The online KKM or new sticks in the wheels for freelancers - page 5

Alexander Ivanov:
))) The main thing is stability.

Well actually - I am in favour of stability - these 90s are annoying for many in our country!

And I really don't want a 1917 scenario - when all the surviving vineyard owners are sent to Paris via Constantinople. Straight from Kerch, Yalta and Sevastopol.

History goes round in circles.


Agnet FNS, but especially its masters have already clearly pissed themselves - at that thought.


there's a clear totalitarian streak ...
an attempt to take control of the web...
it started when the fsb wanted to buy classmates, and then, with the patronage of sber, those behind mail took over messengers, even the not very profitable ones, classmates, then vk...
he was not forgiven and that's why they lashed out at telegram... - because it's on telegram...
there are those who have not sold out, they are under pressure, including through roskomnadzor.
now these cash registers, the law came out, they made it compulsory for internet shops...
if there are several ways to do it, there should be several cash registers, none of them universal.
the trick is that it's not realistic to show their purchase as an expense...
The funny thing is that the law has been passed and orders are accepted at cash registers, but there are no such registers.
There will be more hysteria when the fines come in...
this reform is painful for small online shops and services that serve them, various srm.
the idea is that it should be a bit more expensive to send goods to Russia...
and so is Yasha...

Ilnur Khasanov:

There's a clear totalitarian streak ...
trying to take control of the web...
it started when the fsb wanted to buy odnoklassniki, and then with the patronage of sber those behind it took over messengers, even the not so profitable ones, odnoklassniki, then wk...
he was not forgiven and that's why they lashed out at telegram... - because it's on telegram...
there are those who have not sold out, they are under pressure, including through roskomnadzor.
now these cash registers, the law came out, they made it compulsory for internet shops...
if there are several ways to do it, there should be several cash registers, none of them universal.
the trick is that it's not realistic to show their purchase as an expense...
The funny thing is that the law has been passed and orders are accepted at cash registers, but there are no such registers.
There will be more hysteria when the fines come in...
this reform is painful for small online shops and services that serve them, various srm.
the idea is that it should be a bit more expensive to send goods to Russia...
and so is Yasha...

No one at the top is going to do anything for the sake of some mythical state.

It is logical to go to power only for personal enrichment and security - at all times, that is why they have always been in power, because this merry-go-round throws out random people with its centrifugal force.

In general, when the government interferes in business, they usually end up with

  • a dacha near Gelendzhik
  • a vineyard near Anapa
  • flights of dogs on planes
  • real estate in Tuscany
  • yachts
  • forbes list
  • occasional trainers and shirts
  • Pension 6tr.
  • 4 or 5 rubles for utilities.
  • The phrase: no money but you hang in there. (meaning that soon the state will squeeze more and more) look for any RETAIL to suck it.
Alexandr Gavrilin:

Started the process of setting up a cash register for accepting money from natural persons by law.

Or maybe it was a year too soon? There is an opinion on page 19 of

Онлайн-кассы для интернет-торговли
Онлайн-кассы для интернет-торговли
  • 2017.06.27
  • Аня Амасова
Все прочитала, могу ли я "резюмировать" и задать еще уточняющий вопрос? Ситуация: организация на усн производит свою продукцию и реализует готовую продукцию, в т.ч. физикам, через оформление заказа на сайте организации и выставление счета. Физик оплачивает через банк или онлайн-банк, организация выдает продукцию и тн (никакого...

Or maybe a year too soon? There's an opinion here

it all makes me think of buying shares in atol,

i wonder who owns the company?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

They clearly said there is no money, so they will seize it.

Why this stupid financial flow through the tax office. Cut the hell out of them - they only hinder "fair" redistribution.

Sasha, eepst - can we directly transfer money to personal accounts of the gentleman with flying dogs, the owner of cottages near Gelendzhik for silver cranes, the owner of vineyards near Anapa for his new fantasies.

For just one phrase: NO MONEY BUT YOU HOLD OUT - you have to give a premium!

I remember a retard had a big press conference about a year ago. They asked him why he was using the money from oil sales to buy U.S. government securities, because the enemy imposed sanctions. Why don't you invest in the country's economy? That idiot's look. They pay interest. For the record, it's at best 0.5% per annum.

Alexander Ivanov:
Do you get it?

The author is an embedded agent of the FTS.
Now they've started looking into local freelancers too. Soon everyone will be paying tax, whether you leak or sit.

But I'm willing to pay. For the sake of our state.

That's what I thought for some reason.

Ilnur Khasanov:

there's a clear totalitarian attitude ...
an attempt to take control of the web...
it started when the fsb wanted to buy classmates, and then with the patronage of sber those who were behind may have taken over messengers, even the not so profitable ones, classmates, then wk ...
he was not forgiven and that's why they lashed out at telegram... - because it's on telegram...
there are those who have not sold out, they are under pressure, including through roskomnadzor.
now these cash registers, the law came out, they made it compulsory for internet shops...
if there are several ways to do it, there should be several cash registers, none of them universal.
the trick is that it's not realistic to show their purchase as an expense...
The funny thing is that the law has been passed and orders are accepted at cash registers, but there are no such registers.
There will be more hysteria when the fines come in...
this reform is painful for small online shops and services that serve them, various srm.
the idea is that it should be a bit more expensive to send goods to Russia...
and so is Yasha...

It may not be like that at all. Durov was the first to de-anonymise the internet, the internet was the internet, and then Durov with his Vkontakte and the compulsory registration via phone... And all about him, that he's so white and fluffy...

Then, like he's such a fighter against the FSB... Like he's so tough, he sent the FSB somewhere - well, that's ridiculous. Completed his mission with Vkontakte, so as to keep his image clean, he left it.

Being, as they say, "a promoted brand", he now poses as the face of the creator of Telegram... and the same song - a fierce fighter against the FSB for the rights of his telegram users.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I remember a retard having a big press conference about a year ago. They asked him why you were using oil money to buy up US government securities, it was the enemy, sanctions were imposed. Why don't you invest in the country's economy? That idiot's look. They pay interest. For the record, 0.5% interest at best.

By the way, why would he invest in a country he is not linking his future and that of his children?

He does not look like an idiot, he looks at the questioner as if he were an idiot.

:-) Lyosha, there is another way to interpret it, it's a way of playing the fool and a nice coin, even 0.5%, falls reliably in your pocket at the same time.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I remember a retard having a big press conference about a year ago. They asked him why you were using oil money to buy up US government securities, it was the enemy, sanctions were imposed. Why don't you invest in the country's economy? That idiot's look. They pay interest. For the record, 0.5% interest at best.

Interest is an official cover for the press, I think everything is much more complicated...
Tell me why the Chinese are holding a trillion there? Why do the Germans keep almost all their physical gold there (and can't get it back)?

The good thing about bonds is that they can be quickly exchanged for urgent needs. And if you spend it all on factories, roads (which will take years to pay off and little by little) .... And if you spend it all on factories, roads (which will take years to yield a return), then you won't have a reserve for urgent needs, and then you will be left with credit. And at the state level this is already an economic and political dependency. Von, in Ukraine they do not just give loans for interest, but for reforms that are profitable for borrowers, but not for the benefit of the country and its citizens.

Everything has to be in moderation - something into factories and roads, and something to keep in the fast lane.