BRENT - page 10


If the price can be minus 300%, why can't collateral be at least 150% ?

It can't be!

Because the derivatives market implies that the CS is a small percentage (usually 10-15%) of the price of the SPOT.

That's the way derivatives trading was conceived.

You are confusing absolute prices and CollateralAssurance.


Until today, it has always been:

The higher the liquidity of the Derivatives market instrument, the lower the GO!


It can't be!

Because the derivatives market implies that the CS is a small percentage (usually 10-15%) of the price of the SPOT.

That is the way derivatives trading was conceived.

You are confusing absolute prices and Collateral.

If the daily fluctuations are small, the % is small. And if the fluctuations are large, the GO increases and gives you a period to top up: you either top up orclose the position. Is it different for you?


The higher the liquidity of a Derivatives Market instrument, the lower the CS!

In addition, liquidity is an abstraction - it cannot be calculated, while CS is quite a calculated value


Besides, liquidity is an abstraction - it cannot be calculated, while CS is quite a calculated value.

I am surprised at the persistence with which you talk nonsense!


I am surprised at the persistence with which you talk nonsense!

If you do not understand why the CS has been raised, study the formula for its calculation first - thenthe sillyquestions will disappear

  • 2020.04.21
Привет! Кто торгует нефтью, поделитесь опытом. (Особенности, "подводные камни...

If you do not understand why they raised the CS, then study the formula for calculating it first - thenthe sillyquestions will disappear.

It is clear why they raised the CS, and the CS is not calculated, but set by the Exchange to cover their "ass"!

Гарантийное обеспечение называют депозитной или первоначальной маржей,
и по большому счету данная сумма является некой страховкой (прежде всего для биржи как гаранта по сделке) о том,
что стороны точно исполнят свои обязательства по фьючерсу.
So there's no need to make a fuss!

It is clear why they have increased, and the CS is not calculated, but set by the Exchange to cover their "ass"!

So there is no need to make things up!

Before setting the CS - it must be calculated - they do not take numbers from the ceiling - 73, 73.5, 55, 61 - these are all calculated values


Before you install a CS you have to calculate it - they don't just take 73, 73.5, 55, 61 - these are all calculated values.

Stop being delusional!

If you sell BR on the market, you should have a seller's GO * 1.5 in your account, which is more than the value of the brent SPOT!

This is out of the rules for trading on the Derivatives Market at all, as the Exchange reserves GOs from both the buyer and the seller!

int OnInit()
 double mar_buy, mar_sell;
 bool result = OrderCalcMargin(ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT, Symbol(), 1, 21.70, mar_buy);
 result = OrderCalcMargin(ORDER_TYPE_SELL, Symbol(), 1, 21.70, mar_sell);
 double barrel = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
 double d_kurs = SymbolInfoDouble("USDRUB_TOM", SYMBOL_LAST); 
 double total_go = (mar_buy + mar_sell)/barrel/d_kurs;
 Print("ГО покупателя = ", mar_buy);
 Print("ГО продавца = ", mar_sell);
 Print("Размер контракта (баррелей в 1 контракте) = ", barrel);
 Print("Курс доллара = ", d_kurs);
 Print(" Общее ГО = ", total_go, "$ за баррель");  
2020.04.24 03:12:41.798	cc (BR-5.20,M1)	ГО покупателя = 7634.08
2020.04.24 03:12:41.798	cc (BR-5.20,M1)	ГО продавца = 14737.66
2020.04.24 03:12:41.798	cc (BR-5.20,M1)	Размер контракта (баррелей в 1 контракте) = 10.0
2020.04.24 03:12:41.798	cc (BR-5.20,M1)	Курс доллара = 74.77
2020.04.24 03:12:41.798	cc (BR-5.20,M1)	 Общее ГО = 29.92074361374883$ за баррель

На картинке НЕ СПОТ, а 5.20 фьючерс, который торгуется 21,61$ за барель!!!

According to the rules of trading, there is no way the price of a derivative can be equal to the SPOT price, and it turns out to be more on the MICEX!!!

The whole point of futures trading is just shoved in one place by our exchange....

And in case the deal does not take place, the exchange will pocket one contract = (29.92-21.61) * 10 = $83.1.

So that's it!


The whole point of futures trading is simply shoved into one place by our exchange....

Let's move on from words to numbers and solve an exaggerated problem:

The notional Vasya and Petya are trading on the exchange against each other. Petya has 4₽. GO <= 100%. The trade was made at 4₽. The price then went against Petya and at the time of settlement was 10₽.

Question: Who will pay Vasya the missing 2₽ ?


Let's move on from words to numbers and solve an exaggerated problem:

The hypothetical Vasya and Petya are trading against each other on the stock exchange. Petya has 4₽. GO < 100%. The trade was made at 2₽. Then the price went sharply against Petya... and at 4₽, Petya went out on a margin call. At the time of settlement, the price is 10₽.

Question: who will pay Vasya the missing 6₽ ?

The figures are all already calculated in MT5, check for yourself (the code is not hidden).

And read carefully what is being written to you.


Instead of making yourself look bad,

You should read this article (it's written for beginners).

Что такое фьючерсы на бирже
Что такое фьючерсы на бирже
  • 2019.05.13
  • Роман Кобленц частный инвестор
Если вы хотите попробовать себя в краткосрочных сделках и спекуляциях, вам стоит знать о фьючерсах. Начнем издалека: представьте, что вы фермер и что через полгода вам понадобится зерно. И что стоимость этого зерна за полгода может вырасти в два раза, а может и упасть в два раза. Никто не знает, как получится. Тогда вы идете к поставщику и...