Looking for a programmer, there is an MTS enriching its creator. - page 7

Gayrat Madumarov:
Why don't you tell me what the point is and we can all have a laugh.

I can.

This MTS ain't enriching nobody shit.

If that were the case, you would have turned to Freelance a long time ago and gotten rich without the distraction of the forum. And if you don't want to risk even small amounts of money, it means that either you strongly doubt that someone there has become rich, or you're going to outright lie. In both cases, the headline shows the unseriousness of the author, i.e. you. It is highly doubtful that anyone would seriously try to write anything there, except for very beginners who are just beginning to learn programming, and who do not care what to write.

George Merts:

I can.

That MTS hasn't enriched anyone for shit.

If that were the case - you would have turned to Freelance long ago, and enriched yourself without being distracted by the forum. And if you don't want to risk even small amounts of money - it means that either you strongly doubt that someone there got rich, or you're going for outright lies. In both cases, the headline shows the unseriousness of the author, i.e. you. It is highly doubtful that anyone would seriously try to write anything there, except for very beginners who are just beginning to learn programming, and who do not care what to write.

I'm not quite sure what caused such a hysterical escapade. But it is what it is. I can't imagine what you think gives you the right to indiscriminately accuse me of lying. I describe my position on every page several times and I find only one explanation for misunderstanding: in the minds of some people it does not fit that a person can absolutely selflessly support a common cause, a cause that he understands as common and wants to do his fair share.

But these are emotions. I have a question if you are able to answer for your words? Maybe we'll make a bet that there's not a word of lie in my post? A wager of, say, 500 c.u.?

Gayrat Madumarov:

But these are emotions. My question is, are you able to answer for your words? How about we make a bet that there's not a word of a lie in my post? A wager of, say, 500 bucks?

Well, well, that's interesting. What are the terms of the bet?

Gayrat Madumarov:

Hello Gairat.

Describe (in general) the principles of the TC, please.

If you want the work to get off the ground, you can't do it without the ToR. As long as there is no ToR, there will be chatter.

Gayrat Madumarov:

But that's emotion. My question is, are you able to answer for your words? How about we make a bet that there's not a word of a lie in my post? A wager of, say, 500 c.u.?

You were right to say - "And on what terms?".

And already this proposal gives out you blabalala - if you're ready to risk a bet of $500 - then it is absolutely unclear, what prevents you from spending a tenth of this amount to encrypt your MTS in Freelance, which "will enrich you" without any problems.

$500 is three of my pensions, I don't have that much. But $100 I'll bet at any time. I suggest we find four more people willing to add the missing $400. Let's make a wager. Let's see you get rich. You increase your deposit by at least ten times (okay, let's not talk about enrichment), and you get your betting winnings due. I suggest Alexey Volchansky, who is trusted, I think, by most of the forum.
Alexey Kozitsyn:

Hello Gairat.

Describe (in general) the principles of the TC, please.

Yes I will describe this "ingenious MTS" to you. You take an ordinary MA. Look, as soon as the current price has crossed it upwards - open up. As soon as the current price has crossed it downwards - you flip down. On the pound dolly 1970-1985, this MTS has been working for years without losing money ! Add a simple Price Channel filter - it is easy to achieve very good results. Get rich - quite possible ! It's congenial !!!


To those who have been here a long time.

What the f... get involved in posts by freeloaders and grail-seekers?


To those who have been here a long time.

What the f... get involved in posts by freeloaders and grail seekers?

It wouldn't kill me to read a few lines of the TOR.

Well, gentlemen, I guess the moment of truth has arrived. To be honest I had a better opinion of people and thought that at least one would agree (of course I would have removed all obligations before giving everything away), what a naive idealist I still am. My intention was to post everything as is, when enough people will be interested, I'm afraid if you drag it out a little longer then the topic will be grayed out completely. And so:

TADA!!!!! http://www.r-5.org/files/books/trading/speculation/Jesse_Livermore-How_To_Trade_In_Stocks_(1940_original)-EN.pdf

I shall duplicate information just in case "How to trade stocks" by Jessie Livermore, there is a publication in Russian, but I have not found a direct link to a pdf.

Finally I would like to quote a rubai by the great Persian enlightener, scholar and poet. If someone takes Omar Khayam's immortal lines at his own expense, perhaps his intuition tells him absolutely right this time.

What, wretched one, do you want from those donkeys?
You bring them wisdom and they discard it without a word.
Once a year, they will not give him a drink of spring water,
A hundred times a day they shame you - that's your catch...

R-5: The Game of Life
R-5: The Game of Life
  • www.r-5.org
Здесь собраны книги об архитектуре однокристалльных процессоров и операционных систем реального времени, а также литература об операционных системах Unix и OS/2. Здесь также есть книги о языках программирования, используемых для разработки систем реального времени, в том числе MISRA-C:2004, Cyclone и Erlang. В разделе «Библиотека» есть...
Gayrat Madumarov:

Well, gentlemen, I guess the moment of truth has arrived. To be honest I had a better opinion of people and thought that at least one would agree (of course I would have removed all obligations before giving everything away), what a naive idealist I still am. My intention was to post everything as is, when enough people will be interested, I'm afraid if you drag it out a little longer then the topic will be riddled with dirt finally. And so:

TADA!!!!! http://www.r-5.org/files/books/trading/speculation/Jesse_Livermore-How_To_Trade_In_Stocks_(1940_original)-EN.pdf

I shall duplicate information just in case "How to trade stocks" by Jessie Livermore, there is a publication in Russian, but I have not found a direct link to a pdf.

Finally I would like to quote a rubai by the great Persian enlightener, scholar and poet. If someone takes Omar Khayam's immortal lines at his own expense, perhaps his intuition tells him correctly this time.

What, wretch, do you want from these donkeys?
You bring them wisdom and they reject it without a word.
Once a year they don't give you fresh water,
A hundred times a day, that's your catch...

What about the wager? Ignore?