BRENT - page 16


But it does not allow the use of trading robots.

Yes, there is no full-fledged coding there, but you can programme a little something, I didn't even understand it, because I didn't see the point.
I don't know how to use it and I'll use some tips on how to register my forex robot and what to do with it.
That's why I use mt5, or it torments me.


I don't have complete coding, I just program some small things there, I don't even understand it, because I don't see the point.
I don't know how to use it and I'm not sure if I'll get it right or not.
That's why I use mt5, or it torments me.

I studied trading on Western exchanges about 5 years ago and came to the conclusion that 1.

1. To trade successfully, you need a good connection (network) to the exchange.

2. An API (not a terminal) that allows fast trading.

3. a good and reliable broker (with 1000 $ there is nothing to do).

After calculating the costs and non-trading risks, came to a conclusion:

"Let others trade there :)".


I studied trading on Western exchanges about 5 years ago and came to the conclusion that 1.

1. To trade successfully, you need a good connection (network) to the exchange.

2. An API (not a terminal) that allows fast trading.

3. a good and reliable broker (with 1000 $ there is nothing to do).

After calculating the costs and non-trading risks, came to a conclusion:

"Let others trade there :)".

It all depends on the strategy. You can also send bids over the phone ;))
Network connection should be good on any exchange, but again it depends on strategy.
VPS or VDS solves all problems, and if you need HFT speed, then cross-connect to the quote provider.
NFA licensed brokers, by definition cannot be bad, their regulator punishes violations with large fines, hundreds of thousands.
There are non-trading risks on any exchange.


Who knows - where to see a quote from the stock exchange, which coincides as a demo, and real (in private, please)

But for more than a month demo give

Renat Akhtyamov:

Who knows - where to see a quote from the exchange, which coincides with a demo and real (in person, please)

But for more than a month a demo is given

You can open in the application tinkoff investments. Surely you have a tikoff card?

Or do you want to watch it in mt5?


A bit about oil, watch to the end - there are credits there.

You just have to wait a little longer and it will be cheaper than napkins

Vitaly Muzichenko:

A bit about oil, watch to the end - there are credits there.

You just have to wait a little longer and it will be cheaper than napkins

You just have to wait a little longer for oil to be cheaper than wipes and for WATER to be worth more than $40 a barrel.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

We have to wait a little longer for oil to be cheaper than napkins and for WATER to cost more than $40 a barrel.

Water will not become more expensive by virtue of its affordability.


Yuriy Zaytsev:

We just have to wait a little longer for oil to be cheaper than napkins and for WATER to be worth more than $40 a barrel.

Not really funny, but it means it's time to start buying water futures:)

Вода стала товаром на бирже Nasdaq. Что это значит для человечества —
Вода стала товаром на бирже Nasdaq. Что это значит для человечества —
  • 2020.09.28
С 1980-х годов в разных публицистических статьях на тему сохранения природы нас регулярно пугали тем, что когда-нибудь чистой водой будут торговать так же, как торгуют нефтью – на бирже, со всеми вытекающими (во всех смыслах вытекающими) последствиями – от производных ценных бумаг до разливов самого «продукта». Ну вот, прогноз исполнился. 23...
Vitaly Muzichenko:

A bit about oil, watch to the end - there are credits there.

You just have to wait a little longer and it will be cheaper than napkins.

You have to realise that all the plastic and half the Chinese clothes are oil. It's not about fuel. And I don't even know how much 1 kg of tissues costs (the equivalent of oil is a little more than a litre) - maybe oil is already cheaper than tissues in this sense with a price of 40 quid per barrel.