What is a trend? - page 48

Already from the 6th Oct.

You can do this, i.e. a switch like "UP -- DN".

But you must still consider the uncertainty zone, where it is no longer UP, but not yet DN. The exit from such a zone can be either UP or DN. (This is supported by historical data).

Serqey Nikitin:

The analysis on the weekly chart gives an upward trend, so the decline on the daily chart can be assessed as a flat... for now... or a pullback... But it's too early to talk about a reversal...

The weekly chart is clearly slowing down and looking down.

Олег avtomat:

The weekly chart is clearly slowing down and looking down.

The movement is sluggish - even on large charts (6-8 hours) indicators are jumping up and down, which is a sure sign of flat... Most likely the up trend will continue.

Serqey Nikitin:

The movement is sluggish - even on the larger charts (6-8 hours) the indicators are jumping up and down, which is a sure sign of flat... Most likely the upward trend will continue.

A reversal within the TF Daily. Movement on Weekly has stalled, looks like a top is forming. I assume a sharp move down, which will lead to a switch and Weekly.

And a "sluggish movement" is just an "uncertainty zone".
Олег avtomat:

A reversal within the TF Daily. Movement on Weekly has stalled, looks like a top is forming. I assume a sharp move down, which will lead to a switch and Weekly.

But when the sharp movement downwards occurs, it will make sense to talk about a reversal, but in the meantime, it is only a "supposition"....

The ideal situation is when movements on Monthly, Weekly, Daily are unidirectional.

Serqey Nikitin:
Yes, your option is possible, but when there is a "sharp move down", then it will make sense to talk about a reversal, but for now it's just "speculation"...

Of course.

Олег avtomat:

Of course.

A continuation of the current trend is ALWAYS preferable unless there is actual evidence to the contrary.
Serqey Nikitin:
A continuation of the current trend is ALWAYS preferable unless there is actual confirmation to the contrary.

More accurately:

"A continuation of the current trend is CHARACTERLY preferable unless there is actual confirmation to the contrary."

But the current trend onthe Weekly has already been broken. And onthe Daily, the opposite has formed.


so who has studied the turning points? are there any important events at these points or not?)