Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 13

Artyom Trishkin:

Two situations:

You get on the bus, sit down and turn your back to the window. The doors close, the bus goes...

The conductor: "It's 25 rubles from you".
You: "I give you 10 and no more, but I'm going anyway"...
You get your ass kicked ... and there you are, standing on the pavement in the wind, thinking about respect

You get on the bus, ask for the fare...

Conductor: "25 rubles."
You: "Sorry, I only have 10 and get off at the bus stop"...
The conductor reflects on nobility and respect

So there you go...

Look for analogies and see the root of the matter...

And the third option:

You get on the bus and you say.

"I'll give you 10 and no more..."

The conductor: "You owe me 30 roubles, that's the fare and it's not up to you to change it".

You: I don't know, I don't have any more...

You get your ass kicked..., and now you're standing on the pavement in the wind, thinking about respect.

The conductor got into an argument and didn't get fired for it... This whole story is rather convoluted. I'm not going to judge who's right and who's even more right... The Freelance service, from my point of view, is completely horribly organised.

How can you allow people to freelance who take an order and start asking on the forum how to do something...

In my opinion, it wouldn't hurt to have a separate contract to work in the Freelance service, and not just to get a vendor status. But, this is just my purely personal opinion.

Alexey Viktorov:

And a third option:

You get on the bus and announce.

"I'll give you 10, and no more"...

The conductor: "You owe 30 roubles, that's the fare and it's not up to you to change it".

You: I don't know, I don't have any more...

You get your ass kicked..., and now you're standing on the pavement in the wind, thinking about respect.

The conductor got into an argument and didn't get fired for it... This whole story is rather convoluted. I'm not going to judge who's right and who's even more right... The Freelance service, from my point of view, is completely horribly organised.

How can you allow people to freelance who take an order and start asking on the forum how to do something...

In my opinion, to work in the service of "Freelance" would not hurt to conclude a separate contract, and not just get the status of the seller. But, this is just my purely personal opinion.

Err, friend... Don't confuse the terms. The conductor here is MQ...

And here's the one who, on the phrase "I'll give you 10, and no more", comes up to you and whispers in your ear, looking back at the conductor, whispers - I can arrange it - here's him, too, with a kick in the ass.

And you both stand there in the wind and convince each other and those around you that it was the conductor's fault.

And as for the second part of what was said - I will create a poll.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

And the fourth option (as close as possible to what happened):

You get on the bus and you say.

"I'll give you 10 and no more"...

The conductor: "You owe 30 rubles, that's the fare and it's not up to you to change it".

You: I don't know, I don't have any more...

You get your ass kicked... and now you're standing in the wind on the pavement thinking about respect

A bus driver comes up to you: "Get in, I'll give you a ride for 10, I'm empty anyway."

Then the bus driver gets attacked by the bus conductor and the bus driver and says, "You'll know how to beat the customers away from us, you bastard."

p.s. To repeat my understanding of the situation: "It's all about respect" -- and there's nothing to speculate about, respect is either there or it's not (yet, or already, it doesn't matter)

And you're mixing it up - no one forbids you to take orders anywhere else. But when you negotiate within the service - this is at least incorrect in relation to the service that brought you the customer. And as a rule, it is forbidden at all.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:


p.s. To reiterate my understanding: "It's all about respect" -- and there's nothing to speculate on, respect is or is not (yet, or is already, it doesn't matter)

About respect I wrote to you above - first show it yourself to expect it for yourself.

Artyom Trishkin:

Uh, friend... Don't confuse the issue. The conductor here is MQ...

But the one who, on the phrase "I'll give you 10, and no more", comes up to you and whispers in your ear, looking back at the conductor, whispers - I can arrange it - here's him, too, with a kick in the ass.

And you both stand there in the wind and convince each other and everyone else that it was the conductor's fault.

And as for the second part of what I said - I'll create a poll.

Who's the driver, then?

Actually, the conductor is the one who gets the money. It turns out that the Freelance service is the driver and the MQ is the conductor... The role of conductor is left to the doer...

Alexey Viktorov:

Who's the driver then?

Actually the conductor is the one who gets the money. It turns out that Freelance service, is the driver and MQ the conductor... The role of conductor is left to the doer...

Well let's branch out: bus - MQ, driver - Freelance service, conductor - Freelance service terms and conditions.

Artyom Trishkin:

Let's branch out: bus - MQ, driver - freelance service, conductor - freelance service conditions.

Suit yourself. I'm out of the discussion, it's none of my business.

Alexey Viktorov:

Suit yourself. I'm out of the discussion, it's none of my business.

I don't really like explaining to people what the famous saying about "how it will come back" means either. If you start by cheating, or being inattentive, then you can't blame it all on the service.

It doesn't concern you.

Artyom Trishkin:

I don't really like explaining to people what the famous saying about "how it will come back" means, either. If you start with deception or inattention, then you shouldn't blame the service for everything.

After Rashid published his historic post:

Forum on Trading, Automated Trading Systems and Testing Trading Strategies

Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the site?

Rashid Umarov, 2017.12.04 16:19

It's strange that even those who have been doing freelance jobs for more than a day go in violation of the rules.

Artem keeps talking and talking ... about something, the essence should be seen and noted.

And the essence I personally see it this way. One rule and two corollaries.


When a developer makes any of his requests, he confirms

I wish to carry out the work in question and carry out all calculations on it in this Application. I undertake not to make contact with the Developer outside of this Application - neither in third party messengers, nor in personal correspondence or by post - before entering into the Agreement. I understand and accept the condition that a rule-breaker will bedisqualified from fulfilling orders in Freelance.

If the developer violated this obligation - that's one thing. But if he didn't break it, then charging him with it (especially indirectly or in absentia) is weird.

As far as I understand, not a single developer has been caught in violation of this obligation. Or have they?

Corollary one:

As I wrote above and as I see it -- it's all about respect -- nothing else (there are also words like: self-respect, disrespect, mutual respect)

Consequence two:

I have nothing more to add on topic and substance. I left the topic ...

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

After Rashid published his historic post:

Artem keeps talking and talking ... about something, the essence should be seen and noted.

And the point I personally see is this. One rule and two corollaries.


When a developer makes any of his requests, he confirms

I wish to carry out the work in question and carry out all calculations on it in this Application. I undertake not to make contact with the Developer outside of this Application - neither in third party messengers, nor in personal correspondence or by post - before entering into the Agreement. I understand and accept the condition that a rule-breaker will bedisqualified from fulfilling orders in Freelance.

If the developer violated this obligation - that's one thing. But if he didn't break it, then charging him with it (especially indirectly or in absentia) is weird.

As far as I understand, no developer has been caught in violation of this obligation. Or have they?

Corollary one:

As I wrote above and as I see it -- it's all about respect -- nothing else (there are also words like: self-respect, disrespect, mutual respect)

Consequence two:

I have nothing more to add on topic and substance. I've gone off topic ...

Zelinsky's position is clear - he is now passing all the work past Freelance. He submits requests for work, but none of the completed ones has been submitted since August. You will say: "What has Luzhkov got to do with it? It is not, as usual.

So every time he comes out with a defense of the next performer, who works outside of Freelance. Especially if this performer has been complained about by a client who decided to outsource the job. This is his way of whitewashing himself.