!". In short, it's a laugh and a sin. I will soon be writing a big article with illustrations and new details. Of course, everyone reads it!

Today we did it, tomorrow we do the same thing, and so on every day. Profit +50% in 5 minutes, a very interesting and profitable business.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Profit +50% in 5 minutes, a very interesting and profitable business.

Well, well

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Once upon a time gold was worth $20, then it went up to $1,000, which no one expected, and it was predicted to fall. What is it worth today?
