The online KKM or new sticks in the wheels for freelancers - page 8

Rosimir Mateev:

I am from Bulgaria. All our cash registers have been online for a long time. Maybe for 10-15 years now. This is the case all over Europe, or maybe even the whole world.

Money is not as bad as it looks at first glance. There will be companies which offer a complete service - the delivery of a cash register together with the rest of the registration and other details about connecting the cash register to the tax office.

The way things are done in Bulgaria is as follows:

1. Decide to make a business which will receive receipts in cash

2. Registering a new company

Searching for internet cash register and registering services. There are such vendors by the thousands.

4. I order by phone or via Internet.

5. After 2 hours or a maximum the next day I receive the cash register, documentation and everything else about the connection to the tax office (our tax office).

6. Paying about 100-500 BGN, depending on the model of cash ($50-250).

7. That's all - I start working straight away.

I will say about the following, which will appear and you, if you have not yet appeared:

1. Each person has his personal account at our tax office

2. All state and big private companies have to give information to the tax inspection about the income and expenditure of each person (whether he has bought a car, travelled abroad, stayed somewhere in a hotel, etc.).

3. in this way the tax inspectors keep a personal account and if it turns red (you have spent more money than you have earned) they send you a letter demanding lots of documents and proofs of all your incomes and expenses from the last 5 years. The job is about the personal expenses and income (yours and the family's).

4. If with these documents you can prove that you have legally earned more than you have spent, it all comes to an end.

5. If you do not have time to prove, or if the tax office does not recognize your proofs, then proceed to the second level of the game - you already start to deal with the investigation, which already has the right to search the flat or office, confiscate documents or kompytry and generally services are already dealing with razvitelstvam, and not you. This procedure usually ends up in court, and there you know .........

We have the same situation and they also sell online cash registers for rent, with online registration of cash registers in the tax office, the cash register of these companies is included in their cloud.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

I spent a long time researching information on this law and combing through a lot of forums and resources on this law, and eventually started the process:


In any case, it is easier for freelancers-individuals (individuals) as they are not subject to all the legislation that a sole proprietorship is subject to. Freelancers only have to file a declaration (for 13% taxes), there are relevant points (on that sheet to be submitted to the tax office - you can google it), and that's it.
All the same in Belarus, and in Russia (I did not look at Ukraine, but probably the same).

You can work in local currency, and dollars, you do not need a cash register, you can open bank accounts in rubles, dollars, etc..
I am not going to have any problems here.

I learnt this from a forum where photographers from all over the former Soviet Union (from Russia and Ukraine to Belarus and Uzbekistan) gather. They send their photos somewhere in America, where they sell them on the sites and send them the currency.

All photographers are not IEs.

They accept money - someone by paypal (mostly Russia), by skrill (Uzbekistan and a little bit Ukraine), to foreign currency accounts of individuals (mostly Belarus), and so on - all this is possible, it's all legal and normal. And almost all work with an ePayments card (the one we have in our profiles), they even have a representative of ePayments in every thread and answer questions.

They file declarations for ... I think it's 13% tax (if it's Russia, if it's a different country, there might be a different tax figure).

There are no big problems here, even if you legally open a dollar account in a bank without an IE.

That is, freelancers are luckier here than if someone made himself a sole proprietorship, for example.

If anyone is interested ("brothers in mind" with the same problems, but from another profession) - a forum here.


For the IE - those who have not needed a cash register - they need one from July 2018.
But here it all depends on the technical possibility.

For example, one company (ATOL in my opinion) provides a cloud service (they have a cash register with a drive, the entrepreneur leases it from them). In this case, it is a connection by some code to the cloud (all via the Internet) to different platforms (Drupal, some other ... all there tested).
That is - here everything is simple.

It is more complicated, if your platform is foreign (like vbulletin) with VPS hosted somewhere like Bermuda + paypal (for example): there is no online cloud checkout integration in this case (integration needs to be different for each platform). And most likely, there won't be.

Therefore, such individual entrepreneurs continue to work, while proving (if "caught") the technical impossibility of complying with the law (which, incidentally, is spelled out in the law), or close down for this type of activity.


From time to time on the Internet we hear "moans and pleas" of such PE entrepreneurs who have VPS hosted abroad with a licensed western platform (where you can insert some hack on cloud checkout in case someone does/hacks it unofficially in tax committee) + western fundraiser (not web money, but paypal or skrill or something else), but there is one answer - you need a cash register, but there is no technical possibility to connect even a cloud checkout in this case. And many (tax or like Atol) do not understand what we're talking about either in text or in terms. One (the same as Atol) honestly told me - "we do not know such words - VPS, paypal.


Individuals across the whole spectrum of legislation are fine so far.
In other words, all this will not affect freelancers here.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

Well, we have the same situation, and they also sell online cash registers for rent with online registration of cash registers in the tax office, the cash register itself is included in their cloud.

But not for all platforms. For example, there is on Drupal + yandex cash register, on PhPShop + robokassa, etc..
Many don't (and some won't).

I outlined this in a previous post.

So here in Russia we're just at the beginning of the road (and the road is long, in many years ...).


Фрилансерам только подавать декларацию (на 13% налогов), 

Well, it is up to them to decide whether it is more profitable for them to pay 13% of their income

Or to be a simplified IE and pay 0% to 6% (0% tax is not paid in some regions when you register for a certain period).

Alexandr Gavrilin:

Well, it is up to them to decide whether it is more profitable for them to pay 13% of their income

Or to be a sole proprietorship with simplified taxation and pay 0% to 6% (0% tax is not paid in some regions during registration for a certain period).

It is up to them to decide ... and here with the new legislation there is a choice:

1. or remain a freelancer with legal work including currency, banks, and cards (especially with this payment card that everyone has in their profile) and pay 13% taxes, without a cash register;

2. or become a sole proprietorship, paying 6% maximum,
2.1. Then call from your region to Moscow (Moscow!) to the tax office or to a firm like Atol,
2.2. Listen to their explanation of something like "where is the website set up? In Bermuda? Go there, install the fiscal drive on a flash drive",
2.3. and if they say "where to go? It's a VPS!",
2.4. get an honest answer "VPS? ... hmm ... we don't know those words..."

Well ... let's say they will know such and other words by July 2018 (when they will have to put such IPs in cash registers).
But in that case the answer may be slightly modified - "VPS? hmmm ... we know that word!"
And in essence nothing will change ...

Sergey Golubev:

to decide... And here, with the new legislation, there is a choice:

1. or remain a freelancer with legal work including currency, banks, and cards (especially with this payment card that everyone has in their profile) and pay 13% taxes, without a cash register;

2. Or become a sole proprietorship, pay 6% maximum,
2.1. Then call from your region to Moscow (Moscow!) to the tax office or a firm like Atol,
2.2. Listen to their explanation of something like "where is the website set up? In Bermuda? Go there, install the fiscal drive on a flash drive",
2.3. and if they say "where to go? It's a VPS!",
2.4. get an honest answer "VPS? ... hmm ... we don't know those words..."

Well ... let's say they will know such and other words by July 2018 (when they will have to put such IPs in cash registers).
But in that case the answer may be slightly modified - "VPS? hmmm ... we know that word!"
And in essence nothing will change ...

Atol has a fiscal drive with a cash register, i.e. all the equipment at their sites.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

atol has a fiscal drive with a cash register, i.e. all the equipment is at their premises.

What kind of business are you in? It looks like a grocery supermarket.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

atol has a fiscal drive with the cash register, i.e. all the equipment is at their sites.

If there is no integration of their online cash register with the drive on many sites with many payment aggregators, then there is only way to physically connect the flash drive to the server where there is a VPS. That is - go to the Bahamas (for example), pay (negotiate) with the hosting owner, insert the stick on his server, to hire their resident to sit at his computer 24/7 ... :)

This is what integration is all about:

No vbulletin, no skrill, no paypal, no 2Checkout, ...
And there is only for those who sell something (fridges for example, or "truck there - truck here") to people in Russia by their Russian IP on their self-made online shop.

But there is no integration for working for foreigners from Russia in our line of business.
There is only physical contact of their drive with the server in Bermuda or wherever the hoster has his server physically located ...
And the money they naturally take ... And in requests (any question to them) it is necessary, of course, full disclosure of who you are, name, everything will be checked with TIN ...


I, by the way, actually called some places, and their answers here (not verbatim of course) in previous posts published.


Here with IP (close to our portal here profile) can be options as I described above:

  • continuing to work without a cash register because there is not (and will not be) the technical possibility of installing one,
  • Discontinuing the business,
  • wait for someone (firm) to install all the cash registers with drives according to our profile, and rent them out as a payment agent - that is, the money to them (they sell with integration according to our profile on the profile platforms), then keep the interest and the rest to us.


But by the way, I don't think this branch (and cashiers in general) has anything to do with the individuals freelancers here or with Metacvotes at all.

Sergey Golubev:


There may be options for the IE (with a profile close to our portal here), as I described above:

  • continuing to work without a cash register because there is not (and will not be) the technical possibility of setting one up,
  • Discontinuing the business,
  • wait for someone (firm) to install all the cash registers with drives according to our profile, and rent them out as a payment agent - that is money to them (they sell with integration according to our profile on profile platforms), then keep the interest and the rest to us.


That is, in a nutshell - if there is someone who has idle computer capacity - he (after assessing the size of the market) can organize such an agency with cash registers.

IE just replace their details on his (his pepal on his paypal, etc.).
That is - all he sells (of course, approximately our profile - at least to understand what services he sells) + possible advertising on the websites of IPs of this agency and its partners.

Revenue is then transferred from him as a legal person to IE as a legal person (IE for banks - legal person) without cash for IE (between legal persons cash is not necessary).

And then all the competitors in similar activities to our profile become partners who act in the interests of the agency. Across the whole of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Golubev:

That is, in a nutshell - if there is someone who has an idle computer power - he (preliminarily evaluating the market) can organize such an agency with cash registers.

IE just replace their details on his (his pepal on his paypal, etc.).
That is - all he sells (of course, approximately our profile - at least to understand what services he sells) + possible advertising on the websites of IPs of this agency and its partners.

Revenue is then transferred from him as a legal person to IE as a legal person (IE for banks - legal person) without cash for IE (between legal persons cash is not necessary).

And then all the competitors in similar activities to our profile become partners who act in the interests of the agency. Throughout the RF.

Another idea.
You can do without computers at all.

That is, if the agency is registered abroad in a normal jurisdiction, and where that jurisdiction does not need a cash register for payments over the internet from individuals to businesses, then the agency just need to have the following:

  • a normally registered legal entity with a merchant account at a bank in that country, and
  • register a business/trading/[different payment systems have different names] account for yourself and this merchant bank account in all payment systems (I think there are no more than 20 or 30 of them, including foreign ones, which are more or less popular).

That's it. No need for a fleet of computers (as such an agency has no cash registers).
The agency is a seller wherever it takes, and you and I as real sellers of services - we receive revenue from the agency with a certain frequency as a legal person from a legal person, minus the agency's own margin.

And you get a freelance service, maybe even according to the slogan:

If the client doesn't go into freelance - then freelance goes to the client

And everything will turn out like in this reworked joke:

Nothing in nature disappears without a trace. If suddenly vodka freelancing and information services from legal entities disappear in Russia, then somewhere it will appear? That's where Russia will be.


That is all, we are out of ideas.