Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 12

Ivan Titov:
That's exactly why I expect an adequate attitude from the service that I pay 10% of my earnings for. And even if moderators aren't paid - you're not forced to do this job, and it's not a reason to screw around. What do I have to do with these businessmen? Adjust your rink, the solution proposed above (as it turned out, you can add: 4) pay the moderators salaries.) About servicedesk also see above.

My last post here - and off I go (as two moderators in one forum thread is a lot).


I already explained where to go if banned (from the forum or from the service) - service desk.

Moderators of the forum can not see who the performer in Freelance and who the customer. Admins (in the service desks) - probably see.
And sometimes admins ask moderators, such as "Comrade asked the service unbanned, he said he would no longer, believe me? With freelance I do not remember such a thing (I spend more time in English), but on the forum - was.

That is - there are no enemies and "evil people".
Try again in the service desk.

Artyom Trishkin:

So report infringements with the "Complaint" button and there will be an adequate response.

So write it in the rules. Otherwise, how do you know about it? Only after getting banned?
Artyom Trishkin:

And if you don't know about the breach, how can you respond to it "without hacking"?

Monitor. That's what I suggested other solutions for, other than changing the rules.
Artyom Trishkin:

When did you personally press the "Complaint" button? When it affected you. And what did you complain about? Not about the violation, but about the moderator who told you what violations are.

If you mean complaining about moderator abuse, that had nothing to do with it. And the story about the infraction in that post wasn't there.
Ivan Titov:


And you think that a public moderator only has to sit around the clock and monitor all the topics of the forum, all the services of the resource and look for violations and "offended"?

Well, browse at least a small part of the forum - maybe you will understand that you have proposed the impossible. So, moderators are programmers too, and also have their own stuff, and can do a lot for the service, and not only take from it, but also give...

So write it in the rules. Otherwise how do you know about it? Only after getting banned?
If you're referring to the complaint of insult by a moderator, it has nothing to do with it.

Should I spell it out? I am the same as you - just a user of the resource. Write a proposal in servicedesk, that it is necessary to add such a point, justify it. Why do you write to me that you are unable to see for yourself any of the features. I will not send such a proposal to servicedesk - I see the buttons, and I understand what they are for.

However, you were quick to see it too when the need arose to write a complaint against the moderator ;)

So you see everything perfectly well too, just pretending for some reason.

I also left the branch - how many times can I explain what has been explained many times...

Artyom Trishkin:
However, you also quickly saw it when a need arose to write a complaint against the moderator ;)

So you see everything perfectly well too, just pretending for some reason.

No need to imply and make up: I only used it after you mentioned it and insulted
Artyom Trishkin:

I'm just like you - just a resource user.

Well, you've been dumped here by servicedesk, and you've been dumped here by a moderator, pretending to be a regular user. Where to look for justice next?

Ivan Titov:

Well, the servicedesk has sent it here, and the moderator has leaked it, disguised as a simple user. Where do we look for justice next?

There is one truth: uncontrolled clicking on all the works on the part of the developer. Widespread unwillingness to delve into and read the task. And sending a request for work is an agreement on the job.

More flurry makes no sense. A work order is a signature in the WORK AGREEMENT.

Until the end of the day polemics closed. All posts will be deleted.

Vladimir Karputov:

There is one truth: the developer's uncontrolled clicking on all the jobs. There is a widespread reluctance to read the job.

Not true: I read the task and go into it when I clicked, as I wrote above. Unwilling to delve - is banning all the authors of requests indiscriminately.
Vladimir Karputov:

But sending a request for work is an agreement on the task.

Again untrue: sending a counter request with its own terms and conditions does not imply agreement to perform the work on the terms of the customer.
Vladimir Karputov:

Правда одна: бесконтрольное кликанье по всем подряд работам со стороны разработчика. Повальное нежелание вникать и читать задание.

+ Неправда: читал задание и вникал, когда кликал, о чем писал выше. Нежелание вникать - это бан всех авторов заявок без разбора.
Vladimir Karputov:

А ведь отправка заявки в работу - это есть соглашение на выполнение работы.

+ Опять неправда: отправка встречной заявки со своими условиями не означает согласие на выполнение работы на условиях заказчика.

Ivan Titov:
Wrong: ...Wrong again: ...

Thousands of posts could be written, lots of arguments could be made, but... as Kozma Prutkov used to say: "Get to the root!"

And the "root" here is called"Respect" -- that's what respect is all about.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Thousands of posts could be written, lots of arguments could be made, but... as Kozma Prutkov said, "Get to the root!"

And the "root" here is called"Respect" -- it's all about respect.

Two situations:

You get on the bus, sit down and turn your back to the window. The doors close, the bus goes...

The conductor: "It's 25 rubles."
You: "I'll give you 10 and no more, but I'm going anyway"...
You get your ass kicked ... and there you are, standing in the wind on the pavement, pondering about respect

You get on the bus, you ask the fare...

Conductor: "25 rubles."
You: "Sorry, I only have 10 and get off at the bus stop"...
The conductor reflects on nobility and respect

So there you go...

Look for analogies and see the root of the matter...

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

And the "root" here is called"Respect". -- that's what respect is all about.

When a pepper smiling in my face tries to take my wallet out of my pocket, the pepper gets banned. And then he tells everyone that he just wanted to give me his diamond-encrusted one instead of mine, and I - so bad - gave it to him in the melon.

So we get to the bottom of this, we remember respect and we shout about the presumption - if you didn't take it out, you're innocent.