Looking for a programmer, there is an MTS enriching its creator. - page 5


If the TS is profitable, I see no reason why you cannot order work from a programmer, if you are confident in the TS. You invest today in order to make a profit tomorrow.

The same Alexey Volchansky performs orders of high quality and not expensive, with a price-quality ratio of 10 out of 10.

George Merts:

Yes, I write what I think about your (let's say you) suggestions.

So far, there has been one - "I want someone to implement my brilliant ideas for free (freelance - let the suckers apply) in an EA, and see what happens. If the ideas turn out to be really brilliant, I will get rich, and that someone will also get something. If the ideas turn out to be worthless, I have nothing to lose and this someone, a fool, will work in vain.

Was there anything else in your comments ?

No offence, just let's end the bickering.

If the TS is profitable, I see no reason why you cannot order work from a programmer, if you are confident in the TS. You invest today in order to make a profit tomorrow.

The same Alexey Volchansky performs orders of high quality and not expensive, the price-quality ratio is 10 out of 10.

In whom and in what you can be sure of the market? At the expense of investing, well, did not want to write well all right, the real investment is available and then not everyone is in the construction of flats, and most of the content presented here is either sale of miracle cures for baldness, immortality elixirs, etc.. (something that doesn't work in principle), or a levitation contest https://youtu.be/aM9UpoR64Wg (where everything stops working before it recovers the investment, but is declared profitable).
Йогические полеты - Yogic Flying
Йогические полеты - Yogic Flying
  • 2013.01.27
  • www.youtube.com
Демонстрация йогических полетов - практики Йога-сутр Махариши Патанджали в Нью Дали (Индии) в присутствии, Шанкарачарьи Джотир Матха, доктора Дипака Чопры, ф...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

"Decompile, replace variables" - so much hassle. There's nothing interesting there anyway - the same eggs, only in profile. Not interesting.)

Understanding the market in general is self-defeating.)) What, pray tell, can be understood in a random process? Imho, only its statistical characteristics. Once, that's all.)

Of course it is possible to create a bunch of quasi-scientific terms, call it TA, and manipulating it consider it an understanding. However, it is more like dancing with a tambourine.))

The market can be understood, but, from this understanding come to the conclusion that, it is impossible to make super profits that are much higher than bank rates. For example, using a known pattern (URM), analyzing the entire 44-year history of the euro/dollar, obtained a stable, low-risk profit in the range of only 6.8% per annum without reinvestment of profits, and 11.8% with reinvestment. Everyone believes that this is too low and forgets that they are dealing with interbank market, where reinvestment rates are ranging from 0-3% per annum. How do you get more profits in this market and by whom? You have to look at the market soberly and not expect to make more than 10% p.a.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
The market can be understood, but, from this understanding come the conclusion that, it is impossible to make super profits far in excess of bank rates. For example, using the known pattern (URM), analyzing the whole 44-year history of the euro/dollar, obtained a stable, low-risk profit in the range of only 6.8% per annum without reinvestment of profits and 11.8% with reinvestment. Everyone believes that this is too low and forgets that they are dealing with interbank market, where reinvestment rates are ranging from 0-3% per annum. How do you get more profits in this market and by whom? You have to look at the market soberly and not expect to make more than 10% per annum in profits.
What is the meaning of PPM?
Gayrat Madumarov:
And how does it decipher URM?

There is a related discussion thread and an indicator in the kodobase, look it up, I could be accused of advertising, which I don't want to do, sorry, please.

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
  • 2011.02.07
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
  • www.mql5.com
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

There's also a discussion thread, go ahead and search for it, I could be accused of advertising, which I don't want to do.

Is this your doctoral dissertation? I've hardly understood a word of it.
Gayrat Madumarov:
No offence, just let's end the bickering.
No hard feelings, I want to understand why you are unwilling to go freelance with your brilliant idea ?
George Merts:
No hard feelings, I want to understand why you are not willing to go into freelancing with your brilliant idea ?

There is only one reason: there is no $30 for freelancing.

George Merts:
What are the hard feelings, I want to understand why you are not willing to freelance with your brilliant idea ?

I'm not sure I can explain more clearly than in my previous posts, but out of respect for you I will try:

I do not believe in the possibility of getting rich soon in the market, but I do believe, and there are examples of this, in getting rich in principle. Having one fully formalized TS, I want to test its automatic version in a tester. It is clear that professionals will not do it for free. But perhaps there is a novice coder who has exhausted his own trading ideas and would be glad to try something original, which I believe deserves it. For my part I will provide a fully formalized ToR to this thread and the coder agrees to post the codes and maintain at least a week to fix bugs. Seems like a fair trade. From which all will benefit.

If you follow your logic, I have to go into freelance, I will write for my money expert, which I will put in the code base for free, what is the point of this activity?