Bitcoin miner - page 10

George Merts:

Do you (let's be on a first-name basis, for fuck's sake) see the inverted commas?

My assumption is that since bitcoin inflation is strictly rationed and world currencies inflation is not, bitcoin will divide and divide into smaller and smaller chunks. That's what I called it.

No problem. You can be on a first-name basis.

I tried to be on a first-name basis at one time, but there's a lot of touchy-feely people around here. It's difficult for me to remember who is on a first-name basis and who is touchy, so I am writing only you lately not to hurt anybody.

I still can't understand, without any jokes, what is the difference between "inflation in depth" and "inflation in breadth". What is the difference between the reproduction of codes that no one understands and the reproduction of the usual bills of paper with a specified denomination? Maybe you yourself don't understand the essence of cryptocurrencies and their clones? I also want to understand, explain if you can.

Sergey Chalyshev:

I still can't understand, without any jokes, the difference between "inflation in depth" and "inflation in breadth". What is the difference between the reproduction of codes which no one understands and the reproduction of the usual denomination papers? Maybe you yourself don't understand the essence of cryptocurrencies and their clones? I want to understand too, explain if you can.

Nah... There is no difference in the multiplication of papers and codes.

But, the difference is that with "inflation in breadth" - i.e. with more currency - the prices of the PRESENT transactions are less than the prices of the same current ones.

But in "inflation in depth" - the prices of previous transactions turn out to be HIGHER than the prices of the same current transactions. In fact, "inflation in depth" is a type of deflation. But regular deflation is usually based on either a decline in economic activity or a decline in the discount rate. In the case of bitcoin, however, deflation is determined solely by an increase in the mass of the dollar (and other "regular" currencies) while the mass of the bitcoin remains the same. Which is quite different from "regular" economic deflation. That is why I called it unscientific - "inflation in depth".


Like this?новости/1054706/putin_poruchil_razrabotat_nalogh_na_mainingh_kriptovaliut

Путин поручил разработать налог на майнинг криптовалют
Путин поручил разработать налог на майнинг криптовалют
  • 2017.10.24
  • Марина Калегина
К лету 2018 года в России должны разработать порядок налогообложения и регистрации компаний, занимающихся майнингом криптовалют. Такое поручение президент Владимир Путин адресовал Центробанку и правительству, сообщает пресс-служба Кремля. Из документа следует, что до 20 декабря главе государства должны представить предложения по созданию...

Like this?новости/1054706/putin_poruchil_razrabotat_nalogh_na_mainingh_kriptovaliut

Путин поручил разработать налог на майнинг криптовалют
Путин поручил разработать налог на майнинг криптовалют
  • 2017.10.24
  • Марина Калегина
К лету 2018 года в России должны разработать порядок налогообложения и регистрации компаний, занимающихся майнингом криптовалют. Такое поручение президент Владимир Путин адресовал Центробанку и правительству, сообщает пресс-служба Кремля. Из документа следует, что до 20 декабря главе государства должны представить предложения по созданию...

That's right.

The first steps towards restraint.

It's going to get worse...

George Merts:

That's right.

First steps towards limiting it.

What's to come...

Will be, but for firms, not dummies, but for now on 2 Nvidia 1080 Ti (WITHOUT ANY CHARGE)

Income from 03:00am Moscow 26.10.2017 till now... 4,36 $

during ether mining, the cards are very gentle and there are miners who mine several different types of hashes at once
Sergey Chalyshev:

What is the difference between the reproduction of incomprehensible codes and the reproduction of the usual paper with a specified denomination?

The difference is that the "reproduction of incomprehensible codes" will result in

1) The total amount of money in the system will not change;

2) The owner will not change.

During ether mining, cards work in a very gentle mode; there are miners that mine several different types of hashes at once

Is it the same as when converting videos? What is the temperature there compared to toys?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Is it the same as when converting videos? What is the temperature there compared to toys?

It depends on the hash. It may heat up more than a game at prohibitive settings.