Who or what is stumbling around - page 6


It means you have to choose, either your life or someone else's.

In the village, nothing would have changed in a week.

It's clear even to a child, but try to calm down an hysterical old woman) She was running around the flat for a week, screaming. By the way, in all the villages where houses were broken into, nothing was taken anywhere. Apparently they were looking for old icons or something. The village is rather remote, on the edge of civilisation.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

I don't think the universe makes any difference. However, some forces are really not interested in human development, but that's not the problem, they don't take the very idea of that development seriously.

The universe doesn't care about us at all. I have an acquaintance who practices getting out of the body. He took me into a trance once and we traveled together. I was in the middle of a trip, and I was in the middle of a trip, and I was in the middle of a trip to the other side of the world.
Vladimir Suschenko:

It's like the old joke:
A patient at the psychiatrist's office.
Doctor: - What are you complaining about?
Patient: Doctor, I'm a pervert!
Doctor: - Could you tell me why you think so?
Patient: - It seems, Doctor, that I'm a lesbian!
Doctor: ?!?!?!?!?!
Patient: - There are so many cool men around, but for some reason I'm attracted to women....

This joke is relevant for Europe, for the Russian-speaking population this bearded joke doesn't make anyone laugh anymore.
Vitalii Ananev:

This joke is relevant for Europe, for the Russian-speaking population this bearded joke does not make anyone laugh any more.

I know what and where it is relevant, since my school days I remember the phrase about "fools and roads". By the way, the roads are better now...
Just in case (in case someone thinks differently) I would like to notice that fanaticism and patriotism have nothing in common, except the same ending...
By any chance did you get the idea that quoting old jokes may not always have the purpose of making someone laugh (regardless of national or linguistic differences)?
Vladimir Suschenko:

I know what and where it is relevant, I remember the phrase 'fools and roads' from my school days. The roads are better now, by the way...
Just in case (in case someone thinks otherwise) I would like to notice that fanaticism and patriotism have nothing in common, except the same ending...
By any chance did you have an idea that quoting old jokes may not always have the purpose of making someone laugh (regardless of national or linguistic differences)?

And what is the purpose? And what is the connection between homosexuality, bigotry and patriotism? It feels like you're confused about the concepts ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

And what is the goal? And what is the connection between homosexuality, bigotry and patriotism? It feels like you're confused about the concepts ))

Sense has deceived you.
Andrey Dik:

It is very simple - the natural increase in entropy in the universe prevents any creative action. In other words, decay and destruction are always less entropic than creation and development (ordering, complication). So yes, in some philosophical sense the Universe is not interested in development of man, or in development of anything. That is why to go to bed more often is more desirable than to get up in the morning and go to work.

Thus a man meets a lot of obstacles in his way while creating something, but the blame for this lies not in temptations of the devil or envious neighbour (although the neighbour is also subject to the universal law and wishes to "simplify" the condition of the neighbour), but in the law of increasing global entropy.

In many trillion trillion years, any observer from anywhere in the universe will not see a single star around him. He will have no reason to believe that the Big Bang ever happened and will generally think that a hovering mind in the void has always existed and will exist forever. It will be the Highlander who will be the only one left.))
I know the theory of increasing entropy, but it's not a fact that this is the case. If it were, the Highlander would most likely have already been left alone and is now making up for himself out of boredom with everything we have. Provided that the universe exists infinitely, this option is the most probable, as the period of the dense universe is finite, but the empty one is infinite. So the thermal death of the universe has already occurred with infinitely high probability, if we follow the theory of increasing entropy and we are now.... nowhere
Vladimir Suschenko:

Feeling deceived you.

A verbal cop-out, no response
Maxim Romanov:
I know the theory of increasing entropy, but it is not a fact that this is the case. If it were so, it is more likely that the Highlander is already alone and is now making up all that we have out of boredom. Provided that the universe exists infinitely, this option is the most probable, as the period of the dense universe is finite, but the empty one is infinite. So the thermal death of the universe has already occurred with infinitely high probability, if we follow the theory of increasing entropy and we are now.... nowhere

I take it physicists have not yet decided whether we will expand indefinitely until total thermal death or still start shrinking. Given that it is still unclear what dark energy is, there are more questions than answers
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I take it physicists have not yet decided whether we are going to expand indefinitely until total thermal death or whether we are going to start contracting after all. Given that it is still unclear what dark energy is, there are more questions than answers
One day we will be swallowed up by a black hole).