The online KKM or new sticks in the wheels for freelancers - page 2

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

so the desperate will always hang on to freebies

ALWAYS it's all about finances - cut off finances and everything goes out - faith included

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Good idea, if I were the Tsar I would, and the officials would switch to card payment like in Soviet times, with a ban on using any means of payment

As far as I understand, you have to buy such a cash register.

Evgeny Belyaev:

As far as I'm concerned, such a cash register has to be bought

of course !!!

My money goes to the bank via payment aggregators. everything is legal, transparent and I sleep peacefully.
Alexandr Gavrilin:
My money goes to the bank via payment aggregators. everything is legal, transparent and I sleep peacefully.

well - no.

look at the cash register - more reliable! cash - it's not visible to the tax authorities either.

Alexandr Gavrilin:
My money goes to the bank via payment aggregators. everything is legal, transparent and I sleep peacefully.

Now they will force you to open an online cash register? I wonder why when the money already goes to the bank.

I don't even want to read this bullshit, I ran my eyes over it and it was such nonsense.

Now the milking of the population will start again soon, I guess... because of the trillion rubles that officials embezzled from the treasury in 2016 (3 times less per year is allocated for health care for the entire population).

Alexandr Gavrilin:
My money goes to my bank via payment aggregators. everything is legal, transparent and I sleep peacefully.

We all sleep peacefully. There are very few people here who pay taxes from freelancing.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I wonder why when the money already goes to the MS.

the law, you can't break it, not enough for them. you know? )

no cash registers is grounds for fines, that's all.

first they develop an ecosystem, then they push the law and charge money.

it is clear when you look at the fact that the machines are ready, someone has already made them and they are on sale everywhere.


fuck, it should be about thirty or shut the fuck up and into the worshorn (

отсутствие ККТ основание к наложению штрафа вот и все.

Exactly, the tax authorities do not care about the reasons for not having a cash register...

According to the latest information found on the net, I understood that I can sleep peacefully until July 1, 2018 (because payments are accepted only through the Internet, cash is not accepted, acquiring on the side of Yandex.kassa), then, if nothing changes in the law (I hope that the amendments will be introduced, because a wave of discontent will 100%)

have to spend money on a cash register or go to a niche where cash registers are not applicable.