Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 6

Galina Bobro:

If freelancing will:

1) video calls;

Why video? Is it to look for a husband or something? ))) You need screen sharing, you just can't do it without it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Why the video? Is it to look for a husband or something? ))) You need screen sharing, you just can't do it without it.

(e.g. to attract clients in whatever way possible))

Galina Bobro:

(attract clients in whatever way possible))

Judging by the abundance of Chinese on Skype, it seems to be working, because I have not had a single Chinese.

Rashid Umarov:

Yes, we understand that Freelancing needs to be improved and made as simple as possible

There are unnecessary steps in the procedure - neither for the client, nor for the contractor, nor for the service. Because of these unnecessary steps there are, for example, unnecessary arbitrage. Why is there no improvement/simplification with this?

PS If you don't know, it has not been announced anywhere - the freeze period has been extended again and now it seems to be definitive


It would be good to change the cost in the course of the order and have a mutual break.

I.e. we looked at the terms of reference, estimated the cost, but in the process of work (e.g. after the prototype) the customer has a desire and is ready to pay more - we made a mutual adjustment. Then the steps are clear. And so the key is to assess the terms of reference, work with mistakes and confirmation.

Regarding the "gap", there are cases where the contractor and the customer can come to an agreement without arbitration, i.e. agree on the division of the amount in the case of unsuccessful implementation.

Galina Bobro:

It would be a good idea to change the cost in the course of the ordering process and to have a mutual break.

I.e. we looked at the terms of reference, estimated the cost, but in the process of work (e.g. after the prototype) the customer has a desire and is ready to pay more - we made a mutual adjustment. Then the steps are clear. And so the key is to assess the terms of reference, work with mistakes and confirmation.

Regarding the "gap", there are cases when the contractor and the customer can come to an agreement without arbitration, i.e. agree on the division of the amount in the case of unsuccessful implementation.

It's like inviting builders, you tell them "guys I want silkscreen on the walls, a ceiling without seams, tile 1.6 to match the mirror, you do, and if you do not, I'll pay you less. the hell with it with the material for which I spent 5 years of his work ..." .

to me you read the terms of reference, if you are able to solve the problem, take it and say "the cost of the work will be Hediniz", if not able to say "I can not do it for you".

Why sign up for something you can not do?

Andrey Kisselyov:
It's like inviting builders, you say to them, "guys I want silkscreen on the walls, ceilings with no seams, tiles 1.6 to match the mirror, you do, and if you do not, I'll pay you less. the hell with the material on which I spent 5 years of his work ..." .

to me you read the terms of reference, if you are able to solve the problem, take it and say "the cost of the work will be Hediniz", if not able to say "I can not do it for you".

Why sign up for something you can not do?


I can absolutely do everything, but with everyone and not always for the cost that the customer likes. Sometimes it is cheaper to split up and deal with other customers. What's it to the service? I am not saying not to pay commission in this case.

For example, not so long ago, there was a customer who wanted to save/load objects from a chart into a file. The job was ok, but it turned out that he wanted it via OpenDialog, which is "a bit" different.

Now I've got one of them hanging around for the second month... There are just people we don't understand each other.

Galina Bobro:

I can absolutely do everything, but with everyone and not always for the cost that the customer likes. Sometimes it is cheaper to split up and deal with other customers. What's it to the service? I am not saying not to pay commission in this case.

For example, not so long ago, there was a customer who wanted to save/load objects from a chart into a file. The job was ok, but it turned out that he wanted it via OpenDialog, which is "a bit" different.

Now I've got one of them hanging around for the second month... Some people we just don't understand each other.

that's why you say "the cost of the job will be hedinic", is it difficult? if the customer agrees to the price, you work does not agree another customer will come who agrees to your price.

if you speak different languages, of course, if you speak one, it is necessary to seek a precise explanation of what a person means by a particular word. it is not clear what a person means when he writes "that squiggle clips this little pin and you get the whole thing.

With respect.


It's strange that even those who have been doing jobs in Freelance for more than a day go out of their way to break the rules.

Фриланс-сервис на Советник на встречных ордерах
Фриланс-сервис на Советник на встречных ордерах
Здравствуйте, нужен советник который будет выставлять встречные лимитные заявки. Задание: Допустим цена 100, я запускаю советника, он должен сразу выставить два ордера sell limit и bay limit на определенном ( регулируемый параметр) расстоянии от цены. Должны быть регулируемые параметры стопа и профита. Должен быть параметр начала и окончания торгов. Код должен быть открыт. Далее в личку..... Бюджет 10$ Заказчик забанен и заблокирован. Все кто отозвался - отключены от Фриланса. По другому видимо...
Rashid Umarov:

It's strange that even those who have not the first day of work in Freelance, go to a violation of the rules.

With all due respect... but in general it's strange to ban developers for just putting up a bid, but there is no violation of the rules. The customer offered an illegal version of the work - I offered a legal, in principle, as usual. Collusion should probably look where the work failed, and so did not even want to cheat, and already suffered).