Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 11

Ivan Titov:


If you can't do your job, does that give you the right to take it out on innocent doers? There are plenty of civilised solutions: 1)change the rule; 2)expand the staff of moderators; 3)change jobs, finally.

Innocent performers.
Agree to modify the decompiler and participate in the work, knowing that the customer has the intention to remove the work from the service ...


If my opinion is anything to go by, it's simple:

  • Forum moderators should publicly answer for their mistakes? Yes, and there have been threads here where coders have publicly humiliated moderators and made them apologise. Over many pages of threads.
  • Do coders (people of such a highly intelligent profession) have to answer for their mistakes? Yes, of course they do.

Then what is the problem?
Didn't see some work and didn't remove the next performer from the service in time?


I'm exaggerating above of course, and forum moderators don't moderate any service, but the situation will go more lively and with more recovery when portal users actively click on Complaint.


And another thing - removing bans in the service Freelance conversations in a public branch is not solved (because none of the moderators here service does not moderate).
This is a service desk.


As for suggestions for improving the Freelance service - it is in the service desk: formed a proposal for improvement, and the results of the discussion in the branch - sent to the service desk (the usual standard way).

Ivan Titov:


If you can't do your job, does that give you the right to take it out on innocent doers? There are plenty of civilised solutions: 1)change the rule; 2)expand the staff of moderators; 3)change jobs, finally.

Will you be a public moderator there? Public means pro bono, for the sake of the service, not for your own profit. Then request to be assigned there and you will be an hourly study all the orders and report violations to the administration. And the remaining users will write to you - "you moderator, so you and look for all violations, and we will not tell you about them - still what (you're all jerks, and his anger on us) - our something small thing - grab any order, whether it is normal or with violations, and then - like grass, but we are honest and law-abiding...

And the fact that this is not a free noticeboard, nothing? And the fact that there are businessmen who are trying to catch a customer here and then work with him outside the service to not pay commission - to bite the hand that feeds - how? Gut? Is it supposed to be like that? Well, as if we rode for free in buses, we will do the same here...

That's the kind of thing that gets stopped. And if you were caught in the rink (through your own fault - the order was in violation), then it is your task to write to servicedesk and explain yourself.

Sergey Golubev:

Innocent performers.
Agree to modify decompiling and participate in the work, knowing that the client has an intention to remove the work from the service...

What other decompile? How will the customer take the work away if you don't give him contacts?
Sergey Golubev:
And another - remove bans in service Freelance conversations in a public branch is not solved (because none of the moderators here service does not moderate).
This is a service desk.


As for suggestions for improving the Freelance service - it is in the service desk: formed a proposal for improvement, and based on the results of the discussion in the thread - sent to the service desk (the usual standard way).

Service Desk replied with a link to this thread. The standard path has once again closed, the outrage continues.
Ivan Titov:
What kind of decompiling? How will the client take the work away, if I do not give him contacts? Service Desk replied with a link to this thread. The standard path has once again closed, the lawlessness continues.

Because the people here who haven't banned you are explaining to you why you got banned - for breaking your freelance contract - did you tick it off? I did. Did you read it? Of course not...

Artyom Trishkin:

And the fact that it's not a free noticeboard, is that okay?

Just because I expect adequate treatment from service for which I pay 10% of my earnings. And even if moderators aren't paid - nobody forced you to do this job, and this is no reason to screw around.
Artyom Trishkin:

And the fact that there are businessmen who try to grab a customer here and then work with him outside the service to avoid paying commission - to bite the hand that feeds them - how is that? Gut? Is it supposed to be like this? Well, like, we rode for free in buses, and we will do the same here...

That's what's being suppressed. And if you have fallen under the rink (through their own fault - the order was in violation), then it is your task to servicedesk to write and explain.

What do I have to do with those businessmen? Adjust your rink, the solution proposed above (as it turned out, you can add: 4) pay the moderators salaries.) About servicedesk also see above.
Artyom Trishkin:

Because the people here who haven't banned you are explaining to you why you got banned - for breaking your freelance contract - did you tick it off? I did. Did you read it? Of course not...

You're all trying to pass your implication off as an explanation. I refute: 1)I read it when I ticked it; 2)there was no breach of the freelance contract.
Artyom Trishkin:

Because the people here who haven't banned you are explaining to you why you got banned - for breaking your freelance contract - did you tick it off? I did. Did you read it? Of course not...

Of course I'm sorry, but I joined the topic because it's really not in the rules and would never guess that "not pressing the Complaint button" is a violation.

Really thought it was more important to direct the customer to the order, most of them do not read the rules and sometimes there are questions in the correspondence under the order of "and where the money to send?

No problem to click on all orders that I see with violations of the "complaint", would have been such a request (not even in the rules) - would have responded as is, but when the constant "we almost anything to deprive the work, even if theoretically we think that violated" is some kind of hysteria.


Submitting a bid does not mean agreeing to all of the customer's terms and conditions.

If the tenderer has written a budget of $10, it

- does not mean agreement to that budget (because it involves bargaining and clarification of terms and conditions and nothing is definitive yet)

- and therefore does not mean going out of the service.

Ivan Titov:
That is why I expect an adequate response from the service I pay 10% of my earnings for. Even if moderators are not paid - you have not been forced to do this job, and this is no reason to complain. What do I have to do with these businessmen? Adjust your rink, the solution suggested above. About servicedesk also see above.

So report infringements with the "Complaint" button and there will be an adequate response.

And if you don't know about the breach, how can you respond to it "without hacking"?

When did you personally press the "Complaint" button? When it affected you. And what did you complain about? Not about the infraction, but about the moderator who told you what infractions are.

But you did NOT click on the complaint when you saw the order in violation of the rules, but you left yourself there as a performer.

And someone else - who is also an order taker, by the way - did not leave his/her person there, but clicked on the complaint.

The complaint went where it was supposed to and there was an immediate reaction without any "hackwork".

So - no one is hacking - there is a message of violation - there is a reaction. No report - no reaction.

Galina Bobro:

I'm sorry, but I joined the thread because it's really not in the rules and in life I would not have guessed that "not clicking on the Complaint button" is a violation.

Really thought it was more important to direct the customer to the order, most of them do not read the rules and sometimes there are questions in the correspondence under the order of "and where the money to send?

Yes, no problem to press all orders that I see with the violations of the "complaint", would have been such a request (not even in the rules) - would have responded as is, but when the constant "we almost anything to deprive the work, even if in theory we think that violated" is some kind of tinplate.

And where did I say that not pushing the button is a violation?

Ehhh. If you knew how much work, nerves and time it took to get the hippo out of the swamp... But the hippo ended up on dry land and sat on top.