
Who trades in oil, share your experiences.

(Features, pitfalls)



Who trades in oil, share your experiences.

(Features, pitfalls)

Features of oil:

1. expiration every month.

2. Strong trends.

3. large volumes in the stack - arbitrage, which does not allow you to see the nearest levels in the stack, but often there are huge volumes, forcing the market to turn around.

4. I use gluing for analysis - amazingly it works, i.e. price takes into account past futures prices.

5. There are very strong movements on the news, which means stops will come off with a lot of slippage.

6. To trade you need to take into account the movement on the London Stock Exchange where the brand has been trading for more time.

7. Levels on ZZ from history works well.


Why does the futures price "freeze" 2-3 days before expiry?


Why does the futures price "freeze" 2-3 days before expiry?

Possibly because of the traders' switch to a new contract.


possibly due to the transition of traders to a new contract.



fine instrument, runs smoothly and predictably, just slow


A fine instrument, runs smoothly and predictably, just slowly

How is it predictable?


Why does the futures price "freeze" 2-3 days before expiry?

Tired of waiting for the right answer, so why does it freeze?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Tired of waiting for the right answer, so why the freeze?

I never found out.


This is a very interesting question! It is one of the secrets of the markets.

If you don't have money, it is more interesting to trade cheaper instruments.

I started considering this instrument because of its cheapness. When oil was $100, it was harder to trade oil.

But once oil went down in price, it became quite an attractive instrument.



Who trades in oil, share your experiences.

(Features, pitfalls)

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