Bitcoin miner - page 77



By the way, what about the wiring (flat wiring) - is it warm?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

apparently, it's a matter of faith and beliefs )

money is subjective.

What is money to some people is not money to others.

The only thing you can have faith in in money is the belief that it will be accepted without a problem and that it won't be worthless a week from now.

If you try to have your roof repaired for bitcoins, it's unlikely that they will take bitcoins from you, but dollars will be no problem (though dollars are not the legal tender in the russian Federation).

But if you get an order for bitcoins for an adviser, will you most likely agree or refuse?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The measure of value is universal. And you gave a private example of a single transaction.

You could buy or sell anything for anything. Money has been all sorts of things-shells, stones with holes in them, livestock, hides, honey, nails, and more.

For something to be money, it has to work out the functions of money.

Bitcoin does not. We'll see how it works tomorrow.

But as of today, bitcoin is not money - in every sense and from every perspective.

But today, bitcoin is not money - for all intents and purposes - and we don't care that it's not money, as long as they give money for it...Oh, I wish we could start mining it...

Vladimir Karputov:

By the way, what about the wiring (flat wiring) - does it heat up?

No, it doesn't, the other two registers are powered off the cooker


Guys, why argue about money and not money?

I don't know, but I had no trouble exchanging "this" for



No, it's not, the other two registers are powered by an electric stove

The wiring for the electric cooker is probably designed for a single power of 8 kW - and the contractual power for the flat is also 8 kW.

Those who don't have an electric cooker have much less power.


Everyone refers to how many dollars one can get for bitcoins and is happy about it. So, subconsciously they still trust dollars because there is a powerful economy behind them and not a conspiracy of semi-underground exchanges whose owners no one knows.

As for mining, it has been proven many times before that cloud mining is much more profitable than home mining. The capacities involved in cloud mining are 1000 times more efficient than any home farm. Now, cloud mining pays for itself in 3 months on average. It is a simple investment that does not require the purchase and subsequent sale of iron, which is good for nothing else. Another plus is that you put regular money into the system, and withdraw regular money too. A pyramid scheme? No doubt about it. Well, what have I written to you about so far? The whole cryptocurrency craze is a pyramid. If that's the case, wouldn't it be easier to invest $100 in several cloud projects at once to diversify risk? I am always amazed at the tendency of the shirenarmasses to complicate the process.


Guys, why argue about money and not money?

I don't know, but I had no trouble exchanging "this" for


Question: Why do you exchange it for dollars right away? Why don't you hold on to it? Money works as a "savings instrument".

If you mined euros, you wouldn't exchange them for dollars.

But here, they have mined it, and it would be immediately dumped into the dollars.

p.s. By their conversion actions, miners themselves give a very eloquent answer to the question: are bitcoins money or not money.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
But if you get an order for bitcoins for an EA, are you more likely to accept it or refuse?

I don't want to pay for bitcoins less than 1. I used to get it for 500-700 and they charged me 0.005 for transacting, I got greedy)

ether, lites, nimes, please.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I don't have much fun racing bitcoins for less than 1. It was 500-700 when it was worthwhile, and I was charged 0.005 for the transaction, I got greedy)

ether, lites, nimes, please.

I'm exchanging between exchanges, the commission is about 1 DOGE, that's ~0.016$.