Do customers need a simple programming language built in? - page 2

Serqey Nikitin:
Given the fact that there are a lot of traders who are not programmers, this topic is quite relevant, and the witticism contest is not quite appropriate here...

You know, people sometimes ask me to teach them how to write trading robots. I always try to assess their level of knowledge by giving them small tests. Just once, if one underestimates himself, there is usually a steep overestimation. Well, he read the reference, maybe even flipped through a K&R book while sitting on the pot, he knows everything! All that's left is to learn how to write those damn robots, mere trifles.

Recently one such guy started writing nested functions in MQL5, something like this

void OnStart()
    int Add(int x, int y)
        return x+y;
    Print(Add(3, 4));

He was boasting that he knows MQL5 like the mother of God, down to OOP. After that he has stopped putting closing parentheses in functions and loops. When asked why, he got a cool answer - well, I indent, so he (the compiler) must understand that the function has stopped )).

So, such friends just need the simplest way to somehow automate their work.


Well, anyway, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he or she will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005


Well, in short, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he or she will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005

That's right ... And how many non-programmers there are in freelancing...

Well, in short, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he or she will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005

This is an excuse for those who do not want to change anything... It's very easy to take as an axiom a thing that you do not want to correct...


Well, in short, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he or she will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005

We stopped in time and now nobody wants to switch to mql5/mt5! it's been 7 years! and nobody is switching!
go ahead, make the programming language even more crippling and confusing. a great success awaits you.


Well, in short, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he or she will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005

I'm a non-programmer and I program in mql4, so you're wrong and misguided.
Serqey Nikitin:
Yes, you're right - to develop an Expert Advisor is a serious job. But the desire to facilitate this work - deserves respect ...

I've seen quite a few of these constructors, usually they look like the one in my first post. That is, you select indicator in the first column, some condition in the second, action in the third, etc. Of course something works, but it's clear that the approach is very limited, it's a sort of a "hard-core" template that you can't get away from.

Matlab has a Simulink package that allows you to build models out of cubes. In electronics, there are plenty of simulators that also allow you to draw a wiring diagram, create your own blocks and simulate it all.

There are probably such programs for forex/exchange as well, I just haven't come across them due to disinterest. Here's some scheme from Simulink, taken from their help, purely as an example.

Serqey Nikitin:

This is an excuse for those who do not want to change anything... It is very EASY to accept as an axiom a thing which one does not want to correct...

What kind of excuse is that? Compare the number of non-programmers and programmers. 1000 to 1, if not 10 000 to 1 (we do not mean all traders, but those who are thinking about algorithmic trading processes). Who is better to be paid? Of course non-programmers. And it turned out to be useless.

What is there to fix? We started moving our programming in 2001. By 2006 it was obvious that "any cook wouldn't be able to run the state", we lacked the appropriate culture. So we began to promote MQL4, and then MQL5 to the programming community in order to instill the right culture

What can you counter our years of experience?

Create a simple stackable machine like our MQL II (in MQL5 it could easily be done) and start promoting it. In a couple of years, share your impressions.


They stopped in time and now nobody wants to switch to mql5/mt5! it has been 7 years! and no one wants to switch!
Go ahead, make the programming language even more cranky and confusing. a great success awaits you.

Hello, at least look at the local contestants and see who writes on what

Contest №3 Real Cent-account: 03.07.2017 — 28.07.2017
Contest №3 Real Cent-account: 03.07.2017 — 28.07.2017
В конкурсе могут принимать участие только верифицированные пользователи форума  Допускается автоматическая и ручная торговля на платформе или Нет ограничений на размер торгового лота Завершение конкурса: 28.07.2017 Призовой фонд делится между двумя номинациями, и на данный момент составляет: нет ↑ Победитель будет определён по двум номинациям...
I'm a non-programmer and I program in mql4, so you are wrong and misguided.

No one is stopping you from continuing to program in MQL4. If you don't want/can't use all the benefits of MQL5, then don't.

BTW MQL4 was a huge step up from MQL II and it's much closer to MQL5 than MQL II