Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 66


Arm wrestling - the ultimate madcap victory


We should check for parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, prions, radiation, toxins, chemicals,
or maybe you picked it up from a porn site.
I'll check the Internet, you do the rest.


Good morning.


About the snow

It's snowing


About two years ago, there was a "Hello" thread in the English part of the forum.
All the posts in this thread were one word - Hello - from different users.

That is, someone opened a branch, titled it Hello, and in the first post the text was hello.
They saw it late, when the second leaf was already done.
We thought about whether to delete it or not and there were five pages.


It was deleted.
And now I am sorry - because sometimes sitting alone at the computer, wants to say to all with only one word - "Hello", and a branch of Hello is no longer ...


For drivers:

Braking distance


Vadim Konyaev:

Yes, we have many astronauts.


Good morning