Who or what is stumbling around - page 8

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, how easy it is, sitting in front of the computer...

No, I listened to a lecture in a museum, watched war films.

I don't get it, did you all have a hard childhood? Why are you all so obsessed with the war now? We all played tah-tah in our childhood, watched enough war movies, played zarnitsa at school, went to a military camp in the 10th grade, and served in the army. Haven't you had enough?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What logistics? Railway, one branch line. To assemble and pack - unscrew the machine from the floor, load it into the wagon as is. The main difficulty is the workshop buildings, but they are not particularly comfortable.

Well, what's there to talk about?
You're still talking nonsense.
I'd better go and see the boys for a drink,
The boys have more important things to think about.
The boys have serious things to talk about.
¶ like who drinks the hardest ¶
¶ they've got a broad mind ¶
From the stall to our grocery store.

Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания и мысли великих и умных людей
Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания и мысли великих и умных людей
  • www.inpearls.ru
Владимир Высоцкий: цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания, мысли великих и умных людей на сайте InPearls.ru

The guys are having a serious conversation -
Like who's drinking more.


Dmitry Fedoseev:
You don't understand humour, what can you take).
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The universe doesn't care about us at all. I have an acquaintance who practises getting out of my body. I was in a trance once, and we traveled together. I was in the phase, and I was in the phase and I was in the phase, and I was in the phase.
It depends on which worlds you go to.
Maxim Romanov:
I know the theory of increasing entropy, but it is not a fact that this is the case. If it were so, it is more likely that the Highlander is already alone and is now making up all that we have out of boredom. Provided that the universe exists infinitely, this option is the most probable, as the period of the dense universe is finite, but the empty one is infinite. So the thermal death of the universe has already occurred with infinitely high probability, if we follow the theory of increasing entropy and we are now.... nowhere

The universe doesn't exist, there's a point that doesn't exist either. Everything else seems to us to be an illusion. The main aim of man is to quickly evolve from this stupid meaningless state, still attached to some planet, which is already quite full of people. There are things that do not need to be created and they will exist forever, you just need to come to them and then everything else will happen :) The main things in life are not things :) Neither are people, it is your space that you create from within yourself, you project emptiness from emptiness, because from the centre (you) emptiness always diverges evenly and rounds into a three-dimensional sphere on a large scale, so our consciousness is always round and all objects on a large scale become round as projections, and on small ones too. Well someone still has everything flat :) It's quite possible that you're not either, and I'm communicating with you as my projection. Well... it's kind of Buddhist :)
Alexey Volchanskiy:

More than once I've noticed that as soon as I have big plans or bright ideas for developing a robot, problems arise that are completely beyond my control and derail the plans.

What can this have to do with anything? You are tempted to believe in the existence of dark forces ))
Dark parasitic entities that live on the astral projection of man.
Vitalii Ananev:

I was trying to imply that same-sex marriage is allowed in Europe and not welcome in Russia.

And what is better, when it is allowed or when it is not welcomed but does take place?


Dmitry Fedoseev:

No, I listened to a lecture at a museum and watched war films.

I don't get it, did you all have a hard childhood? Why are you all so obsessed with the war now? We all played tah-tah in our childhood, watched enough war movies, played zarnitsa at school, went to a military camp in the 10th grade, and served in the army. Haven't you had enough?

We must, we must put salt on the wounds to remember them better, let them ache.

Source:http://stuki-druki.com/Aforizmi-Visockiy.php Stuki-Drucks ©

Высоцкий - афоризмы, крылатые выражения, фразы, высказывания, изречения, цитаты, мысли
Высоцкий - афоризмы, крылатые выражения, фразы, высказывания, изречения, цитаты, мысли
  • stuki-druki.com
*** Настоящих буйных мало — вот и нету вожаков. (вождь) *** Зачем мне быть душою общества, когда души в нем вовсе нет! (общество) *** Мы успели: В гости к Богу - не бывает опозданий. (Бог) *** Я согласен бегать в табуне - Но не под седлом и без узды! (свобода) *** Я думаю — ученые наврали, прокол у них в теории, порез: развитие идет не по...
Yuriy Mosentsov:

What's better, when allowed or when discouraged but in place?


Hi Yura,

I see you've signed up.)

Are you going to enter contests?