Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 122


Free money won in the lottery, over a million dollars, was usually only enough for people for a year.

A lot of money doesn't always bring happiness).

Uladzimir Izerski:

Free money won in the lottery, over a million dollars, was usually only enough for people for a year.

A lot of money doesn't always bring happiness.)

So the point of both experiments was not to provide the person completely, but simply to give some help that would be enough to survive. A person spends an enormous amount of energy and time on survival. Many people begin to really evolve when they stop thinking and caring about survival. Although there are also quite a few people who start to degrade in doing so. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer here. We can only say with a fairly high degree of certainty that a well-to-do person has fewer thoughts of theft, murder and other antisocial behaviour.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Free money won in the lottery, over a million dollars, was usually only enough for people for a year.

A lot of money doesn't always bring happiness).

Big money received for nothing does not stimulate development.

Money is a tool for the development of society, Hubilai in China understood that when he introduced paper money at a state level, it was there before his rule but few people believed in it. He made people believe in paper, and he brutally murdered people who didn't accept it. Since then a lot of time has passed and bitcoin replaced paper and everyone believed in it, remember how it started with bitcoin.

Moderators hope you don't ban me for this, it's a story of course but it's about money. (8-|)

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
A woman had a terrible genetic disease, her bones grew arbitrarily, she was advised not to give birth. She gave birth to 5 children who inherited the condition. Constant surgeries to remove bone growths, poverty and so on... Is that what their ego would accept?

evolution is a continuous series of mutations, any, even very terrible ones. it is not known in advance what will be necessary in the future. to forbid giving birth to people with genetic deviations means to stop human development. in addition, the question of what is considered "unacceptable mutations, deviations" will never be solved, it can become a direct lever of real genocide of entire peoples (and reasons to destroy entire peoples will be found as it will be possible to define who is worth living and who is not).

do you think that Drimmer does not understand this? he is not a stupid, though vile man, he is well aware that he is indirectly advocating the genocide of peoples.

the topic of hereditary restrictions has been covered very well by writers and philosophers.

Andrey Dik:

evolution is a continuous series of mutations, any, even very terrible ones. it is not known in advance what will be necessary in the future. to forbid giving birth to people with genetic deviations means to stop human development. in addition, the question of what is considered "unacceptable mutations, deviations" will never be solved, it can become a direct lever of real genocide of entire peoples (and reasons to destroy entire peoples will be found as it will be possible to define who is worth living and who is not).

do you think Drimmer does not understand that? he is not a stupid, though vile man, he is well aware that he is indirectly advocating the genocide of peoples.

The topic of hereditary restrictions has been covered very well by writers and philosophers.

Like do what we want, and if anything, mutation will save us? Mutation will happen anyway, if there are no options. Mutation comes from desperation, when there is no possibility of selection.

You could go so far as to conclude that women are the cause of genocide... They are the source and main driving force behind genocide. And why break down? If anything, mutation will save the world.


The Dreamer is good, the Dreamer is the best at all, the Dreamer is yummy, you're just jealous of him 😋

P.S. Transhumanism will save everyone, genetic + cell therapy/engineering, everything will be fine, I promise.


Transhumanism will save everyone, genetic + cell therapy/engineering, everything will be fine, I promise.

We know your transhumanism! Once again this pervert Bill Geitz will chip everyone and there will be a total transhumanism for all ordinary people! We don't need your internet transhumanism at all!

Aleksey Nikolayev:

We know your transhumanism! We don't need your internet transhumanism! We don't need it at all!

As if this is something bad 😁 there is no other way anyway 😉 the technoluddite traditionalists will be left on the sidelines of history to swallow dust 😏

Andrey Dik:

evolution is a continuous series of mutations, any, even very terrible ones. it is not known in advance what will be necessary in the future. to forbid giving birth to people with genetic deviations means to stop human development. in addition, the question of what is considered "unacceptable mutations, deviations" will never be solved, it can become a direct lever of real genocide of entire peoples (and reasons to destroy entire peoples will be found as it will be possible to define who is worth living and who is not).

do you think Drimmer does not understand that? he is not a stupid, though vile man, he is well aware that he is indirectly advocating the genocide of peoples.

the topic of hereditary restrictions has been covered very well by writers and philosophers.

Hadn't thought in that way about mutations. But the notion of 'normal' i.e. minor so to speak mutations seems to be out of the question. And when a fish has a paw instead of a nose, it's probably not exactly an attempt to make landfall.) Wait, how did he get a nose? )
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Hadn't thought in that way about mutations. But the concept of 'normal' i.e. minor so to speak mutations seems to be out of the question. And when a fish has a paw instead of a nose, it's probably not exactly an attempt to make landfall ) Wait, how did he get a nose? )

just nonviable individuals die on their own after birth (if a fish has a paw instead of a nose). but paws instead of fins gave rise to new classes of beings - reptiles and later mammals (fins instead of limbs - marine mammals).

all visible deviations from the norm (fetal development norms, one head, two legs and two hands with five fingers on each limb, etc.) are detected by modern diagnostic tools even before birth and the moral responsibility for the birth of the child lies with the parent.