Do customers need a simple programming language built in? - page 3

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Hello, at least look at the local contestants and see who writes on what

Look at the signals. 5% on mql5.
And it is still the same as it was a year ago. nothing has changed.


Well, in short, you have followed our rake.

We already had languages for non-programmer traders. MQL and MQL II. We stopped in time.

If a trader is not a programmer, he will never program in any, even the simplest language. Read our forums of 2002-2005

Slava, what about the bull-coders who program with the mouse? )))

Внимание! Статья-детектор! Одним из побочных эффектов от прочтения этой статьи является так называемый butthurt. Если вы начнёте ощущать боль в нижней части спины, следует немедленно прекратить дальнейшее чтение и смириться с фактом, что вы — Быдлокодер. Быдлокодер (aka погромист, горе-программист, индус; англ. Code Monkey) — это человек...

No one is stopping you from continuing to program in MQL4. If you don't want/can't use all the features of MQL5, then don't.

BTW MQL4 was a huge step from MQL II and it's much closer to MQL5 than MQL II

The difference is that MQL4 and MQL5 are almost the same, the difference is only in API, and I don't see any difficulties in this transition. The moronic stuff about difficulties is composed by bullheaders ))


No one is stopping you from continuing to program in MQL4. If you don't want/can't take advantage of all MQL5 plushies, then don't.

BTW MQL4 was a huge step up from MQL II and is much closer to MQL5 than MQL II

But i don't want to use it, not because it's more complicated than mql4, but because i see that it could have been much easier, but it wasn't.
"But it's not that simple, it's that simple.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Slava, what about the bull-coders who program with a mouse? )))

All programming with a mouse requires further fine-tuning with a file


I don't want to, not because it's more complicated than mql4, but because I realise that it could have been made much simpler, but it wasn't.
"everything brilliant is simple".

You're wrong. The lower level of MQL4 is exactly the same as the lower level of MQL5. If you don't want complexity, don't do it - MQL5 allows.
This is a technical discussion. Whoever makes one more personal remark will be banned.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The MQL4 and MQL5 languages are almost identical, the only difference is API, and I don't see any difficulties in this transition. )) Silly bubbleheaders are making up nonsense about difficulties.

I think that mql5 is more complicated than mql4.

I think that everybody has recognized that mql5 is more complicated than mql4.

But it is important to understand the purpose of it! Why should I study mql5 in order to write more code in a more complex programming language?
while in mql4 you can write a program in a couple of minutes, and everything is done very easily.

the nonsense about identical mql4 and mql5 is invented by bullfighters))

What kind of excuse is that? Compare the number of non-programmers and programmers. 1000 to 1, if not 10 000 to 1 (we do not mean all traders, but those who are thinking about algorithmic trading processes). Who is better to be paid? Of course non-programmers. And it turned out to be useless.

What's there to fix? We started to move our programming forward in 2001. By 2006 it was obvious that "any cook wouldn't be able to run the state", we lacked the appropriate culture. So we began to promote MQL4, and then MQL5 to the programming community in order to instill the right culture

What can you counter our years of experience?

Create a simple stackable machine like our MQL II (in MQL5 it could easily be done) and start promoting it. In a couple of years, share your impressions.

It's not a question of fixing the language, but the issue of simplifying the use of this language with the help of ADDITIONAL programs ...

Have you read the title of the thread?

I have been using such a program for 8 years and the results are amazing. But it does not concern you...

Serqey Nikitin:

It's not a question of fixing the language itself, it's a question of making it easier to use with ADDITIONAL software...

Have you read the title of the thread?

I have been using this type of software for 8 years and the results are great. But it has nothing to do with you...

For God's sake. Get into that niche soon. But get ready to support non-programmer users.