How do you reassure yourself after another deposit failure? - page 4

Kirill Shushkevich:

Have you been here a long time or not and you don't have much of a rating?

I'm just a... a hedgehog from the suburbs.


I'm just a... a hedgehog from the suburbs.



I'm just a... a hedgehog from the outskirts.

Whoa, kozak bouly?

Alexander Ivanov:

Wow, kozak bouly?



.. и.... we became soros soldiers.... when we opened MT4...

we are in one way or another "at war" against all humanity... against good... if I may say so....

as we operate on a platform... created by the predators of the west.... and we are becoming predators ourselves...

but, there.... after death,the answer is brutal...

Alexander Ivanov:

.. и.... we became soros soldiers.... when we opened MT4...

we are in one way or another "at war" against all humanity... against good... if I may say so....

as we operate on a platform... created by the predators of the west.... and we are becoming predators ourselves...

but, there.... after death,the answer is brutal...

need to watch the movie later ok or what?

Kirill Shushkevich:

I'll have to see the movie later, is it good or what?

there's a family of one, the bank takes away all the real estate, the parents die of grief and poverty... and the kid grows up taking revenge on the bank -

enters as a trader with a unique trading strategy, but he purposely drains all the bank's capital...

Alexander Ivanov:

there's a family of one, the bank takes all the real estate, the parents die of grief and poverty, and the kid grows up taking revenge on the bank -

enters as a trader with a unique trading strategy, but he intentionally drains all the bank's capital...

I need to watch it) but what good movies about trading are out there?

Kirill Shushkevich:

I'll have to see.) What are some good films about trading?

"BANKRUPTCY," it's on youtube.

That's the one. It's about us.

Alexander Ivanov:

.. и.... we became soros soldiers.... when we opened MT4...

we are in one way or another "at war" against all humanity... against good... if I may say so....

as we operate on a platform... created by the predators of the west.... and we are becoming predators ourselves...

but, there.... after death,the answer is brutal...

interesting movie, but it's another leaker.

i was watching until the moment he was hired.