Bitcoin miner - page 82

Vladimir Zubov:

Spread is normal for BTCUSD

max 100 quid, ~0.7% at 13000 per coin,

that's a normal spread.


What I don't understand is how does the coin itself appear? Does it come from a torch?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Spreads must be tight?

I'm hung up on exchanges, it's a real thing, although the chance of a bourse being scammed is huge.

Yeah, spreads on bitcoin are oooh-ooh-ooh! And the quotes are messed up, I'm playing with the MQ demo with my hands. But strangely enough, so far I'm in profit.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

max 100 quid, ~0.7% at 13000 per coin,

It's a normal spread.

40-55 now.

I can't get a message in again!!!


What I don't understand is how does the coin itself appear? Does it come from a lantern?

No, from a light.)


A "gift" for miners for the Old New Year (price was $122)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

No, from the light)

It's like in the movie Golden Key. You have to bury one bitcoin in a field of miracles, and by morning...


A businessman in the Russian Federation bought two power plants to mine cryptocurrencies. I gather now the two cities that were powered by the power plants will be screwed...

Бизнесмен в РФ купил две электростанции для добычи криптомонет
  • votes: 1
  • 2018.01.12
  • Максим Сотник
Впервые на территории России приобретена электростанция для того, чтобы обеспечить электроэнергией процесс добычи цифровых монет. С этой целью частный инвестор купил Губахинскую энергетическую компанию. С ее помощью новые владельцы планируют ввести в действие и развивать полноценный дата-центр с майнингом криптомонет. Раньше правами на нее...

A "gift" to miners for the Old New Year (the price was $122)

What a speculators... and they're pointing the finger at us....

You can buy it cheaper:

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's like the movie Golden Key. You have to bury one bitcoin in a field of miracles, and by morning...


A businessman in Russia bought two power plants to mine cryptocurrencies. I take it now the two cities that were powered by the power plants will be screwed...

Bullshit in RF will soon ban crypto money!!!


Bullshit the RF will soon ban crypto-money!!!

If idiots, they will ban it.