BRENT - page 13


If you do not need the goods now (the warehouse is full or there is no warehouse at all), but will need them in the future at a certain price. In addition, if you buy the goods now, you have to pay storage fees. Apart from goods - this generally applies to currencies as well - negative interest rates, i.e. you pay for holding the money.

The difference in price between the futures and the SPOT is the price for storage and delivery!

Maybe enough of your fantasies (read something at your leisure).

And I have completed a free course on futures!


No, what it turns out is that the stock exchange "lowers" the real sellers in order to cover its own ass.

The speculators are nothing compared to the real sellers (the volumes are quite different)

Well, the OPEC+ deal has sort of happened to reduce production.
That's why we need to stimulate the market and limit the volume of speculative shorts who don't care what to short when to short )))).
And the real sellers, I don't think this CS is an obstacle.


The difference in price between the futures and the SPOT is the storage and delivery price!

What you fail to realise is that both the seller and the buyer can pay for storage


So the OPEC+ deal has sort of happened to reduce production.
So now the market needs to be stimulated, and the volume of speculative shorts that don't care what to short when to short )))).
And the real sellers, I don't think this CS is an obstacle.

How can you think that "it is not a hindrance"?

They have no money, oil is not for sale, and the GO is not 15% but 73.5% (and in reality GO = 19.23/21.47 *100 = 89.57%) is not our miserable money,

but billions of dollars!


How can you think that "it is not a hindrance"?

They have no money, oil is not for sale, and the GO is not 15% but 73.5% - this is not our miserable money,

but billions of dollars!

So they cannot hedge?


So they can't hedge?

We are talking about real sellers (they do not need to hedge).


How can you think that "it is not a hindrance"?

They have no money, the oil is not for sale, and here the GO is not 15% but 70% of it is not our miserable money,

but billions of dollars!

So the BR contract type is settlement (speculative), not delivery!

Московская Биржа - Основные параметры срочного контракта
Московская Биржа - Основные параметры срочного контракта
Влияем на развитие, создаем будущее. Миссия Группы — способствовать экономическому росту и реструктуризации российской экономики путем расширения возможностей по привлечению капитала для компаний и создания удобной, надежной и прозрачной инвестиционной среды для российских и иностранных инвесторов.

It's not about the type of contract, it's about the principles of futures trading.

That is exactly what I was talking about.


It's not about the type of contract, it's about the principles of futures trading.

That is exactly what I was talking about.

Enlighten me as to why real sellers need to sell futures?


Enlighten me as to why real sellers need to sell futures?

We have settlement futures and other exchanges have delivery futures.

The discussion was not about specific buyers and sellers (the real ones) on MOEX,

but that our Exchange has violated the principles of futures trading.