Bitcoin miner - page 37


Work on the GUI has slowed down, due to HTTPs requests

are (sometimes) "crashing", causing exceptions which need to be handled with care.

But work is moving on (little by little).

You don't have statistics about earnings by day in bitcoins (I guess they pay)? From the screenshots, it looks like the number is fluctuating.


For the sceptics of mining:

LedgerX - already opened options with expiry in December 2018.

Sell PUTs not at the central strike for the amount of your investment in iron, thereby, with the total destruction of

Bitcoin, you will make HUGE money.

Bitcoin прогноз: достигнет ли индекс доминирования криптовалюты 90%
Bitcoin прогноз: достигнет ли индекс доминирования криптовалюты 90%
  • 2017.11.06
  • Константин Переверзев
За последние семь месяцев индекс доминирования bitcoin вырос до 61%. Это ещё больше укрепило позицию биткоина как ведущей цифровой валюты на глобальном рынке криптовалют. Bitcoin прогноз говорит о повышении. С января по сентябрь индекс доминирования криптовалюты снизился на 60%. В сентябре он составлял 30%, а в начале прошлого года – 90%. В...
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Do you have any statistics on earnings by day in bitcoins (I understand they are paid in bitcoins)? From the screenshots, it looks like the number is fluctuating.

It is dancing because NiceHash pays me every day.


Sell a PUT not at the central strike for the amount of your investment in iron, thereby, with the total destruction of

Bitcoin, you will make HUGE money.

I would advise buying PUT rather than selling, otherwise instead of making HUGE money there will be HUGE losses.

I hope you didn't make that mistake on purpose ;)


For the sceptics of mining:

A one-sided view.

The profitability of mining on the same equipment is gradually falling. It is an axiom practically.

It is therefore possible to make a good profit even when the rates are going up.

I would advise buying PUT rather than selling, otherwise instead of making HUGE money there will be HUGE losses.

I hope you didn't make that mistake on purpose ;)

Yes, I did.


one-sided view.

The profitability of mining on the same equipment is gradually falling. It's practically an axiom.

Therefore, one can make a good profit even at rising rates.

You have a slightly outdated knowledge.

Let me explain a little bit.

1. NiceHash is a portal (pool), where they buy and sell their power. (I.e. I sold my power, received bitcoins, and with those bitcoins I can BUY power from another pool)

2. Now, they are operating 30 algorithms at a time, providing data about profitability of each algorithm via API.

That's why I wrote a program to automatically switch between algorithms (standard one is glitchy)

Added by

I wrote a simple sniffer to correctly reproduce commands of the original program

3. There are more than 1000 cryptocurrencies and the probability that some one will "take off" is very high, i.e. there is the potential to constantly earn

at "the same level".

4. EVERYTHING in this world is getting old, even galaxies!


No one knows what lies ahead, but everyone hopes for something :)

In the meantime, at least $21 a day(not including edetricity and losses for withdrawal and conversion), we'll see what happens next


Mined algorithm "lyra2rev2" but now, more profitable algorithm "keccak", the program automatically switched to it ...

Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Большую часть времени современные компьютеры простаивают и не используют всех возможностей процессора. Мы предлагаем задействовать их с пользой. Вы можете сдавать мощности вашего компьютера другим участникам нашей сети для выполнения разнообразных...

one-sided view.

The profitability of mining on the same equipment is gradually falling. It is practically an axiom.

That's why it's possible to get a good deal even when the rates are going up.


You have a little outdated knowledge.

You speak of Thomas, and you speak of Erem. Moore's law still applies to video cards. Suppose you reach the break-even point in a year. Your virtual account will have 0$. Then you are faced with a dilemma: keep mining or invest in new hardware. If you keep mining, there will be some newbie who will risk to invest his money into new equipment and start as you started now. Once that newcomer enters the market, the cost of computation will go down and the volume of computation will go up. Since your equipment a year from now will be inferior to that of the newcomer's, the redistribution of funds will not be to your advantage. If you decide to invest in an upgrade, you will be at a disadvantage again.

It turns out that mining from financial point of view is something like throwing a red-hot coal from hand to hand: you take a loss, trying to repay it for a year, and you realize that you are sliding down the yield curve, throwing your old equipment to the suckers, looking so happy and telling them how you "earned" $100 a day in a stable way.

p.s. Look at how many farms are being pushed on Avito right now. Why should they be, if everything is so good and they bring in a stable income;)

Vasiliy Sokolov:

I already wrote "We'll see what happens".

And I'm telling you here because I was asked to write about the progress of things, not for other reasons as you might think...

Added (not for you)

"blake2" "pops"

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You talk about Thomas and you talk about Yew. Moore's Law still applies to video cards. Let's say you reach breakeven in a year. You will have $0 in your virtual account. Then you are faced with a dilemma: keep mining or invest in new hardware. If you keep mining, there will be some newbie who will risk to invest his money into new equipment and start as you started now. Once that newcomer enters the market, the cost of computation will go down and the volume of computation will go up. Since your equipment a year from now will be inferior to that of the newcomer's, the redistribution of funds will not be to your advantage. If you decide to invest in an upgrade, you will be at a disadvantage again.

It turns out that mining from a financial point of view is something like throwing a red-hot coal from hand to hand: you take a loss, you try to repay it for a year, you realize that you are sliding down the yield curve, you throw away the old hardware to suckers, looking happy and telling how you consistently "earned" $100 per day.

p.s. Look at how many farms are being pushed around on Avito now. Why, if all is so good and they bring in a steady income;).

There are a lot of farms that sell at a markup on avito! I've been doing the math for the sake of interest, or people just swap old iron for new, which is reasonable. I also think that after half a year - a year can make the upgrade - let then the yield will not be 100% per annum, and 50-60, but the iron will be new, which can be sold at a better price. On the other hand, the 7950 card on AVito for three years now costs around 6k, I bought a new one for 8k already 5 years ago... so there's not much to lose in rubles.