Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 10

Artyom Trishkin:
Your 30 is subjective too.
The rest is your imagination. If the administration has decided that it is a violation, then that is their decision. Write to the BOD.

Artem, I'm here because I was sent here from the BOD. I need to confess here.)

You see the administration has decided that the Freelance dwellers are just thieves. The coding is done by the programmers themselves. For me it was just necessary to delete the job and warn the customer about a possible violation of the rules. I don't understand what this show is for. Showing your pants to everyone and chopping off the bough you are sitting on).

Artyom Trishkin:

Your words?

and it's yours:

So the fact that you "put a price of 30" in the application and wrote "will do" - it does not mean that you are willing to do and will do here, and for 30 - is subjective, and does not imply that you will not go to the side when the customer has clearly stated a limit - $ 10.

If I put it here, I'll do it here, otherwise why the check mark? Should I have written "I'll do it here"? If I put a minimum of 30, then I'll do it for 30, otherwise why the box on the application? Should I have added "I swear on my mother I'll do it for 30"? Can we stop implying and start being factual?

Artyom Trishkin:

Your words?

And it's yours:

If he had written 'from 10', there would have been no complaints about him or the performers. He was very specific about the price - the price that is impossible to provide in a freelance service.

"over 10" includes under 30. Less than 30 according to you can be provided in a freelance service? In any case - what does this have to do with performers?

Vasiliy Smirnov:

.. No one can handle the responsibility of administering Freelance...

No one does it on purpose. It's enough to flip through 1-2 pages to find rule violations sticking out in plain sight: 49 9 9145-2767 (WhatsApp)deividskype89 (Skype) QQ:2291076202 QQ:782841157 (qwj55321)

If they are sitting tight, it means that none of MQ of these pages even superficially, they do not care about these specific rules. Why did they make it up, I am curious.

Galina Bobro:

The only thing worse than a ban for breaking the rules is a ban for ignorance of the rules.

There is worse than a ban for not breaking the rules.
in summary form
First there should be filtering, then validation, then sanctions.
and the user should be able to use the first two steps.

Something is wrong here, sanctions are immediately sanctioned with a rule.
moderators and admins, do you even remember the rules of your service by heart?

the service can reduce the load on moderators and other checks if the service is improved in terms of filtering and validation...
Alexander Puzanov:

No one does it on purpose. It's enough to flick through 1-2 pages to find rule violations sticking out in plain sight:


If they stick out quietly, it means that none of the MQs even look at these pages superficially, they do not care about observance of these specific rules. Why'd they make it up, I'm curious.

Just click on Complaint and you won't have a problem.
And, by the way, moderators of the forum only see the complaints you clicked in half a day ...
Here is your first link was clicked by someone Complaint at 2 am today, which (the complaint) went to the admins of the service.

Sergey Golubev:

You just have to click on Complaint and then you won't have a problem.
And, by the way, the moderators of the forum only see the pressed complaints for half a day ...
Here is your first link was clicked by someone Complaint at 2 am today, which (the complaint) went to the admins of the service.

And in general, I think that it is necessary to make a section in Freelance advertisements.
For example, the first link from your list of links -

"I am looking for a programmer who will work with me and contact me by e-mail [email protected]. Will do some work for us for money. The job: to make an advisor for my website."

That is, make a section with advertising applications that are submitted immediately with payment to the service... only that's who (and how many people) will then all these advertising "cases" read, sift out and sort out (and most in such "advertisements" now - the Chinese) - there's a problem ...

Alexander Puzanov:

No one does it on purpose. It's enough to flick through 1-2 pages to find rule violations sticking out in plain sight: 49 9 9145-2767 (WhatsApp)deividskype89 (Skype) QQ:2291076202 QQ:782841157 (qwj55321)

If they are sitting tight, it means that none of MQ of these pages even superficially, they do not care about these specific rules. Why did they make it up, I'm curious.

Thanks for the links. You know, for there to be a reaction to such violations, you need to know about them. That's what the "complaint" button is for. You see it, you click it. It's easy. And now imagine how many topics and the amount of text in them, and how much time you think the moderator must spend to scan manually turning over each topic, every page of every topic, to read, understand the meaning and the situation, and take the necessary action on the violations found ... One lifetime is definitely not enough.

But in skype some people write me - like:
"You're a moderator, you must find and take action, but I'm not a moderator, I will not lift a finger to help you jerks. This is your responsibility and the responsibility of the administration, and we
- ordinary users do not owe anyone anything, but we really want a quick response to violations, honesty and fairness, but you, moderators, you won't get such a thing, because you all are crazy" ...
That's an exaggeration, but that's the point.
That's why I'm saying - in order to have a normal, quick reaction, you can just report the violation to the administration. But people usually only go there when the rooster pecked in the ass, and only when their Hataskrainian position is personally affected by the situation.


Uve moderators, because users of the service from these 'reactions' neither cold nor hot, with these rules MQ is trying to get benefits. But since it does not do much for that, so it will have what they serve through the 'complain' button. And to be served more often, you need to be loved or pitied, right? Will freelancers love you when they say 'I'll do it in 30' and you think 'I want to do MQ'? And that's because of the lack of moderation in this service.


In general, the approach is not a programmer, a programmer would solve the problem by adding to the 'rules' the rule: "who saw THIS and did not press the button is banned. That way, there will be no need to understand what freelancer wanted - you can banish anyone who opened the page of the service with any kind of violation and it will be all by the rules

Alexander Puzanov:

Uve moderators, because users of the service from these 'reactions' neither cold nor hot, with these rules MQ is trying to get benefits. But since it does not do much for that, so it will have what they serve through the 'complain' button. And to be served more often, you need to be loved or pitied, right? Will freelancers love you when they say 'I'll do it in 30' and you think 'I want to do MQ'? And that's because of the lack of moderation in this service.


In general, the approach is not a programmer, a programmer would solve the problem by adding to the 'rules' the rule: "who saw THIS and did not press the button is banned. That way, no need to understand what he wanted freelancer - can be banned anyone who opened the page of the service with any kind of violation and will be all by the rules


If you can not cope with the work, it gives you the right to take out anger on the innocent performers? There are plenty of civilized solutions: 1) change the rule; 2) expand the staff of moderators; 3) change jobs, finally.